
Edward's Legacy

A man meets an untimely end during a failed business deal, only to awaken in the body of Tony Bloom's reclusive son. Formerly a lawyer entangled in illegal dealings, the protagonist grapples with their past and seeks redemption through their new identity as Edward Bloom. With strategic prowess and a desire to create something greater, they navigate the complexities of family legacy and the world of football, determined to revitalize Brighton & Hove Albion FC and forge a new path forward

AmSincere · スポーツ
18 Chs


Edward reclined in his seat aboard the private jet, savouring the rich flavour of the wine in his glass, he glanced across the aisle to where Siana sat engrossed in her books, her brow furrowed in concentration.

His mind drifted back to Germany, the meetings with Serge Gnabry and Florian Wirtz still fresh in his memory. Gnabry's rejection had come as a disappointment not only to him but also Nagelsmann who was infatuated with the player after his performances with Werder Bremen last season. Apparently, Bayern Munich and multiple other topflight teams had already begun vying for Gnabry's signature, and though, he knew that Bayern Munich had signed Gnabry in the soon future, he just hadn't thought it would have been so soon.

Fortunately, Bayern had plans to loan out the Gnabry out for him to gain more experience, as much as Edward preferred signing Gnabry permanently, he wasn't opposed to the possibility of a loan deal.

"Wirtz... stubborn as ever," Edward mused silently, recalling the young midfielder's reluctance to entertain the idea of a move to England. Despite his best efforts to persuade him, Wirtz remained steadfast in his decision to stay put, his parent's citing his comfort and familiarity with Germany.

With both Gnabry and Wirtz slipping through his fingers, Edward couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. Still, Despite the setbacks with Gnabry and Wirtz, there were rays of hope.

After multiple discussions with Cagliari, they had finally agreed on a fee of £3 million for Barella, with performance-based incentives that could see the fee rise to £5 million. The midfielder's enthusiasm to join the club had been noted by their representative during their discussion which very much pleased Edward.

"And with the work permit almost finalized, Barella will soon be wearing the blue and white stripes." Edward murmured to himself, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Turning his attention to Erling Haaland, Edward couldn't help but marvel at the next coup they had pulled off. Securing the young striker for a mere £2 million felt like a steal, especially considering how good of a player he'd be in the near future. He supposed many other of their other signings would feel like coups as well.

'That kid is going to light up the premier league,' Edward thought, his mind racing with possibilities. 'Under Nagelsmann's guidance, it will be interesting to see if he develops any differently from the poacher he was.'

Then Edward shifted his focus to their ongoing negotiations with Dusan Vlahovic. The young Serbian striker, highly rated by his current club Partizan Belgrade, represented another exciting prospect for Brighton.

During their discussions with Vlahovic's representatives, it became clear that the player wouldn't come cheap, with a fee ranging from £1 to £4 million. While this might seem steep for a player yet to make his senior team debut, the potential returns outweighed the initial cost as it was likely he would be picked up by another team in the near future for far more than what they're paying.

But on the other hand, he couldn't shake the underlying tension between the strategy of signing and selling players for profit and his desire to retain key talent.

"It's a delicate balance," Edward reflected, swirling the wine in his glass thoughtfully. "Brighton's strategy has served them well in the future, but we can't rely on it indefinitely."

Though, he knew it was likely Brighton would serve as a feeder club for the next few years, he very much hoped that they would find some method to retain their players.

His mind then wandered to the positions they needed to strengthen in the squad. First was their defense, while Dunk and Duffy would likely be their starting center backs, though, he was precarious about Duffy, the need for quality full-backs and a goalkeeper was glaring.

"Pascal and Barella offer some strength in midfield, but we definitely need more depth and versatility, Rodri should be ready to start for us, Tonali on the other hand... perhaps he may not be ready just yet." Edward reflected, mentally going over Brighton's current midfielders. He ran through the names – Stephens and Kayal – considering their attributes and where they might fit into Nagelsmann's plans.

Then, his thoughts drifted to the goalkeeper position. Nagelsmann had stressed the importance of having a goalkeeper who was not only sharp at shot-stopping but also adept with their feet, a modern-day sweeper-keeper.

"Ball-playing goalkeepers... Now, who fits the bill?" Edward muttered to himself, racking his brain for names.

"Alisson, Ederson, Ter Stegen, David Raya, Mike Maignan, Jordan Pickford..." Edward listed off mentally, considering each goalkeeper's strengths. But he knew it wasn't just about their skill level, it was also about whether they'd be willing to come to Brighton and if they'd be a good fit for the team's dynamic.

Then, his thoughts drifted to the full backs. He considered Brighton's current options and pondered potential additions to the squad. As he sifted through the names of younger players, he quickly dismissed some as not yet ready for the Premier League.

"Reece James..." The name popped into his head, and Edward's eyes widened with realization. "Now, there's a player we need." he thought.

But Edward hesitated, James might need time to reach his potential. Perhaps they needed a more experienced right-back in the interim. Wait, didn't Reece begin playing premier league football next season?

Lost in thought, Edward suddenly another name from Chelsea's youth ranks flashed in his mind. Musiala.

Slapping his forehead, Edward winced, drawing Siana's concerned gaze. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, just a moment of forgetfulness," Edward chuckled nervously. It dawned on him that he'd been searching Bayern's youth ranks for Musiala when the player had started playing in England.

Reece James, Musiala, Bellingham, Tonali, Rodri, Haaland, Vlahovic, and possibly Gnabry on loan. But constraints loomed, like Nagelsmann's player preferences and league rules like the limit on signing non-English players outside of England. Haaland, Tonali, Vlahovic, that would be 3 players meaning they'd have 3 available spaces, luckily Rodri would soon be turning 21.

This would likely be the most difficult decisions of this season. Which players were they to prioritize before other teams snatched them up?

Edward sighed as his fingers in his freehand dug deeper into the armrest of his seat.

And as the jet glided through the air, Edward reclined his seat and gave way to sleep.




Chairman Office



The room buzzed as Paul Barber, Dan Ashworth, a few board members, a scout named Pablo Ibanez, and Julian Nagelsmann gathered around the large table.

Paul Barber, the club's CEO, looked around with a slight smirk. "It's interesting to be in here, Edward, since you're not officially the chairman yet."

Edward entered the room, a stack of files in hand. He dropped them onto the table with a confident thud. "Not yet" he repeated with a grin. "But let's get into it, then."

Everyone settled into their seats, and Edward began distributing the files. "I've outlined our current transfer targets and the strategic approach we're taking. Let's discuss our priorities."

Nagelsmann leaned forward. "I've reviewed the potential signings, and I'm particularly interested in the younger talents who can grow with the team."

Edward could feel the energy in the room shift as everyone leaned in, eager to dive into the details of their recruitment strategy. He took a deep breath and began, "Alright, let's start with the players we've submitted bids for."

He glanced at his notes and continued, "Pascal, Erling Haaland, Barella, and Vlahovic. We've made significant progress with negotiations. Haaland and Vlahovic are young, promising strikers with immense potential. Pascal and Barella adds depth and versatility to our midfield."

Dan Ashworth added, "We've structured the deals and contracts with performance-based incentives, which should help us manage our budget while ensuring the players are motivated to perform."

Edward then shifted the focus. "Let's talk about the full backs. Julian, what do you think of our current options and potential targets?"

Nagelsmann leaned back slightly, his expression thoughtful. "Right now, we have some gaps to fill. I need full backs who are not only defensively solid but can also contribute to the attacking play. I've looked at several young players, but we need to be cautious about their readiness for the Premier League."

He glanced at the files on the table. "Reece James, you recommended him earlier and one of our scouts had a file on him. He's young, strong, they reported that he has decent potential. If you want him, I won't oppose but I'd prefer a more experienced option."

Paul Barber interjected, "Do you have any players in mind?"

Nagelsmann nodded. "I've been looking at a few options. Hector Bellerin from Arsenal could be a good fit. He's quick, good with the ball at his feet, and has Premier League experience. Another option is Joao Cancelo, although he might be harder to pry away from his current club."

Pablo, the scout, added, "I've also had scouts monitoring Achraf Hakimi. He's currently at Real Madrid but hasn't broken into the first team. He has immense potential and could be a great long-term investment."

Edward made a note. "Good suggestions. We need to balance immediate impact with future potential. What about the left side?"

Nagelsmann smiled. "I like the look of Ben Chilwell from Leicester. He's young but already playing at a high level in the Premier League. Another player who caught my eye is Alex Grimaldo from Benfica."

Edward raised an eyebrow. "Grimaldo?" Recognizing the name from the future Leverkusen team. "That's an interesting choice. What do you like about him?"

Nagelsmann spoke again. "Grimaldo is exceptional both defensively and offensively. He's quick, technically gifted, and has great vision. He reminds me a lot of David Alaba, especially in the way he can transition from defense to attack. I've seen some of our scouts' reports on him, and they were very positive."

Pablo, the scout, nodded in agreement. "Grimaldo was one of the players we were looking at even before you joined, Edward. He's been on our radar for a while. We've seen consistent performances from him in the Portuguese league, and he's shown he can handle European competition as well."

Nagelsmann continued, "If we can secure Grimaldo, it would provide a significant boost to our left flank. He has the experience from his time at Benfica, and his playing style fits perfectly with the role I'm aiming for. Plus, he's still young and has room to develop even further."

Edward looked around the room, seeing nods of approval. "Alright, it sounds like we have a strong candidate there. Let's prioritize negotiations for Grimaldo and see if we can bring him in."

Nagelsmann then shifted his focus to the German league, "I've also been keeping an eye on some young talents in the Bundesliga who could be valuable additions to our squad. There's Kai Havertz at Bayer Leverkusen, a very promising attacking midfielder. He's got great vision and technique, though he might be difficult to acquire."

Dan Ashworth added, "Securing young talents from Germany could be a smart move. They tend to adapt well to the Premier League's physical demands, and we can often get them before they become too expensive."

Nagelsmann nodded, "Exactly. Players like Florian Neuhaus from Borussia Mönchengladbach or Arne Maier from Hertha Berlin could be worth considering. They might not be immediate starters, but they have the potential to grow into key players for us."

Edward made more notes. "We'll keep those names in mind as we move forward. Now, let's talk about our goalkeeper situation. Julian, you've emphasized the need for a ball-playing keeper. Who do you think we should target?"

Nagelsmann leaned back, tapping his fingers thoughtfully on the table. "For goalkeepers, I've seen some great talents in Germany. One option is a player I've already coached, Oliver Baumann. He's got excellent shot-stopping abilities and is comfortable with the ball at his feet. Another is Alexander Nübel from Schalke. He's young, highly rated, and has the potential to develop into a top keeper."

Paul Barber chimed in, "Nübel is an interesting choice. He has been getting a lot of attention lately, we might have to move quickly if we want to secure him."

Nagelsmann nodded, "Another possibility is Kevin Trapp from Eintracht Frankfurt. He has the experience and is very reliable but might not have the same potential for growth as some of the younger options."

Edward added, "What about goalkeepers outside of Germany? Who else should we consider?"

Pablo thought for a moment before responding, "We've took a look at some of the keepers on your list, Mike Maignan from Lille is one to watch. Then there's David Raya from Blackburn, who has shown great distribution skills and composure under pressure."

The he continued, "We could also look at André Onana from Ajax."

Edward nodded, "Onana is a fantastic option, but there might be competition for his signature. Are there any others?"

Nagelsmann smiled, "There's a young keeper who I believe has immense potential. Gianluigi Donnarumma from AC Milan. He's already making waves in Serie A despite his age and has a bright future ahead. If we can somehow convince him to join Brighton, we'd be securing our goalkeeping position for years to come."

Dan Ashworth raised an eyebrow, "Donnarumma would be a coup, but isn't he out of our reach?"

Nagelsmann shrugged, "It won't be easy, but if we can make a compelling case for our project and his development, we might have a chance. It's worth exploring."

Edward looked around the room, sensing the excitement. "Alright, let's make a list of our goalkeeper priorities."

Paul Barber nodded, "I agree. Let's get our scouts and negotiators working on this immediately."

"Now, with the goalkeeper situation underway, let's finalize our priorities other priorities."

Nagelsmann leaned forward, ready to continue the discussion. "Alright, let's back to the full backs. For young talent, I've been looking at—"

Edward raised his hand, cutting Nagelsmann off. "Julian, before we dive into other options, I really think we should seriously consider Reece. I've done some research, and he's going to be extremely good. We need to secure him early, even if it means letting him develop for a season."

Nagelsmann looked thoughtful. "Reece James, you think he'll actually be good?"

Edward nodded emphatically. "Maybe not immediately, but if we get him in now, let him develop, perhaps even get someone experienced on loan or as a short-term signing, we'll see a beast of a player in the next season or season after. Trust me on this."

Nagelsmann leaned back, considering Edward's suggestion. "Alright, Edward. I'll take your word for it. Let's prioritize Reece James for our future right-back. Now, let's discuss experienced right-backs who can make an immediate impact."

Pablo, the scout, chimed in. "There are a few options we could consider. Simeon De Zeeuw is available. He's a seasoned veteran with plenty of top-level experience."

Dan Ashworth added, "We could also consider someone like Juanfran, who recently left Atletico Madrid. He has a wealth of experience and could provide a solid stopgap while Reece James develops."

Nagelsmann nodded. "Those are good options. But let's also consider right-backs available on loan. It might be more cost-effective."

"We could consider Timothy Castagne from Atalanta, who has shown versatility and solid defensive skills." Pablo spoke.

Paul Barber interjected. "We should also consider our current squad. Perhaps we can use our existing right-back and focus our resources elsewhere."

Edward nodded. "Let's evaluate our current right-back. We've got Bruno, he's experienced but nearing retirement."

Dan thought for a moment. "Bruno can provide leadership and experience. Reece could be the rotation, or we could possibly bringing in a loan option like Matteo Darmian from Manchester."

Paul Barber nodded in agreement. "We can make inquiries about Darmian's availability while finalizing the deal for Reece James. That should cover our right-back situation."

Nagelsmann nodded, satisfied with the direction they were taking. "Now, let's discuss our wingers. We haven't really addressed that area yet, and we need better options."

Edward's mind raced through the list of potential wingers. "I've got a few names in mind. We could consider young talents like Jadon Sancho."

Nagelsmann smiled. "Sancho would be fantastic. I want Gnabry but, since, like you said, he's unwilling to join on a transfer maybe a loan could be an option?"

Edward nodded. "That would be feasible. And what about Jack Grealish? Have you all taken a look at him."

Pablo looked intrigued. "Grealish is an excellent player. He has the vision and technical skills we need. He plays in the attacking midfielder position, but he's featured on the wings a few times for Aston Villa."

Then he continued. "I've also been monitoring Ferran Torres from Valencia. He's young, talented, and has shown great potential. He might be a bit under the radar, so we could potentially secure him before other club's swoop in."

Edward made a note. "Alright, let's compile a list of potential wingers, we need to prioritize them based on availability and budget and open negotiations with Bayern, inform them that we'll be interested in bringing Gnabry on loan if they sign him, and start talks with Grealish as well."

Paul Barber nodded. "Agreed. We'll start negotiations and see where we can make the most progress."

Nagelsmann leaned forward, tapping his fingers on the table. "We also need to consider our current squad and how these new signings will fit in."

Dan Ashworth added, "We should consider loaning out some of our younger players who might not get much game time. It will give them valuable experience and help us manage the squad size."

Edward nodded, making more notes. "Good point." He looked toward one of the board members. "Have our analyst review the squad and identify players who could benefit from a loan move."

Nagelsmann leaned back, taking a deep breath. "Speaking of young players, I've fallen in love with one of the center backs on your list, Matthijs de Ligt. His qualities are exceptional for someone his age. He's strong, composed on the ball, and has a great understanding of the game."

Pablo, the scout, nodded in agreement. "De Ligt is a fantastic prospect. He's only played half of a season so we should move quick before top clubs start swarming in."

Edward looked thoughtful. "De Ligt would be a dream signing. Ensure that we begin negotiations as soon as possible. What about other center back options?"

Nagelsmann continued. "I've also been looking at another player on your list Manuel Akanji. He's been solid at Basel. He's quick, strong, I'm surprised he hasn't been picked up already. He could be a great addition to our backline."

Dan Ashworth added, "Somehow Edward seems to just know the pick of the bunch."

Edward flashed Dan a smirk before he spoke. "Akanji is a good option. Let's initiate discussions and see what we can do."

Nagelsmann nodded, satisfied. "That sorts out center backs, right backs, and left backs. Our wings will be good if we can get Gnabry and Grealish. Now, about our strikers—I'm not too impressed with our current options. Vlahovic and Haaland might not be ready for the Premier League yet, so perhaps we should consider loaning someone in."

Paul Barber agreed. "A loan could be a smart move. It would give us time to develop our younger strikers without relying on them too soon."

Nagelsmann continued, "Now, about our midfield. You mentioned Rodri, and I've looked at him. He's solid. Barella is a great addition too. Tonali is good but might not be ready for the physicality of the Premier League yet. Pascal is decent as well."

Edward nodded, "Agreed. Let's discuss the current Brighton midfielders."

Nagelsmann glanced at his notes. "Dale Stephens is reliable but not exceptional. He can be a solid squad player. Beram Kayal works hard and has good experience, but we might need more quality. Steve Sidwell is nearing the end of his career and won't be a long-term option. Jordon Mboumbi is young with potential but not ready to be a starter yet."

Pablo added, "We need to bolster our midfield with players who can provide immediate impact and have room to develop further."

Nagelsmann nodded in agreement. "I agree, we need both short-term and long-term solutions."

Edward looked pensive, Bellingham is a phenomenal prospect and would likely be ready next season, but he's still young, and there had been multiple occurrences of young players being rushed and experiencing major setbacks such as injuries. Musiala, he would ensure that they sign him, though he expected Musiala to take a longer period of time to develop than Jude.

Edward then remembered a name from his list and a player that in his own rights would soon become one of the best midfielders in the world. "What about Fede Valverde from Real Madrid?"

Paul Barber looked intrigued. "Valverde would be an excellent addition for the future, he's performed well with Real Madrid youth teams."

Edward made a note. "Well then, we'll prioritize Valverde."

Nagelsmann added, "In the meantime, we could look at some of my former players from Hoffenheim. Florian Grillitsch and Kerem Demirbay come to mind. Grillitsch is a solid holding midfielder, while Demirbay can offer creativity and vision in the middle."

Edward smiled. "Excellent suggestions, Julian. Any other midfielders we should consider?"

Nagelsmann thought for a moment. "There's also Christoph Baumgartner. He's young, dynamic, and has a great engine. He's another Hoffenheim player who could be a valuable addition.

Edward nodded. "Alright, let's add Baumgartner to our list."

Paul Barber looked around the room. "It seems like we have a solid plan for our midfield. With these targets, we should be able to strengthen our squad significantly."

Edward glanced at his notes as he begun jotting something down. "Alright, so to recap our priorities. For goalkeepers, we're targeting Nübel, Maignan, Onana, and Donnarumma, David Raya, Oliver Baumann, and Kevin Trapp so far. For full backs, we're aiming for Grimaldo and Reece James, with potential loan options like Simeon De Zeeuw, Castagne or Darmian though, I believe it wouldn't hurt to look at other potential left backs. For wingers, we're looking at Gnabry on loan, Grealish, and Ferran Torres and we may or may not make a push for Sancho. In midfield, our targets are Valverde, Grillitsch, Demirbay, Florian Neuhaus, Arne Maier, Kai Havertz and Baumgartner. That covers our immediate needs. Now, about our striker situation—do you have any thoughts?"

Nagelsmann looked thoughtful. "I don't like any of the current strikers, we should consider loaning an experienced striker who can deliver immediately."

Paul Barber agreed. "A loan move would give us the flexibility to develop our Haaland and Vlahovic without putting too much pressure on them."

Nagelsmann continued. "I have several strikers in mind. There's Patrik Schick from AS Roma."

Pablo, the scout, nodded. "Schick is a solid option. We could also consider someone like Michy Batshuayi from Chelsea. He's proven in the Premier League and could provide the immediate impact we need."

Edward made a note. "Schick and Batshuayi are both good options. Let's explore their availability but no offers for now."

Paul Barber nodded. "Agreed."