
Chapter XXXI

Chapter XXXI

Jessica's POV

"Seems like escaping the secret passages are not recommended at this point," I said and smiled. "but I have another plan, just follow my lead."

I look outside and I wink at Leo peeking outside. I raised my hands and after a little while pointed at them and a strong gale of wind pinning all of them to the wall to I ran towards the broken window stand in front of the window.

"Go jump," I said and defended the position.

"What!? are you sure?" Rachel hysterically said.

"Just go," I said push back the enemies.

"Leap of fate I guess," Zeke said and jumped.

"Why is Zeke not going back up?" Rose asked and peered down the window. "How?" 

Rachel carry Rose and threw her out the window, I heard her scream fading in the distance. Rachel climbs the window frame and looks at me. "Come on." She offered her hand.