
POV; My name was Hugo...

Hey what's up my name is Hugo or rather my name was Hugo I'm changing my name to Edgavile dont need anything from the past to hold me back anymore cant say I have a way back home anyways.

I came from a city in California which is part of the USA which is on a planet called Earth. I was Hispanic and yes I had a big family but even though I was 30 I did not have kids. Had lots off friends and was even going to get married but all of that is in the past. yea it's in the past. it's been around 5 months since I woke up in this land. no idea as to where it is or what it is but it sure as hell ain't Kansas always wanted to say that. Lol. think that's what I'm going to miss my family my friends but more than anything my fiance, not so much the technology although could use a toilet and shower. We had a long road ahead of us had just purchased a small house for the 2 of us. (breaths in deeply and emotionally let's out a big sigh) but like I said that was in the past.

So yea i was Hispanic, Mexican 5'9 full head of Black hair long beard which oddly enough was a mixture of black and red and on the husky side. why am I describing my self well because I look different now. Still brown a lighter shade than what I was but still brown thank God cause the other changes are out there. I'm roughly around 6'6 have a hard sturdy body think Captain America from the the movies. My eyes are silver with a tinge of orange that makes them pop out. and my hair is long and reddish gray.

Apart from my body's transformation, I have also acquired some supper human abilities like speed. this was the first thing I found out after waking up in a field that was covered in blood and corpses of creatures that i had never seen before. Upon waking up to that nightmare I ran and ran till I could not run anymore, ended up in a forest.

The last thing I remembered before waking up in that place was going to bed with my love. I think I must have passed away during my sleep. Damm that sleep apnea should of gotten it treated when I was diagnosed with it but can't change it now and what's done is done. Other things I found out I could do was jump higher than normal I mean I can jump up a tree with such ease. I discovered I am supper strong, during the first month I had so many emotions running through me mainly anger, sadness and anxiety. One night after a panic attack I started punching a big bolder by the time I was done I had reduced it to rubble. I also have a bit of night vision can't say I can see clear as day but clear enough considering I used to wear prescription glasses.

So hear I am in the middle off a forest. 5 months into my new life and I have yet to run into any other humans let alone anything resembling them. I sure would like to have someone to talk with, have always been a people person. I remember my fiance used to get embarrassed when ever we would go out to the park, beach or the flee market heck anywhere with lots of people because I would strike up conversations about anything. If I do run into humanoids what will I talk about? can I even communicate with them, F**k. Well I'll have to deal with that when the time comes for now it's time to eat. Good thing I was never a picky person when it came to eating cause these animals don't look that appetizing.