
EdgeRunners Uchiha

OC with looks of Madara Uchiha Nanobots System for creating and hacking and many more to come patreon 3$ a month link will always be somewhere in either the story or the comments i hope you enjoy and vote for this story and see where this story goes

Cerberus_Daley · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Chapter 5 the Preparations

Welcome to chapter 5 at long last just to clarify that this is only going to be a Madara x Lucy and Rebecca. So in future lemon chapters I'm going to need a bit of help with them and the plot for those chapters if the first one that I do isn't good.

Chapter 8 title spoiler {Starting Project Samsara}

So be prepared for that chapter sometime this week coming depending on when this chapter is out now enjoy chapter 5


{The Next Day}

{Madara POV}

*pop* *Crack* *crack* *pop*

"mmmmmmmmm that was a great rest now then to start the day before heading out to meet with the crew Tobi get breakfast ready please" Madara says walking into the bathroom getting his day started

Tobi - "yes sir boss man"

{20 minutes later}

"refreshing" Madara says stepping out of the shower "now then what to wear hmm this one is good enough" (think a battle kimono with something similar to Rengoku's White with flame design "coat" i don't know the right term for it so ill but a picture but it has this Logo on the Back also putting picture here)

"time to grab breakfast and leave this base for the moment Tobi transfer to the Car and start the It up please" Madara says while grabbing breakfast "Also start the the EYE and transfer it to the car"

Tobi - yes sir Boss man

{5 minutes later}

"now to message Maine to get the Crew together to introduce myself"

'Maine you there' - MU

'now's not a good time choom' - M

'just letting you know im on my way to the HQ now with new equipment for some of you' - MU

'Nova choom ill have every one there' - Maine

"lets go Tobi we have a long ways ahead of us don't we things are starting to get intersting again just like 10 years ago" Madara feeling nostalgic while remembering what had happened 10 years ago

{with Maine and Crew same time after call ended}

"Aight boys and girls meet up at HQ close to Japan Town were going to introduce the new member and he's bringing new equipment for us too" Maine Says addressing everyone

"Nova my guy cant wait to see all the weapons that i can use to kill some people in some gigs i got coming up" Rebecca says excitedly

"so who's the new guy Maine" Lucy Asks

"you meet him yesterday for the job that we did nothing on that's who he is" Maine Says happily "now lets get going Chooms"

{2 hours later}

{HQ near Japan Town}

"hmmm so this is the building is it" Madara asks himself "then lets see if they are there waiting for me to arrive"

while walking into the building Madara Noticed a lot half broken walls and barricades assuming in case a shoot out with a rival crew or something would happen they would be prepared for it and have cover all ready there he also noticed some cameras in the corners of most rooms for a better advantage and callouts when connected to them.

Walking into the main room where everyone is too sitting or standing with the news or shows playing on some TV's on the walls

"well this place looks cozy doesn't it" Madara states his satisfaction at all the preparations that had went into the buildings HQ for the Crew

"nice of you to join us Ghost" Maine starts "we couldn't find anything other than an alias and some rumors about you and what you have done"

"what is your name" Kiwi Asks

"my name you want and you will not find anywhere because i wasn't registered in any system at all but i built my own and i know almost everything about the small corporations and i have a few secret files from the Major Corporations like Arasaka and militech i could be literally anyone i could be a ripper doc, merc, netrunner, and so on but there is one thing i know for sure and that is i will never lose to anyone but enough of that. My name is Madara, Uchiha Madara other wise known as The Ghost of the Uchiha pleased to make all of your acquaintances i hope you will learn in time that what i do is to further this crew and myself to destroy these corporations and finally have peace in my heart" Madara states while releasing his killing intent and pressure making everyone struggle to breath and stand some even passed out on the floor (just some cannon fodder is all)

after Madara lifted his killing intent and pressure everyone was able to breath normally and stand again someone runs and starts asking to be taught how to do that

"teach me teach me teach me how to do that my name is Rebecca by the way but chooms call me Becca nice to meet you Madara" Rebecca asks excitedly while wanting to be taught whatever move Madara had just used on all of them

" Well See" Madara Says while Chuckling and patting Rebecca's head "now would you like to see your new weapons boys and girls"


And that's a wrap for this chapter sorry about the long delay had some shit to deal with and stress but anyway chapters will resume back to 12-36 hours after the previous chapter roughly and that roughly equals out to about 4/5 chapters per week now the lowest amount of chapters you will see a week is 2 and the most is 8 a week now i set the pendulum Scale with my scale 2 EdgeRunners and my Scale 8 Uchiha and summon Chapter 6 of EDGERUNNERS UCHIHA and attack you directly and deal you chapter 6 life point damage