
Chpater LXXXVI

Chapter LXXXVI

Gina's POV

We've already stormed the courtyard of the castle, It may have taken time for the gates to open but when it did we easily took over the whole outside with ease leaving only inside the castle.

"Where's Leo?" George said while fighting.

"We've been searching the whole courtyard and we haven't seen even a glimpse of him anywhere," Zeke said kicking one of the controlled civilians and knocking it off.

"Gina, Lux, and you masked man, Since I measure your strength you'll join them to guide some knights to storm the castle." The masked man nods and the three of along with a thousand knights.

We are in the massive hallways when suddenly the champion blocks our way with a few knights behind, It's an armored knight so it'll be hard for us to do. We dash through their defense.