
Indigo Richlend

My name is Indigo Richlend. I have been dead for 24 hours. The problem is no one knows i am dead and I have no recollection of how I died. Now, my corpse is slowing wasting away, with rigor mortis setting in.

The weird thing is I feel disassociated from my body. I can see, feel, breath, touch like before but at the same time it feels different. I feel light, really light. Like floating kind of light, at the same time I feel as if there is some sort of gravity grounding me. I tried looking into the mirror but I could not even see how I look like as a ghost, which was rather unnerving initially. When I thought I had found a way around it, the plan fell through (i poured a tub of powder over myself in the shower but the powder just went right through me, I can't even get wet when I turn on the shower). I feel like a body without a

face and yes I am sort of naked.

The experience is just weird. This is truly an existential crisis; how was it possible that I was able to hold the bottle of powder but not able to cover myself with a speck of baby powder? And how did I die? I am only 25, how the hell did I end up dead?

So many questions. I squatted with my balls hanging beside my corpse, which looked rather peaceful as if sleeping.

Maybe, I can tell someone I am dead. Maybe, I can find more clues if someone knows about it- whether it was a natural or unnatural. Or even something about my life, truth is I have no recollection of my life except for my name...
