
Edward's Legacy

A man meets an untimely end during a failed business deal, only to awaken in the body of Tony Bloom's reclusive son. Formerly a lawyer entangled in illegal dealings, the protagonist grapples with their past and seeks redemption through their new identity as Edward Bloom. With strategic prowess and a desire to create something greater, they navigate the complexities of family legacy and the world of football, determined to revitalize Brighton & Hove Albion FC and forge a new path forward

AmSincere · スポーツ
18 Chs

Meeting. Pt 1

The board members nodded in agreement, their focus shifting to the topic at hand as Edward led the discussion on the club's financial strategy.

"As we approach the upcoming 2017 summer transfer window it is important that we go over our finances." Edward began, his tone measured.

He glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each board member before continuing. "Having thoroughly reviewed all the club documents, I'm aware of our revenue streams, profit and loss statements, investments, transfer budget, wage structure, and debt management. However, I value your insights and perspectives on these matters."

Before Edward could delve further into his inquiry, a board member chimed in, offering a comprehensive summary of the club's financial status.

"Our revenue streams have remained relatively stable over the past few quarters," the board member began, their tone professional and confident. "Ticket sales continue to be a significant source of income, with merchandise sales showing promising growth, particularly in international markets given our premier league promotion."

They paused briefly before continuing, "However, our profit and loss statements indicate some areas of concern, particularly in terms of escalating player wages and operating expenses. While investments in player recruitment and facility upgrades have bolstered our competitiveness, they've also contributed to increased costs."

The board member shifted their focus to the transfer budget, their expression thoughtful. "Our transfer budget for the upcoming window is substantial, standing at £31 million."

As they discussed the wage structure, the board member's tone grew more serious. "Wage management has been a challenge, with player salaries consuming a significant portion of our budget. We need to find a balance between retaining top talent and maintaining financial sustainability."

Finally, they addressed debt management, their expression turning somber. "While our debt levels are manageable, it's crucial that we continue to service our obligations and explore opportunities for debt reduction in the long term."

As the board member concluded their summary, a thoughtful silence descended upon the room, each member absorbing the gravity of the financial situation.

"Thank you for that summary," Edward replied, his tone acknowledging the board member's input. "It's clear that we're in a solid financial position overall, but there are areas where we can improve."

He turned to the board member who had provided the financial summary, a sense of determination evident in his expression. "I'd like to task you with conducting a comprehensive review of our current investments and identifying any opportunities for optimization or divestment."

The board member nodded in acknowledgment of Edward's directive, his expression reflecting a sense of purpose as he took note of the task assigned to him.

Edward then turned his attention back to the rest of the board, inviting their input and thoughts on the club's financial situation and potential areas for improvement.


"Now, I'd like to hear from each of you regarding any ideas or strategies you may have in mind for enhancing our financial position," Edward said, his tone open and receptive.

One of the board members, Marc Sugarman, raised his hand to speak. "Well, Edward, I believe we should focus on increasing our revenue streams through innovative marketing strategies. Perhaps we could explore partnerships with more renowned businesses or launch targeted advertising campaigns to attract new fans."

Edward nodded in agreement, acknowledging the validity of Marc's suggestion. "That's a solid idea."

Another board member, Paul Mullen, spoke up next. "I think we should prioritize cost-cutting measures to address our escalating expenses. Perhaps we could renegotiate player contracts or streamline our operations to improve efficiency."

Edward considered the suggestion recognizing the importance of cost management in maintaining financial sustainability, though he did not have plans of cutting operations cost. "That's a prudent approach."

However, not all suggestions were as sound. One board member proposed a rather unconventional idea. "What if we invested in a fleet of hot air balloons to promote the club? Think about it—our logo soaring through the skies!"

Edward couldn't help but hide a smile at Mr. Smith's suggestion, though he made a mental note to address it diplomatically. "That's certainly an imaginative idea, Mr. Smith," he said diplomatically. "However, I believe we should focus on other marketing strategies for now."

Ray Bloom, cleared his throat before speaking up. "While I appreciate the enthusiasm for growth, we must also be cautious about our financial commitments, especially considering the potential ramifications of relegation."

Edward listened intently to Ray's words, acknowledging the wisdom in his cautionary advice. However, he couldn't help but internally disagree. There was no way he'd allow the club to get relegated, not with the ambitious plans he had in mind. But voicing such thoughts might undermine his credibility with the board, so he responded carefully.

"Thank you, Ray," Edward replied. "Rest assured, we'll take all necessary precautions to safeguard the club's financial stability while pursuing our growth objectives."

Internally, Edward reaffirmed his commitment to elevating the club's status, regardless of the risks involved. He had ambitious plans for increasing operational efficiency, hiring additional staff, and investing heavily in facility upgrades. Relegation was simply not an option in his vision for the club's future.

As the discussion continued, Edward made mental notes of Ray's concerns, incorporating them into his strategic considerations without compromising his determination to propel the club to greater heights. Balancing financial responsibility with ambitious growth initiatives would be the key to success, and Edward was prepared to navigate that delicate equilibrium with precision.


"Thank you all for your valuable input," Edward said, redirecting the discussion. "Let's now shift our focus to sponsorships."

As he spoke, one of the board members, Robert Comer, pulled out a stack of papers from his briefcase. "I have a report detailing our current sponsorships and the revenue they generate," he announced, flipping through the pages before finding the relevant section.

"Currently, our main shirt sponsor is American Express, with whom we have a contract worth £1.5 million per season," Robert began, reading off the figures.

He paused momentarily, adjusting his glasses before continuing. "Furthermore, we have several secondary sponsors, including Nike and Ultia Energy, each contributing approximately £1 million per season."

Edward listened attentively as Robert listed the existing sponsorships and their financial impact. It was crucial information that would help guide their future decisions regarding partnerships.

"Looking ahead," Robert continued, "there are potential sponsorship opportunities on the horizon. JD expressed interest in becoming our first ever sleeve sponsor. Negotiations are still ongoing, but preliminary discussions suggest a potential deal worth around £700k per season. American Express has also expressed their curiosity in regard to their partnership with the club given your father's unfortunate passing".

Edward nodded, pleased with the progress. "Thank you, Robert. It's encouraging to see the interest from potential sponsors. And inform American Express that Brighton and American Express has both thrived under their mutual partnership and I have no intentions of ending our cooperation."

As they now moved onto strategies to increase revenue, Edward suggested, "We should invest heavily in our social media presence," referencing the board member's idea from earlier. "We need to focus on branding and expanding into clothing lines and merchandise."

Other board members chimed in, discussing the ideas proposed by Edward's late father. They recalled his vision for community engagement and youth development programs.

Edward listened attentively, taking note of the sentiment behind his father's ideas.


Edward rose from his seat, drawing the attention of the board members as he cleared his throat to address the room. He held a paper in his hand, ready to discuss the implementation of data analytics in the club's operations.

"Thank you for the insightful discussions so far," Edward began, his tone confident and composed. "I'd like to introduce a proposal that I believe could significantly enhance our strategic decision-making process: the adoption of data analytics."

He highlighted the growing trend among top European clubs, who had embraced data analytics and seen tangible improvements in their performance and success on the field.

"Data analytics offers us a way to revolutionize our approach to player recruitment," Edward explained. "By leveraging data, we can reduce the risk of expensive transfer flops and identify undervalued talent that aligns with our club's vision."

He provided examples of successful data-driven transfers in recent years, such as Leicester City's remarkable title win in 2016, showcasing the transformative power of data-driven decision-making in football.

"Beyond recruitment, data analytics can improve our overall decision-making process," Edward continued. "It provides us with insights into player performance, opponent scouting, and tactical adjustments that go beyond traditional scouting reports."

However, Edward acknowledged potential concerns that the board might have regarding the adoption of data analytics.

"Some may argue for the importance of 'gut feeling' and experience in football decision-making," he said. "But I see data as a complement to traditional scouting, not a replacement. It can uncover players who might otherwise be overlooked."

Addressing the cost of implementation, Edward presented a thorough cost-benefit analysis, demonstrating how the potential returns on investment far outweighed the initial costs of infrastructure and personnel.

"To address any fears of a 'black box' approach, I propose a collaborative process," Edward reassured the board. "Our data analysts will work closely with scouts and coaches, providing clear explanations of the data and its implications."

Edward then outlined a phased approach to implementation, starting small with a pilot program focused on recruitment before expanding into performance analysis.

"We need to invest in infrastructure and hire strategically," Edward emphasized. "We're looking for data analyst with experience in sports analytics, someone who can build relationships with our scouting team and coaches."

Finally, Edward subtly leveraged future knowledge, showcasing trends rather than specifics and highlighting the long-term vision of building a sustainable competitive advantage through a data-driven culture at Brighton.

"As we move forward, I believe that embracing data analytics will not only enhance our financial position but also solidify our position as a forward-thinking and competitive club in the football landscape," Edward concluded, his vision clear and resolute.

"To aid in this along with investing heavily in data analysing, my father's company, which is now my company, Stark Lizard Consulting, will transform from being a sports betting agency and incorporate sports analysing as a whole."

Edward's announcement regarding the transformation of Stark Lizard Consulting drew a mix of surprise and intrigue from the board members. Some exchanged curious glances while others leaned forward, eager to learn more about this new direction.

"We'll leverage our expertise in data analysis to provide insights and strategic recommendations to sports organizations, including our own club, Brighton."


While this may have been seen as a move entirely motivated by improving the club, it was not. By making use of Brighton's already stored data and implementing their knowledge and approaches into Stark Lizard Consulting, with intelligent and cunning decisions as well as hiring the right staff he'd soon find himself at the center of Data Analysing in Football world, making Stark Lizard's profits vastly increase which in turn would make him all-the-richer.


"Furthermore, this move will not only benefit Brighton but also position Stark Lizard as a leader in the sports analytics industry," Edward continued. "We'll attract top talent, forge strategic partnerships, and drive innovation in data-driven decision-making."

As Edward prepared to broach the sensitive topic of managerial changes, he took a deep breath, bracing himself for potential backlash from the board. He knew that discussing the dismissal of Chris Hughton, would likely provoke strong reactions. However, Edward remained steadfast in his belief that a change in leadership was necessary to propel Brighton towards greater success. He didn't have any intricate knowledge of Brighton's management history, but Chris Hughton was a manager he had never heard of, he certainly wouldn't be the best option for Brighton's management.


"Before we proceed further, there's an important matter that I must address," Edward began, his tone somber yet resolute. "It concerns the management of our first team."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to Edward, anticipating his next words with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"After careful consideration and thorough evaluation of our team's performance, I've come to the difficult decision that a change in leadership is needed," Edward continued, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "I believe it's time for us to part ways with Chris Hughton as our manager."

The announcement sent shockwaves through the room, eliciting a range of reactions from the board members. Some exchanged incredulous glances, while others furrowed their brows in disbelief.

"Edward, are you serious?" one board member exclaimed, their tone tinged with disbelief. "Chris has been with the club for years, and he's gotten us back into the premier league for the first time in how many ever year, the fans will be outraged. Are you sure this is the right decision?"

Edward listened intently to the outpouring of reactions from the board members, understanding their attachment to Chris Hughton and the potential repercussions of such a significant decision. Some expressed disbelief, others outright outrage, questioning Edward's judgment and suitability for the chairman role.

As the voices of dissent grew louder, Edward remained calm and composed, his expression betraying no hint of doubt or hesitation. With a deep sigh, he stood up from his seat, commanding the attention of the room with his authoritative presence.

"Please, allow me to clarify," Edward began, his voice carrying a firmness that brooked no argument. "I understand the concerns raised, and I appreciate the dedication and contributions of Chris Hughton to our club. However, as the owner of Brighton, it falls upon me to make decisions that I believe are in the best interests of our long-term success."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "While Chris has undoubtedly played a crucial role in our journey, it's imperative that we constantly evaluate and evolve to ensure that we remain competitive in the ever-changing landscape of football."

Edward's tone softened slightly as he addressed the board members directly. "I understand that this decision may not be easy to accept, but I urge you to trust in my judgment and the vision I have for Brighton. We must be bold and decisive in our pursuit of excellence, even if it means making difficult choices along the way."

With a determined gaze, Edward reaffirmed his authority as the owner and chairman of the club. "Ultimately, the responsibility for the success of Brighton rests with me, and I stand by my decision to seek new leadership for our first team."

The room fell silent once more, the weight of Edward's words hanging in the air. Slowly, the board members began to nod in reluctant acknowledgment, their initial resistance giving way to a begrudging acceptance of Edward's authority.

"Thank you for your understanding," Edward said, his tone carrying a hint of gratitude. "Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition and to lead Brighton towards a brighter future."

As Edward observed the board members' still mad and unsure expressions, he anticipated their next question. They were likely wondering who he had in mind as Chris Hughton's replacement. With a calm demeanour, Edward addressed their unspoken query.

"I understand your concerns, and I assure you that this decision was not made lightly," Edward began, his tone earnest. "As for a potential replacement, I have been considering several experienced managers who I believe could lead Brighton to further success."


A few board members exchanged puzzled glances, prompting Edward to clarify. "One of the top candidates on my list is Julian Nagelsmann," he explained. "He's a young but highly promising manager. He has great tactical acumen and ability to develop young talent, which aligns well with mine and Brighton's vision for the future."

Edward noted the uncertainty on some of the board members' faces, understanding that Nagelsmann might not be a household name to everyone in the room. Sensing the need for further explanation, he provided some context.

"I understand that Nagelsmann may not be as well-known as some other managers," Edward acknowledged. "But at just 30 years old, he's already achieved impressive results at Hoffenheim."

He paused, allowing the significance of Nagelsmann's achievements to sink in before continuing. "I believe that Nagelsmann's innovative approach to coaching and his track record of success make him an ideal candidate to lead Brighton."

As Edward spoke, he noticed a gradual shift in the board members' demeanor, a flicker of curiosity replacing some of the skepticism. It was clear that they were beginning to see the rationale behind his decision, albeit with some reservations.

"I understand that this may come as a surprise, but I truly believe that Nagelsmann is the right choice to take Brighton to the next level," Edward concluded, his conviction unwavering. "I'm confident that with his leadership and our continued support, we can build upon the foundation laid by Chris Hughton and achieve even greater success in the seasons to come."

Paul Barber, one of the board members, cleared his throat, signaling his intention to speak up. "Edward, I appreciate your thoroughness and the rationale behind your decision," he began, his tone measured yet cautious. "But I must admit, appointing someone as relatively young and unproven as Nagelsmann carries its risks."

Edward listened intently, acknowledging Paul's valid concerns.

"I understand your reservations, Paul," Edward replied, his tone earnest. "Appointing a young and dynamic manager like Nagelsmann aligns with our vision for Brighton as a forward-thinking and progressive club. We have an opportunity to set ourselves apart from the competition by embracing new ideas and fresh perspectives."

Edward glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each board member with a sense of conviction. "Ultimately, I believe that Nagelsmann's appointment represents an exciting opportunity for Brighton to chart a new course towards success. With our support and guidance, I have no doubt that he will thrive in his role as our manager."

Paul nodded thoughtfully, his initial skepticism beginning to give way to a sense of cautious optimism. "I understand your perspective, Edward," he conceded. "And while Nagelsmann may not be the conventional choice, I'm willing to trust your judgment on this matter."

Paul's acknowledgment brought a sense of relief to Edward, knowing that at least one member of the board was willing to support his decision. However, he anticipated Paul's next question, one that would likely address any other unexpected changes Edward had in mind.

"Thank you, Paul, for your understanding," Edward responded, his tone appreciative. "In fact, there is one more change that I'd like to discuss."


Paul raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh? What might that be?"

Edward took a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing. "As you know, my father appointed you as his vice chairman due to your invaluable contributions to the club," he began, his expression sincere. "Given your dedication and expertise, I believe it's only fitting that you take on an even greater role within the organization."

Paul listened intently, his interest piqued by Edward's words. "Go on," he prompted.

Edward met Paul's gaze with a determined expression. "Paul, I'd like to offer you the position of CEO of Brighton Football Club."

Paul's eyes widened in surprise, clearly taken aback by the unexpected offer. "CEO? Edward, I... I don't know what to say," he stammered, clearly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the proposition.

Edward smiled reassuringly, his confidence unwavering. "You've proven yourself time and time again, Paul. Your leadership and dedication have been instrumental in the club's success, and I have no doubt that you're more than capable of taking on this role."

He extended a hand across the table, a gesture of trust and respect. "So, what do you say, Paul? Will you accept?"

Paul hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. But ultimately, he met Edward's gaze with a determined nod. "Yes, Edward. I accept."


'And just like that I secured the complete loyalty and support of the most influential person on the board'


A round of applause erupted from the other board members, signalling their unanimous approval of Paul's appointment.

With the applause fading, Edward seized the momentum to steer the discussion forward. "Thank you, everyone. Now, let's turn our attention to our staffing."

He paused briefly, allowing the room to settle before continuing. "I propose that we conduct a thorough review of every single staff member within our club structure. Those who fall below the performance standards of Premier League teams will be subject to immediate termination."

Edward's directive was met with a mixture of nods and furrowed brows around the table. It was a bold move, but one he believed was necessary to elevate Brighton's standards and competitiveness.

Ray Bloom, ever the voice of caution, raised a valid concern. "Edward, while I understand the need for performance evaluations, we must also consider the potential costs associated with such a widespread restructuring. We have many staff members who may not be as qualified as those in the average Premier League team."

Edward nodded in acknowledgment of Ray's concern. "You raise a valid point, Ray. However, I believe that investing in high-quality staff is essential for the long-term success of our club. While there may be initial costs involved, the benefits of having a top-tier team behind the scenes will far outweigh any expenses."

He glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each board member with a sense of determination. "We need to be bold and decisive in our pursuit of excellence, both on and off the pitch. By holding ourselves to the highest standards, we can ensure that Brighton Football Club remains in the Premier League."

Turning his attention back to the rest of the board, Edward continued, "Now, I'd like to task someone with overseeing the staff review process. We need a thorough assessment of each department to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth."

He glanced around the table, considering his options before settling on a choice. "Robert, would you be willing to take on this responsibility?"

Robert, the board member who had provided the financial summary earlier, nodded in agreement. "Of course, Edward. I'll get started on it right away."

"Excellent," Edward replied. "Let's aim to have the review completed within the next two weeks so that we can begin implementing any necessary changes as soon as possible."

With the staffing review underway, Edward felt a renewed sense of optimism for Brighton's future. By surrounding themselves with the best talent, both on and off the pitch, he was confident that they could achieve their goals and establish Brighton as a powerhouse in English football.

"As we move forward with our staffing review, I want to emphasize that this isn't just about identifying underperforming staff members," Edward continued, his voice carrying a sense of purpose. "It's also about strengthening our team by bringing in top talent to fill key roles within the club."

He glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each board member with a determined gaze. "In addition to evaluating our current staff, we'll be actively recruiting for positions such as Technical Director, Head of Youth Development, and other crucial roles that will help us achieve our long-term objectives."

Edward's words sparked a sense of anticipation among the board members, each recognizing the importance of assembling a high-caliber team to drive Brighton's success.

"I want everyone on the board to be actively involved in this process," Edward continued, his tone unwavering. "We'll be working overtime to ensure that we find individuals who not only meet our needs but also share our vision for the future of Brighton Football Club."

Edward paused, his gaze unwavering as he addressed the board. "In line with our commitment to bringing in top talent, I will aim to hire Dan Ashworth as our new Technical Director and David Weir as technical assistant."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room at Edward's announcement. Dan Ashworth was a respected figure in the football world, known for his successful tenure with the English Football Association. While David Weir was relatively unknown.

Paul raised an eyebrow, his curiosity evident. "Dan Ashworth? I thought he had rejected our previous offers."

Edward nodded, acknowledging Paul's observation. "Yes, that's correct. My father wasn't able to convince him to join us in the past."

Paul leaned forward, his interest piqued. "So, what's changed? How are you sure you'd be able to convince him this time?"

A determined expression crossed Edward's face as he met Paul's gaze. "I am not my father."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "My father had his approach, and I have mine. I believe that Dan Ashworth's expertise and leadership are invaluable assets to Brighton, and I'm determined to secure his commitment to our club."

Edward's conviction resonated throughout the room as he spoke, instilling a sense of confidence in his ability to persuade Dan Ashworth to join Brighton.

"As for how I plan to convince him," Edward continued, "I intend to present Dan with a comprehensive vision for the future of Brighton Football Club. I will emphasize our commitment to excellence and our ambitious goals for growth and success."

He glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each board member with unwavering determination. "But more importantly, I will assure Dan that he will have the resources and support he needs to thrive in his role as Technical Director."

Edward then outlined his plan to establish a robust system for succession planning within the club, ensuring that every position had at least four potential replacements lined up.

"I want to create a culture of accountability and resilience within our organization," Edward explained. "By having multiple candidates ready to step into key roles at a moment's notice, we can mitigate the risks associated with unexpected departures and ensure continuity in our operations."

Paul nodded thoughtfully as Edward outlined his plan for succession planning within the club. It was clear that Edward had a strategic vision for Brighton's future and was taking proactive steps to ensure the club's long-term success.

"I appreciate your confidence in me, Edward," Paul said, his tone reflecting a sense of determination. "I'll make sure to oversee the succession planning process diligently and ensure that we have a strong pipeline of talent ready to step up when needed."

With Paul's commitment secured, Edward shifted the focus of the discussion to Brighton's transfer strategy. He outlined a new approach, one that aimed to identify undervalued young players with the potential to develop into top-tier talent.

"Our transfer strategy moving forward will prioritize the acquisition of young, promising players who fit our tactical structure and long-term vision for the club," Edward explained. "We'll be looking for players who display above-average talent, skill, or intelligence on the pitch, but who may have limited experience in the top European leagues."

He emphasized the importance of scouting and recruitment in identifying these hidden gems, highlighting the need for a comprehensive analysis of player performance and potential.

"Our goal is not just to sign players for the present, but to invest in their development and unlock their full potential over time," Edward continued. "This approach aligns with our commitment to building a sustainable and competitive team that can compete at the highest level for years to come."

Edward's words resonated with the board members, who nodded in agreement at the strategic shift in Brighton's transfer policy. It was a bold move, but one that held the potential to yield significant dividends in the long run.

"As we embark on this new transfer strategy, I want to emphasize the importance of patience and persistence," Edward concluded. "Building a successful team takes time and dedication, but I'm confident that with the right approach, we can achieve our goals and establish Brighton as a force to be reckoned with in English football."


"Now onto our transfer targets."