
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · 歴史
162 Chs

Chapter 73. Decline

You Jin was caught off guard by this unprecedented news. She showed a helpless smile: "Mom, I'm only twelve. Isn't it too early for you to worry about it?" One must know that she was twenty-eight and a single dog in her previous life. Was this life going to make up for being single for too long in her previous life?

"You will have your thirteenth birthday at the beginning of the year. How could it be too early?" Mrs. Su rolled her eyes, "That He Family's eldest son will be sixteen this year. You aren't in a rush but many people are!" Mrs. Su seemed to regard He Xuan Hai as a wealthy son-in-law.

It was only then that You Jin realized that things were going in a strange direction. She quickly stopped Mrs. Su's words: "Mother, I don't want to marry."

Seeing Mrs. Su's petrified expression, she quickly rephrased: "At least not in these few years. If I marry someone, then I will be someone else's wife. I have seven younger sisters and Kang-er. What will happen to you guys?"

"It's not like you're getting married now. We can set the matter now and get married when you reach of-age!" Mrs. Su argued in a low voice. She didn't think about the family's situation only getting better until her daughter mentioned it. In the end, the children were still young. If they were without You Jin, it would be difficult in the future: "We can't drag you down because of us, right?"

You Jin stared straight at Mrs. Su and seriously stated: "Mother, listen to me. I was the one who led our family from Cuifeng Village to Wuliqiao. It's my responsibility to bring up my younger sisters. Only when my younger sisters have a good home, can I feel at ease."

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Su sighed deeply: "You are still young, so naturally you don't know the importance of marrying a good husband. Mother has experienced more. So mother can't let you do things wilfully!"

"Now our family had earned such a large family business in less than a year. In two or three years, we can multiply it a few times. Wouldn't it be better to discuss marriage by then than now?" You Jin pointed out another fact. Their family was much better than He Family now. In two or three years, they will definitely make a fortune: "That's why raise head when marrying out a daughter, lower head when marrying in a daughter-in-law. It can't be that Mother wants me to marry down?"

It wasn't that You Jin looked down on He Family, but the difficulty of the imperial examination was really great: "There were too many people who are Xiucai in their forties and fifties. So what if he, He Xuan Hai, is still a Tongsheng until he is forty or fifty years old? Tongsheng, am I to bear it out with him for the rest of my life?"

Hearing that You Jin didn't hesitate to curse the other party failing the exam in order to reject this marriage, Mrs. Su was disgruntledly amused. Then she gave her an eye roll: "You are the only one who is so reasonable!"

Still, she accepted what her daughter said: "But since you don't want to, I won't force you. It's just a pity. Xuan Hai is such a good boy!"

In fact, Mrs. Su can't be blamed for being like this. After all, He Xuan Hai was indeed the best son-in-law candidate she had come into contact with so far in her life. It was a pity that she just missed it for nothing.

Mrs. Zhao didn't expect Su Family to reject this marriage. After hearing Mrs. Su tactful words, the smile on Mrs. Zhao's face faded a bit. Still, on the surface, she responded: "Indeed. This child is still young. It's not too late to check around again in a few years."

Both parties absent-mindedly talked for a while before Mrs. Zhao found a reason to go home. After seeing off Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Su worriedly asked You Jin: "It seems a grudge has been formed?"

"No, it will be fine when Auntie Zhao's mind turns around. Besides, we didn't agree to this marriage, did we?" You Jin didn't think it was a big deal. After all, the layer of paper on the window wasn't poke through. However, she warned Mrs. Su in advance: "However, if such a thing happens again in the future, Mother can't set it without telling us. If the marriage is forced, no matter who it is, they will blame Mother in the future!"

Hearing the threat in her daughter's words, Mrs. Su didn't find it was unfilial. She nodded slightly: "I understand."

Falling flowers were affectionate, flowing water had no intention. The unpoked window paper silently turned over. At first, Mrs. Zhao felt a little disdain. After all, her most proud son was rejected. This matter was infuriating to her.

Later, it was He Hao who unknotted her with a few words: "The marriage between a man and a woman is based on affection and consent, isn't it? Oh, if you must force the other's consent, then you should stop selling buns. Instead, it would be better to be a bandit, no?" He Hao did find it a pity in his heart. After all, You Jin was indeed good. Since it can't be set now, his own son won't have any chance in the future.

After hearing his teasing, Mrs. Zhao rolled her eyes at him in irk: "You are the bandit!"

But the knot in her heart had disappeared. Family Head was right. The two families haven't started checking the other yet. Fortunately, this wasn't brought to the surface. Let the past be the past!


During the first month, needlework wasn't allowed. Su Family didn't have any relatives to visit. Su Family's sisters read books and practice calligraphy at home every day. They nurtured and recuperated until the eighth day of the New Year. Only then Su Family's snack shop reopened. After being lazy for several days, Su Family became busy again.

It was still the New Year period. There were quite a few people who came to buy snacks. On the first day of resumption of business, it was busy to the point that the feets didn't stop moving. It wasn't until sunset when the newly baked red bean paste pancakes were sold out did everyone dragged their exhausted bodies onto the mule cart and went back.

"After being lazy for a few days, we come back so busy that we almost lose our heads. It's really too much!" Sitting on the mule cart, she grinningly thumped her arms: "But if we are so busy every day, it's not bad!"

That's because You Jin gave them bonuses according to the sales of snacks. The busier they were, the better the business was. The better the business, the more money they could get!

"Earn more money to buy flowers and wear them?" The few girls giggled and laughed. Completely in joy.

At night, after little Sixth and little Seventh had all fallen asleep, You Jin sat alone by the candlelight after coming out of the bath and entered today's income into the account. Then she locked up the money, laid on the hot kang with her back on the pillow and hands behind the back of her head. She had been calculating non-stop. At an unknown time, she fell asleep. When she woke up again, the sky outside was already bright.

She gently covered little Sixth and little Seventh who were still asleep and changed her clothes quietly. She combed and tied two buns with a lotus-colored hair band. Then she tiptoed out of the east wing. Standing at the door, she embraced the hit of winter morning coldness. She let out a puff of breath and the cold drove away the sleepiness.

"Eldest Miss, it's time for breakfast." Dou Kou and Cao Guo were in charge of making breakfast today. Seeing You Jin freezing in the corridor, they hurriedly invited her in.

After breakfast, Han Li drove the mule cart and sent everyone into the city. In the rickety mule cart, You Jin told them what she had planned last night: "A few days will be the Lantern Festival. There will be a lantern festival in Luohe Prefecture. On that day our shop will also be open until night. We will hang up a few lanterns for guessing riddles. It will definitely attract many customers."

Hearing about the lanterns, the few girls were very excited. Bai Zhi, who had seen the lanterns before, merrily spoke, "Lanterns! When I was young, I followed my parents to the town to see the lanterns once. It was beautiful!"

"I haven't even seen a lantern yet!" The few girls bought by Su Family were all children from poor families. Of course, not all of them had the experience of going to the town to watch lanterns like Bai Zhi. For most of them, it was more bitter suffering.

Seeing the few's heavy hearts and the longing in the eyes of the two younger sisters, You Jin grinned: "How about this? On the day of Lantern Festival, we will close the door and watch the lanterns together as long as our pastries are sold out. What do you think?"

Hearing what You Jin said, everyone nodded in delight. They all began to look forward to the upcoming Lantern Festival.


Now Sujiaxiang's shop was basically fully staffed. In the back kitchen, You Zhu and You Yin were in charge of piecing together the recipe and mixing the ingredients. □□, Bai Zhi, Dou Kou, and Cao Guo were responsible for kneading the dough and putting it into molds. The front of the house was You Jin leading Xin Yi and Ding Xiang in welcoming customers and selling snack. They cooperated very well.

After the first scent wafted from Sujiaxiang's back kitchen, guests came to the door. Now Xin Yi and Ding Xiang were very proficient. They can wrap the snacks that customers want to buy in a moment. Then they hand the collected money to You Jin at the counter and send the guests away with a smile: "Go slowly, Madam. Come back after enjoying it!"

In the afternoon, when there were fewer visitors, You Jin took off the kerchief wrapped around her head and told You Yin to watch the shop front. She put on the working lotus-colored padded jacket and went outside.

Broker Chen, who was drowsy after lunch, saw a somewhat familiar figure. He hurriedly raised his spirit and greeted the visitor: "Su Family's girl! Long time no see, how's the business going?"

"Thanks to Uncle Chen, everything is going well." After greeting Broker Chen with a smile, You Jin spoke, "Uncle Chen, can we talk in another place?"

Broker Chen knew Su You Jin. Since she came to him, there must be another business coming. So he brought her into the tea room and poured her a cup of steaming fragrant tea: "Miss Su, do you want to buy a shop or land this time round?"

After drinking a sip of fragrant tea to drive away the cold, You Jin explained the purpose of her visit: "I want to buy some more fertile land nearby. Preferably not far from Houjiawan. By the way, I would like to ask if there was any suitable wasteland near the official road. I want to buy some too."

Hearing what she said, the remaining sleepiness in Broker Chen's mind disappeared. He hurriedly answered in mirth: "There are some. It depends on how big the land you want. Then I can help you to ask the price."

"Quality land, about 20 mu. As for the wasteland, as long as it was close to the official road, about 50 mu is suitable." This was the final decision that You Jin made after calculating the family's money.

"There is really a piece of land in Houjiawan. Just across the river from the one you bought last time, Miss Su. The land is in a good location. The price is right, but the seller said they would sell 40 mu together... ..." Broker Chen said with some hesitation. Then he glanced at You Jin's expression to see if there was anything unusual.

You Jin's expression was normal. She calmly asked: "I wonder how much the owner asked for?" Although forty mu was a bit much, all the savings of Su Family now add up to nearly one thousand liang. They can still afford this amount of money.