
El Enmascarada (The Masked)

The story of El Enmascarada, infamous mafia in sphere of national and international security growing beneath the shadows of the whole defense system but a saviour to many local, poor immigrants, whose legends are heard beyond the boundaries but no one has ever dare to look straight into her face...it was said once one see her reality behind her mask, they are sent to hell...but however, one young blooded curious police officer, Danielle is ready to take off her mask and look straight into her eyes.... But....Can he?! ****** #Mafia story Release rapid I guess

PantoneV · 軍事
10 Chs

the three men with horrendous tattoos

Momentarily, the shadows were more life and countably clear.

All his doubts were clear, it was the infamous ' Zapper Gang '- the gang which has been smuggling the weapons, drugs, and kids for the sake of money-actually big money.

Who the hell do such a business?!

Well, they do. After all, money makes them do because now time money is the only king that rules humans.

It was three young- post-adolescence males, all muscular and dangerous with very horrendous fashion imprinted on and in their skin and souls.

"Thank god Mike, you caught our little speedster!"

One with the long Dark Broom hairs appeared to address someone from the group of olds in his crooked smile gasp- yet a movement of hush was seen in the crowd.

but then with a suddenness, the ice was broken, with the confident blue-eyes of that man who was the first one who came to that little girl's aid.

Who was probably 'Mike' as he called!!!

, Questioned up to the 'broom' in an attitudinal look on his face...

"Oh, She's from your flock?"

"Yup!!! She is...."

With a full fake surety The dark-skinned who was standing just next to the 'broom' smiled and move steps towards her to seize her into their custody.

As she saw an impulsive approach, the cold las stuck to the geriatric's one leg who came to her aid and that man came to her aid again by stepping in front of the ' Zapper ' guys, covering her behind his big structure.

"Well...now she isn't!!!!"

"Did you forget Jimmy?!" As That broom sprinted to jeopardized through the name of 'Jimmy' who was knowingly the boss of the Zapper gang-also one of the gangsters with the most criminal record in entire NYC.

However, after getting such a deadly life threat, anyone could have given up but instead, Mike smiled mindlessly...

"Oh I remember very well but I think you forgot  'Who's area are you in right now ?! "

It was like a straight punch-vertical and painful to Zappers.


The third one who hadn't spoken up just give deadly expressions by his body and his face, finally speaking up in dread...