
Elder Scrolls: Naruto

What happens when the greatest Naruto fan is thrust into that very same world? Will he hide in the shadows and watch his favorite series play out right before his eyes? Or Will he completely change the landscape of the world and rewrite history? Some say knowledge is power, and they were right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cover: Sueidysom Editor: Scarlet Goddess ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad

Myumara · その他
86 Chs


Seeing all the clones appear Hidetora is a bit surprised, and the two Chunin stop just ahead of them and look at all the clones.

The two Chunin pull out their kunai and take up a battle stance.

The forty water clones all pull out their swords and begin to encircle the Chunin. Suddenly all the water clones begin to charge.

The two Chunin stand back to back on a large tree limb and begin slashing the clones down as fast as they come in three seconds over ten clones were already lost, but they keep on attacking.

Hope returns to Hidetora's eyes as he sees this, he never thought this kid could actually help. Taking a breath he begins performing hand seals.

"Dragon, Tiger, Hare, Water Style: Raging Waves!" holding his hand near his mouth he spits out a huge torrent of water. The water hits one of the Chunin and blasts him away.

The Chunin hits a trunk of a tree, causing it to split in half as he coughs up blood.

Seeing this Clone Zitsu's eyes flash and he begins to make hand seals "Snake, Ram, Horse, Hare, Ram, Horse, Hare"

At the same time, over ten water clones jump all around the last Chunin and release, turning back into water and startle the Chunin as he was getting ready to attack. Three more clones arrive near the Chunin and hold out their hand as Clone Zitsu finishes his hand seals.

"Water Prison Jutsu!" All the falling water turns into a sphere with the three water clones sticking their little palms inside, trapping the chunin inside.

Grabbing his sword Clone Zitsu lunches at the water prison. The Chunin tries to escape but can't even move as the water is too dense. As his blade is about to make contact the three clones pull out their hands, ending the technique, and at the same time his sword slides into the Chunin's heart. The Chunin and Clone Zitsu fall out the tree from the force, the Chunin lands on his back and Clone Zitsu standing on his gut, driving his sword through his chest and into the ground.

The Chunin twitches a bit before dying. Seeing this Hidetora whistles as he begins walking towards the last Chunin.

Seeing this Clone Zitsu pulls out his sword and runs over. "Wait! Allow me!" Running past Hidetora he lunges forward with a horizontal slash, chopping the Chunin in half.

Hidetora is a little bewildered seeing this, isn't this kid too bloodthirsty?

All the water clones disappear as Clone Zitsu sheaths his blade. "What happened?" Looking up at the wounded Hidetora he squints his eyes.

He shakes his head "It was a trap, we thought we were facing a small resistance cell, some stragglers who broke free from the clan, but it turns out the clans are uniting!" He closes his eyes and leans on a tree in pain.

"When we were heading towards the destination Roktah stepped on paper bombs." His eyes open "It didn't kill him right away, his screams, his screams were like the signal to attack." He slowly shakes his head "There were too many, Capt. Shigeki and I got split up."

His face turned ugly "They must have captured Roktah alive to torture for information. I've known him since the academy, and he was always a weak-willed person." Standing up with a struggle he takes a breath "He'll talk." Looking around he frowns "I came this way to warn you guys, but Where is Mei?" He looks at Zitsu.

Clone Zitsu thinks for a second before walking behind a tree and releasing the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Zittsu, still pretending to be a rock, suddenly learns all the information and gain a ton of experience. His Taijutsu raises from 11 to 13.

"Release!" Not wasting any time he runs in the direction of Mei. Even though she is fighting four people, it's still probably safer with her.

As he draws closer the signs of battle are evident. Trees are collapsed and downright disintegrating, the ground looks as though giants rolled around in a fit of anger. Two partially melted corpses can be seen where he separated from Mei. Following the trail of destruction, he looks for Mei.

After running for two minutes he comes upon a pile of molten mud and half a still burning body. Running faster he is just in time to see Mei casting a jutsu.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" An entire water dragon flies out of her mouth and swallows the last clansman, the dragon curves around as it knocks down a few trees and rises into the air. As it gets to the tree line it slams into the ground, sending a tsunami of water in every direction.

Looking at Mei he can tell she isn't in the best of shape. Her clothes are torn in certain areas and bloody wounds can be seen.

"Mei!" He calls out almost instinctively

Mei already noticed him approaching from the back, making sure it wasn't an enemy. Seeing that he's safe a smile forms on her face.

"Bad news!" He runs up next to her. The top left part of her dress is torn, revealing the grey chain shirt underneath. Her shoulders and arms are full of cuts and a long gash can be seen on the right lower abdomen, completely ripping through the defense of her clothes. Seeing this causes his heart to ache a bit, cursing his uselessness.

"What happened?" her brows sink as she begins to frown.

"The squads who came with us were attacked, I saw one of the Chunin named Hidetora and he said Roktah was captured and will probably leak information."

Mei's eyes turn serious "If they find out we only had three Jonin, four Chunin, and a Genin on this mission with no backup we will be in series danger." Taking a deep breath she suddenly picks Zitsu up and carries him under her arm. "If the Kurata Clan hasn't joined them like they said we need to hurry, they were blocking the path towards their clan for a reason." Mei begins running at top speed, causing the wound on her side to bleed more profusely.

Even though he's pressed against the side of her breast, he has no time to enjoy it. Biting his teeth he makes hand seals "Mystical Palm" his hands glow green and he puts them over her wound.

Mei squints at the itchy feeling coming from her abdomen "You know Medical Ninjutsu now too?!? What other secrets are you hiding?" Her brows furrow as she runs.

Zitsu smiles wryly "I wouldn't call this medical Ninjutsu, all I can do is speed up the bodies natural recovery. My chakra control or knowledge isn't enough to perform surgery or series treatment."

"If it was that easy wouldn't everyone be a medic?!" Mei becomes flabbergasted hearing his answer, just speed up healing? Isn't that 50% of medical Ninjutsu?

Zitsu frowns hearing her words. Isn't he just stimulating the red blood cells to create collagen and the formation of granulation tissue, something anyone would know if they ever looked up how wounds heal.

Thinking up to here it hit him, while the Naruto world has electricity and refrigerators, it doesn't have things like electron microscopes or a hadron collider. How do people like Orochimaru do experiments? Is it similar to how humans during middle age earth used leeches for every treatment?

"It, it just came naturally to me" Not knowing how else to answer he just wings it.

Mei is quiet for a moment as she runs forward. "I don't know how, nor do I care. Don't think I'll hand you over to the medical team, just remember you work for me!"

Looking up he can see the corners of her lips twitching as if she's resisting smiling. After a few minutes, he heals her waist. Wriggling around, he manages to wrap his legs around her waist and hang on her like a koala as she runs, finally able to enjoy her ample breast.

Continuing to use Mystical palm he heals her other wounds while she focuses on running. The entire process cost him around 50 chakra, bringing him down to around 230. But because he has nineteen Shadow Clones in his pocket that he can release at any time to restore chakra he's not worried. The more he uses Shadow Clones the less he understands about the Naruto series.

After a few minutes, they come upon a clearing in the forest. What looks like a forest mansion is now under attack by over twenty ninjas. The Japanese style estate surrounded by high walls and some form of barrier is being bombarded with wind, water, and fire jutsu. Twelve ninjas stand on the wall with their hands clasped and face ashen as cracks in the barrier constantly form.

Seeing the situation Zitsu drops down to the ground, allowing Mei to rushes forward a bit and begin making hand seals.

"Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet" Mei stops hard on the ground causing it to crack, suddenly a dragon head made of mud breaks from underneath the ground and begins firing bullets of mud. As the mud bullets begin to fire from the dragon's mouth she makes a few more hand seals and begins spitting molten mud to cover the bullets as they fire into the attacking shinobi.

Zitsu's eyes widen as he witnesses her combination jutsu.

This chapter is dedicated to the weak-willed Roktah.

Myumaracreators' thoughts