
Elden Ring: The Lord of Chaos

A being of great power arose from the forsaken graves, seeking to reclaim what was once his, or so its said. The Dark Lord, a name spread far and wide across the continents that lie outside the lands between. Terror crept within the bones of mortals upon hearing that name as well as Anxiety, Insanity, Desperation and more. None dared to oppose him as all who did became forgotten. None even dared to utter his name, a sworn taboo it became. So let it be known to those awaiting his arrival in our home, across the fog, the lands between. Sauron The Dark Lord has returned.

Shadowclone1001 · ゲーム
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebirth of The Dark Lord

Middle Earth. A world occupied by many intelligent races aswell as mythical beasts.

Yet within this world, there existed a particular being immensly feared throughout the lands.

Once known as Mairon the Lord of Gifts, he now goes by both name and title, Sauron The Dark Lord.

Nevertheless, even if he was a being of great power, he was without flaws and suffered defeat by the hands of mortals.

No longer bearing the One Ring on his finger, Sauron lost his corporeal flesh and was cursed ever to wander middle earth.

Witnessing the terrible defeat of his disciple, Morgoth unleashed most of his mighty power to attain Sauron.

The Valar realizing his intentions sought to stop him from achieving his goal but failed in attempt.

Succeeding in his final endeavor, Morgoth placed Sauron into a deep uncouncious state before seeping evil essence within his soul.

Sauron unaware of the events occurring was laid upon a throne by Morgoth as he spoke with great power in an ancient language. "The shadow of my thoughts shall lie upon you, and my hate shall accompany you to the ends of the world"

Morgoth then called forth power from seemingly the void itself as he gathered it together with Sauron as the source.

The immense presence of multiple Valars were fast approaching Morgoth's location due to giving up resistance.

Yet Morgoth did not care, the Void carried his evil laughter as he once again spoke with mighty power. "Upon all whom come across you, let them feel my weight of terror and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair!"

"For wherever you go, Evil shall arise. Wherever you speak, your words shall bring ill counsel. Wherever you turn, all shall go against you. Yet even so, let all those that oppose you die without hope, forever cursing both life and death!"

The Valars finally reaching Morgoth after passing his defences gazed with fear upon the source of vast energy gathering together.

Morgoth sensing them nearby laughed once again as the energy grew thicker every passing second.

A Valar stepped forward and pleaded. "Melkor!, enough with this madness and terror!, using the Flame Imperishable is beyond even you, the chaos that would ensue right after is out of our combined capabilities to even consider handling!!"

Morgoth ignored her plea as he gazed upon his disciple with anticipation. "Let this be a lesson to all you ignorant fools. I am the Elder King: Melkor, first and mightiest of all the Valar, who was before the world, and made it."

"The shadow of my purpose that once lied upon Arda in which bent slowly and surely to my will, now lies deeply within my disciple as he will carry both my will and power. This I solemnly swear and witness as both Melkor and Morgoth."

The Valars seeing no other choice combined their powers and aimed to disrupt Margoth's plans once again.

The combined powers of the Valars first intended to destroy the vast energy created by Morgoth. They knew that destroying Morgoth with the Flame Imperishable is impossible.

Instead, they aimed all their power at Sauron knowing he was the centre of it and seemingly the Weakest link they could discover.

The moment the two powerful energies clashed, it sent a powerful wave throughout the universe reaching even the middle earth.

It even gained the attention of an unfathomable being who gazed towards the source with interest.

The Valars slowly but steadily gained foothold as their power was piercing through the vast energy without trouble.

Morgoth who was surprised by their power being able to pierce the Flame Imperishable's energy, shook with rage.

"You shall not interfere!!!." His powerful roar caused the vast energy to form multiple spears of bright red flames.

Each spear emitting power capable of injuring a Valar, flew at speeds mortals couldn't dare comprehend.

"Do not falter!, his control over the flame Imperishable is nothing short of a fledgling." The Valar known as Manwë shouted as he used one hand to aid in destroying Sauron whereas the other blocked the powerful spears.

True to Manwë words, Morgoth only held the basic knowledge regarding the flame Imperishable. Although it is enough to help accomplish his goal, it's not to the extent he can overwhelm the Valars together.

The only reason he held advantage in this encounter was due to all the preparations beforehand.

However it seems even that wouldn't be enough as the Valars power would eventually reach Sauron before he could even succeed.

Morgoth in a last resort used every bit of remaining power he held left, including the life essence that formed his very being by the all father.

All this would've made most think Morgoth truly cared about Sauron. Oh how wrong they'd be.

The sacrifice of Morgoth's very life force allowed him to regain control of the situation.

The power of the Valars were reduced by a small amount, yet it was all Margoth needed to succeed as both he and Sauron souls started to fade.

The Valars began to panic as they used every bit of power they could muster to gain advantage.

Yet with the combined power of the Flame Imperishable along with Morgoth's very essence, they met with failure once again.

However, unknowingly in their presence, a being of unfathomable power appeared.

His very being lit up the entire Void as he softly gazed upon his creations. Time seemed frozen as he reached out for the Flame Imperishable.

"All this over a megre tool crafted for display. Though it replicates the original, it is still in the end a bland object mimicking it's desire." The unfathomable being said as he than glanced towards Sauron with sudden interest.

"Weak yet ambitious. Following his master's path instead of creating his own when he's more than capable. Disappointing but unsurprising, therefore I shall grant him the opportunity to do so. Afterall, a huge event just occured."

"And so, I will have you represent me even if it defies the order. Although, this hideous parasite given by your master will undoubtedly cause major problems. Regrettably, I cannot provide aid as I've already Interfered much too long."

The unfathomable being waved his hand and restored the universe, preventing it from facing the chaos caused by the aftermath of Margoth's plans. He than faded out of existence with a whisper of last advise directed to Sauron.

Not a moment later, time flowed normally as the continuation of both Sauron and Margoth's souls also faded out of existence.

The Valars instead of becoming downcast felt familiar warmth calming their unfound worries.

The Valars surprised yet composed, felt joy interacting with the All Father once again. This sudden encounter will be something they'd never forget, as they haven't felt their Creator's warmth since the dawn of their creation.

Although worried of both Morgoth's and Sauron's escape, the All Father's reassurance was all they needed to carry on without trouble.

Nevertheless, the same couldn't be said for those very two beings. Morgoth who's location is only known to one, separated from his disciple.

Sauron himself still wandered the endless space within a meteor, aimed to crashed in a world on his course. A world governed by another unfathomable being.

Distracted by the events of both its peers and creation, the unfathomable being didn't sense Sauron, albeit with help from a certain powerful being, its a wonder he didn't notice the catastrophe fated to destroy his very creation.


In their home, Across the fog, the lands between. A man dressed in armour was roaming about in a land called Limgrave.

Unsure of what his intentions were, his subordinates willingly followed without complaint.

"Sir Gideon, it's best we take our leave immediately before suffering under the wrath of Queen Marika". The soldiers silently noded in agreement with their comrade. Sir Gideon merely stood still for a moment before continuing on.

"If fear of Queen Marika has gotten the best of you, I suggest you leave immediately as what I'm about to do will undoubtedly anger her more. Whether it's a fortune or not, it is my fate to do so and I will not cower away from it"

The soldiers upon hearing Sir Gideon's words caused them to leave with great shame.

Their swords were given only to Sir Gideon, even so, the fear of suffering under Queen Marika's wrath was greater than they could bear.

Sir Gideon never cared for their presence, in his eyes, they were merely tools needed to be used if something were to go wrong.

With no one left accompanying him, Sir Gideon journeyed ahead without rest. Eventually, he came upon a small building near the south coast of Limgrave. He lifted the giant steel door without difficulty and walked inside.

A few days ago, a whisper carried by the winds were delivered to Sir Gideon. It spoke of a boy, destined to achieve the impossible and ascend higher than the Demigods could ever hope.

Yet it also described him as a catastrophe, carrying the aura of death, judging all who stood before him with wisdom and cruelty.

The boy was described as if he were an angel, supposedly named the Lord of Gifts and a person to be admired.

Yet the boy was also described as if he were a Demon, supposedly named the The Dark Lord and a person to be feared.

Sir Gideon, receiving such information was filled with a myriad of emotions. The boy he heard of was certainly someone fated to rise above Queen Marika, perhaps even the Greater Will itself.

Of course, he didn't really believe the boy would surpass the Greater Will as it was a entity beyond comprehension.

After receiving the whereabouts of this unknown boy, Sir Gideon quickly set out to find him.

After countless days of travel, he finally reached his destination. Unfortunately along the way, something terrible occurred.

Sir Gideon aswell as his subordinates lost the guidance of grace. Distraught with their current situation, Queen Marika soon after announced that all those who lost grace be banished from the lands.

Many were forcibly taken from their homes and escorted to the Eastern coasts of Caelid.

Sir Gideon however held other plans and continued on with his journey along with worried soldiers following behind.

Sir Gideon now arriving in the underground of Limgrave, followed his instinct and soon stood in front of an ordinary stone wall.

With but a soft touch of his hand, the wall seemingly consumed him until nothing was left.

He eventually appeared in what seemed to be a crater, large enough to fit an entire kingdom.

In the centre was a meteor, radiating energy Gideon has never felt before. Like the whispering of a demons temptation, it called for him.

Without resistance, Gideon walked towards the meteor until he came upon it. Not a moment later, the area Gideon arrived at dipassited into dust allowing him entry within. Without wasting any time, he stepped inside.

The walk felt long, as every step Sir Gideon took became heavier than the last.

He knew the dangers of this journey he would partake, but with his passion to learn all things, he couldn't reject such a golden opportunity.

After what felt like an eternity, Gideon arrived in what appeared to be a throne room.

There were many spectacles that could interest even a God, but what truly caught Sir Gideons attention was the pitch black throne itself.

Upon it sat a child with long silver hair reaching his waist and pointy like ears that seemed out of the ordinary.

His presence felt more divine than anything Gideon had ever felt before. With moonlight shining down on him, the boy gently opened his eyes.

It was breathtaking.

The child's eyes held more wisdom than even he himself, as a gentle smile appeared that could even calm the monstrous waves of the sea. The child sat up righteously like a True Lord and spoke with a melodious voice.

"Greetings Sir Gideon Ofnir, my name is Mairon. It's a pleasure to meet you"

The release of chapters would be slow although I'll try my best to keep them consistent.

Side Note: All Elden Ring Lore I use in this fan fiction is based on what I researched.

There will however be a few additions and twists to fit in our Protaganist in this fan fiction but I'll try my best to keep it original.

Anyways thank you for reading the first chapter and hope you'll read the next when it's released.

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