
Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII

Lux's POV

As we were forcing our way to find the mastermind of all this chaos, we saw a bright light to our left making its way towards. The three of us can't dodge so we three both ready for the impact and then suddenly someone showed up then deflect the giant fireball to a distance.

"That's quite hard." The said as she pant.

I stared at her face and realized it is Rachel who joined with Rose.

"Why are you here it's dangerous," I warned them.

"Nah, We can handle," Rose said as we pressed our back together because we're surrounded.

"Shan, Zach, And Zeke are currently at the center of all this fighting whoever doing this." Rachel said.

"Oh, so there are already in there," I said.

"All of us heard towards there I'll take care of all this," Jeremiah said as he chants some weird languages and formed a circle in his hand. "Blue flame magic: Dragons Breath."

Blue flame eradicates everything that's been that formed a way for us to go through.

"Go now." He said as he defends our back from the enemy flank.

"You two should go and we'll help him distract them," Rose said.

we both nod our heads and fight our way towards the middle. We slashed every enemy who blocked my way while Blue climb the roofs so he can push off any enemies that may block him.

As I plow through I notice a mark on their shoulder that's similar to the one that attacks our village.

I need to know who caused this ruckus and capture those people who're involved in this.

After a few minutes of running and fighting, I saw a devilish shaman that was covered in hood and darkness that surrounding him, I'm sure he's the one.

Blue and I rush towards him at high speed, Blue threw a dagger at the shaman but it only broke into pieces but that didn't stop me and rushed towards him and tried to slash him but my sword was immediately torn to pieces and then he grabbed me in the neck.

"We'll face soon so be patient." He threw me at one of the buildings and the walls crumbled in the impact.

I fell to the ground but someone catches me. "Are okay?" I stared at his face and it's Zeke.

I stood up and ready my bare fist.

"Here's a weapon. We saw what happened and All we need to do is just reduce the number of the enemy to face that guy." Blue said as he gave me a spare sword.

We all agreed and started to reduce their number but after hearing a loud horn the enemy immediately try to escape and then the knights pass through us capturing those enemies that are still here.

"All of you done a great job so you better relax for a moment as we clear the area." The knight general said as we all sat in the corner.

The pain in my back kicked in and it's so painful to even feel at that time. A Cleric immediately walked towards me and heal me.

She said that I have a few broken bones but it was immediately.

After an hour of healing all of us, the sun started to rise so we decided to take a rest at our inn so we can recuperate our stamina and fatigue.

We three lay down our beds and sleep as long as we can.


Jessica's POV

I wake up and stare at the window for a ray of nice sunshine I always expect in the morning. What a beautiful day it is! I sat on my bed and stretch my arms.

"Oh, so you're awake huh?" Gina handed me a coffee. "Here, drink this it will freshen up your day." She said as she slurps her coffee.

"What a cold personality," I whispered to myself.

"Did you say something?" She asked while giving me deadly stares.

"A-ah No, hehe," I said to her as I slurp my coffee.

The moment my tongue touches the surface of the coffee It immediately wakes me up to my nervous system and it's so strong that it tastes bad.

How could she drink this strong coffee without adding a little milk or something? Scary if you ask me... she's like a man.

"I'll go check on the boys. I haven't heard a noise from them since I woke up." She said as she walks out of the door.

When she left I immediately pour half of the coffee into the plant beside my bed. I don't want to suffer drinking it all up. I inhaled and drank all of it in one gulp and that's the worse coffee I had, it's so strong to the point I want to vomit.

No kidding it tastes bad. I head towards the boy's room and saw Gina scolding the boys that are still half awake. They have a deep eye bag like they couldn't sleep at night.

What just happen?

"You three better wake up and we will go towards the tavern to hunt something. Once I come back and saw no progress I'll decapitate your heads." Gina said in frustration.

"Yeah yeah," Lux said as he lay down on the bed but Gina smacks him with a stick.

"Nope, you can't sleep." She said.

I glance at the other two Andrew saw them already covered in a blanket trying to sleep peacefully but Gina saw those and whack them with the stick.

"Who told you two to sleep?" Gina said in anger.

They were silent until Lux moved and head to the washroom while holding his clothes. "If I come back and you're not gearing up I'll chop your head off."

Gina was about to leave and felt that someone lay the bed so she glances back and saw Blue sleeping and snoring so she smacks his head.

"ouch! that hurts..." He said as he scratches his head.

"Like I said. No sleeping." She left the room and so am I.

Bad luck hit them hard. so hard...

When I'm done preparing for my gear I decided to head out and saw a lot of royal knights lurking around the area.

"What happened?" I said to myself.

I wonder for a bit until someone covered my mouth and pull inside a dark alley. I couldn't move a muscle since I can feel he might kill me if I move.

I closed my eyes begging for someone to help until I heard a wind noise and the guy that covered my mouth fell down the ground.

"Are you hurt or something?" The guy said.

I stare at his face for a long time and realized who he is. "Zeke? Thank you for helping me!" I said in excitement.

"Umm... sorry but I'm Zach..." He said in disappointment. "I'll just go and dye my hair black so I can never be mistaken as my twin again..." He slowly walks away from me.

"By the way thank you!" I said as I wave at him.

That was scary. Thanks to him that I manage to survive that. Next time I'll never put my guard down again since it's dangerous wandering around this town.

"Oh! I should head back! I think they've already done." I said I hurriedly run towards the Inn we were staying

Let's hope I'm not getting scolded by Gina, She's pretty scary you know.

Lux's POV

We are currently outside in this street walking towards the tavern as we speak. I feel kinda dizzy because my eyes and body want to lay down and sleep but I can't do that since we're here to start a new hunting quest.

We still need to get money so we can upgrade our gear and also replenish our supply so we can start our journey once more.

After a few minutes of walk and turn, we finally arrive at the so I immediately walked towards the quest board and pick a thing.

As I was scanning the posted quests I saw something seems out of ordinary. I pick it up and it said retrieve the unique species of Dire Wolf in 1000 cash. That's an amazing deal. I grab and show it to my party, at first they're hesitating but eventually they agreed.

Catching a Dire Wolf is dangerous since it's known to be nearly extinct and like it says a unique type so it must be very tough since it's unique that your typical Dire Wolf. It's exciting since it's my first time catching one.

"So where are we heading again?" Blue said as we pass the gate of Xiyah.

"Hmmm... It says, the forest of illusion..." I said in confusion. "I haven't heard such a forest but I guess we just need to keep going."

"Forest of Illusion is right this way," Gina said in a cold tone while pointing at the map I'm holding.

"How did you know where it is located?" Jeremiah asked her.

"Didn't you remember the last time we passed that forest?" Gina said.

"Nope. Not at all." He said in a cold tone.

"Is this what you're talking about?" Jessica said as she stares at this ominous-looking forest.

It disperses a dark aura around it and the trees are withered and the path looks dangerous because of all the spikey things in plants.

"Yep," Gina said without hesitation.

"Oh... I guess I should wait here so good luck guys!" Blue said as he starts to sit on the grass.

"Nope, you're coming with us," Jeremiah said as he carries blue like a sack of rice.

"I don't want to--" His voice cut off when they enter the forest.

"I guess this is it huh," I said as I hesitate to enter.

"Hey! There's no turning back." Jessica said as she enters the forest.

"I guess so..." I said as I walked toward the forest. "Come on, are you scared or something?" I ask Gina.

"Nope. I'm just surveying." She said as she enters the forest.

"This is it then," I said as I entered the forest.

To be continued...


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SJCTheLegacycreators' thoughts