


GracefullyCutesy · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 5: Ice Cold Prince

"Eeh..." I start to back out of it. Ugh... I don't wanna do it but I am looking for an internship... I'm able to get experience from a company like that.. then it'll be a good one to put in my resume... but still... I'm not really feeling this right now...

"Stop bitching already! Geez..." He chuckled before deepening his voice. "Surely you care about your future right? I mean this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Who wouldn't want to work there... AND THEY GOT THIS HUGE ASS PAY!" He continued to hype it up to me but I still remained skeptical about it.

"Don't you think it's a bit sketchy?" I faltered to him.

"The fuck do you mean?" He responded like a diva. I can only tell that he's giving me the mean look just from the sound of his voice... Oh my god...

"I mean like.. why would a company that is on it's prime. Hire a bunch of interns that come from a college. I mean we haven't even finished our degrees yet so I'm pretty sure they are looking for someone that's going to work well you know?" I raised my eyebrow over the offer. I've seen scams before and they present themselves as something too good to be true.

"Honestly, I don't know what kind of mind-altering drug the one running this company took but if it's in our favor I'm all for it." He giggled, totally ignoring my claims. Making me roll my eyes secretly.

"Boy. Do you have the website to like where they look for interns and such? I actually wanna see it myself." I requested for a link so I can get a better look at the situation.

"Sure. Actually, we can look at it together. . My personal computer has a way to screen share. So you can see my screen." He tells me and I agreed to look at it together with him. This kind of feels like one of those online classes that I've been in before.

Yuri took a few seconds to set up the whole screen sharing application but after that. I had to press another button to join the call of it. So I can see the screen on my phone and hear his voice as well and it worked. Right now, I'm staring directly at their website. Where it says "Help Wanted: Looking For Interns."

"So here it is... This is the page where someone told me that Montresor Industries, are hiring." He clicked around the page to take me to the main line of text to read. "Anyways here it is! There are all the details on the internship!

I got my reading glasses from the side and started to read it out in my mind. So it says here that... After looking at it and reading it.. my jaw just dropped... WHAT THE HELL... THEY PAY THAT MUCH FOR THAT AMOUNT OF HOURS?! THAT'S LIKE WAY TOO OVERPAID IN MY OPINION! "Oh my god.. they pay their interns this much..." I spoke out of the disbelief about this.

"I KNOW RIGHT?! THEY ARE PRACTICALLY HANDING OUT MONEY TO US! Also, they provide good training as well and we get paid so THIS IS REALLY a good deal for us!" He chirped to me. Showing off the other interns that got into the internship.

"But why are they looking for interns again and pay them this much just to teach them?! It's like getting paid to learn something!" I still couldn't believe this. THIS IS SUCH A GOLD MINE! I can even pay for my tuition this year if I stay in this internship for at least the whole time allotted here!

"SO THAT'S RIGHT BITCH! LET'S GO DO IT!" Yuri chanted, doing a little awkward dance in the face cam he had. I giggled a little before turning my attention to the screen again.

My eyes kind of drifted for a moment along with their whole page and in the corner of my eye I can see there something about. "The Ice Cold Prince". "Hey? What's that?" I asked Yuri, as I was curious about what that article in the corner is saying.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He asked me confused as to what I was referring to.

"What's that article in the side where it said, The Ice Cold Prince." I pointed it to him.

"Oh? You mean this one." He places the cursor of the mouse on it. "I'll go ahead and click this and check it out."

As the article opened. It revealed a whole article about the CEO of Montresor Industries. Someone by the name of "Claude Montresor" with his picture attached to the top. He was very handsome, he had the looks to kill someone... he was pale and very young actually...

"Damn... so this is the CEO of Montresor Industries! He looks like he's in his 20s. That's way too young to already be this rich in life. He even looks like our age..." Yuri commented on his appearance which doesn't really surprise me... this guy looks like a straight-up model with that sharp eyes and sharp looking jaw.

"Betting 100% this guy is somewhat a fuck boy," Yuri added, laughing before taking a closer look in the article. "Apparently here, it says that the guy is regarded as one of the cold-hearted CEOs in the country with just his sharp look, he is able to make anyone submit to him. Kind of weird don't you think?" He turns to look at the camera to ask for my opinion. I don't have my camera on so that's just dumb if he does it.

"That's... kind of scary..." I whimpered.

"Definitely someone you don't want to run into when you're in a dark alley, am I right?" Yuri chuckled, joking about this as if he's not disturbed by any of this... "ANYWAYS WE'LL BE SO HAVING FUN during our internship exam! They're going to interview us! So you better be ready!" He giggled like a schoolgirl.

"You.. you're actually not scared about this?!" I was surprised at the enthusiasm... I mean you don't exactly just get happy when you're about to enter the lair of the Cold Prince.

"Anyways bye-onara! Gotta get my sleep! See you!" He waved goodbye to me on his camera before he left. I dropped my phone over to my side and looked at the video that was sent to me by the club leader.

Oh my god.. this is such a long file... I guess I'm going to have to stay up very late to finish this... UGGH! Cursing myself one last time, I started to make progress with this.