
Back to school again...

Reima continues to watch as the professors walk in to get breakfast, Poppy Pomfrey the Medi-witch/healer, Professor Mad-eye Moody/Barty Crouch or David Tennant as Reima refers to him. Pomfrey eyes him up like a frog on a dissection board while Moody stays far away from him, for obvious reasons.

Reima continues to watch and wait for the last few teachers to arrive but for some reason they don't, Professor Sybill Treylawney, Madam Hooch, Hagrid and Headmaster Albus Dumbledore don't seem to bother getting breakfast today and so his attention is drawn to the sleepy looking ashen haired girl who'd plopped down next to him, rabbit in hand.

He retrieves a box of Tomato juice that he'd filled with blood and stored away for just such an occasion and fills a small goblet with the liquid, the bunny's nose twitch and it immediately starts sipping up the blood. Ciri unfortunately still not awake picks up the goblet and attempt to drink it, only to spit it out all over Reima's half eaten breakfast... Dude, come on!

Reima "Ciri, do you mind?" he asks gesturing towards his ruined breakfast, which promptly disappears and is replaced by a fresh plate.

Ciri rubs her eyes and grumbles, "No, do you mind? Putting blood next to my drink, is this your idea of a prank?"

Reima strokes the back of Snuffles who's gotten a red tint around the fur around her mouth. "Would you rather Snuffles goes hungry?" he says while playing his guilt trap card!

This placates Ciri who lays a finger on her staff that's propped up against the table and casts "Scourgify" which caused bubbles to wash her mouth out. She grimaces at the bitter taste of soap but it soon disappears, along with the lingering aftertaste of blood.

Reima "You ready for our tests?" he asks.

Ciri "I suppose... Though I'd prefer having the full amount of time to study, trying to learn seven years worth of material in a couple months is a bit much to ask don't you think?"

Angelina Ciri's dorm mate sits down next to her, "A couple months?"

Ciri glances at her, "Isn't it rude to listen in on other conversations?"

Angelina shrugs, "Say that to the thousands of living painting around the castle, unless you do a couple favour for each of them they'll rat you out to Filch like it's nothing."


Reima "Favours?" he question, what could a painting want?

Angelina blushes, "Well, some of the male painting are a bit... Frisky?"

Ciri "And the female ones?"

Angelina shrugs, "They sometimes ask to be moved closer to other painting for easier access, the one they ask for the most should be the bath house painting... I think I agree with their choice."

Reima "Wait, why would you need to be sneaking around anyway?"

The Quidditch chaser snorts, "What? You never had a rendezvous with someone you fancy?"

Reima "Kinda?" Ciri "All the time."

Angelina grins at Ciri before looking at Reima, "Kinda? You're a good looking guy, although your eyes might put some off..."

Reima scratches his chin not sure whether or not to be offended, "I've just never had the need to sneak around... It's always been cut and dry, no meeting after dark in a secluded space, I think my friends took way too many trips down the local park though. Sorta hard to ignore the dirt staining their knees when they came back..." he says grimacing at those awkward interactions with his "Definitely not gay" friends. The trio had a chuckle at that.

They continue to talk about various subjects until someone approaches Reima from behind.

"Ah, M-mister Ludvig?" a nervous shaky voice asks.

"Yeah?" he says while turning, only now noticing that she looks familiar... Oh! The girl who was being tortured alongside Harry Potter at the World Cup... She had long brown hair, brown eyes and is an average height with an equally average build, though her breasts are coming along quite nicely... No, bad Reima, mentally chastises himself before moving his gaze back to her eyes.

"I-m Tracey Davis, I h-heard it was you w-who saved me" she stutters out while shaking in a similar manner to Harry Potter, only not as severe. Only now Reima notices that she's wearing the green colours belonging to the house of Slytherin, weird, why would she be attacked if she belongs to the same crowd?

Reima "Don't worry about it, I only hope you'll do the same should you find someone in danger." he says giving a nonchalant gesture.

Her face reddens, "T-thank you, I just w-wanted to say t-that. B-bye now." she says before escaping like a hunted rabbit.. No offence Snuffles.

Angelina "Looks like you've already got fans, Ciri's beating you in that department though." she says nudging her head down the table at some of the boys who're almost drooling.

Ciri just shakes her head and continues eating, wondering when all these boys started paying attention to her.

The breakfast continues and the rest of Ciri's dorm mates along with Damien join the trio, they continue to chat, bicker and laugh, well, until Damien asks where Phoebe is... After that it's just awkward. Luckily he's saved by an angel, or more accurately Professor Babbling.

"Mr Ludvig, Miss Rivia, I've come to collect you for your placement tests... Are you both ready?" she asks.

They both nod, get up and collect their staff's, Ciri lifts Snuffles into her bosom and they start to follow Professor Babbling down the winding halls of Hogwarts while being encouraged by their new friends.