
Eclipsed Ascendance

In a world of cultivators seeking immortality, Liu Yan's life shatters when he discovers a forbidden tome in his ravaged village. Driven by vengeance against the tyrannical Heavenly Sun Sect, he descends into the Demonic Path, sacrificing loved ones and embracing dark, inhumane powers. As Liu Yan evolves from a broken villager to the dreaded Shadow King, his reign of terror drenches the world in blood and shadows. Amidst betrayals and ancient secrets, a desperate resistance rises, culminating in a final, harrowing battle for the world's soul. In this dark fantasy cultivation saga, the line between hero and villain blurs, and the cost of power is paid in blood.

nen67 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Forsaken Village

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a pallid glow over the forsaken village of Xianyang. Crumbling stone walls and abandoned houses told the story of a once-thriving community now withering under the shadow of despair. The oppressive rule of the Heavenly Sun Sect had drained the life from this place, leaving its few remaining inhabitants to scrape by on whatever meager scraps they could find. Among them was a young man named Liu Yan, whose life had been marred by tragedy and loss.

Liu Yan was barely ten when bandits raided the village, slaughtering his family in a merciless attack. He had been spared only by the quick thinking of Old Man Shen, the village elder, who had hidden him in a secret cellar. The memories of that night haunted Liu Yan's dreams, the screams of his parents echoing in his mind like a never-ending nightmare.

Now, at eighteen, Liu Yan lived with Old Man Shen in a small, dilapidated hut on the edge of the village. Every day was a struggle for survival, and the oppressive presence of the Heavenly Sun Sect made any hope for a better future seem like a distant fantasy.

"Liu Yan, come help me with this," Old Man Shen's raspy voice called out from the back of the hut.

Liu Yan quickly put down the old broom he had been using to sweep the dirt floor and hurried to assist the elder. Old Man Shen was attempting to lift a heavy sack of rice, his frail body straining with the effort.

"Here, let me," Liu Yan said, taking the sack from the old man's trembling hands.

"Thank you, my boy," Old Man Shen sighed, wiping sweat from his brow. "You're strong, just like your father was."

A pang of sadness shot through Liu Yan at the mention of his father. He forced a smile and nodded. "I'll take it to the storeroom."

As Liu Yan carried the sack, his mind wandered. He often wondered what his life would have been like if his family had survived, if the village had remained free from the clutches of the Heavenly Sun Sect. The sect's cruelty knew no bounds, and their enforcers were a constant threat, extorting what little the villagers had left.

After securing the rice in the storeroom, Liu Yan decided to take a walk to clear his mind. The ruins of an ancient temple lay just beyond the village, a place he had visited many times in search of solace. The temple, with its crumbling pillars and overgrown courtyards, had an eerie yet tranquil air about it, a stark contrast to the suffering in Xianyang.

As he made his way through the dense forest that surrounded the village, Liu Yan's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling leaves. He paused, his senses on high alert. The forest was not a place to let one's guard down, especially with the threat of bandits and wild animals.

"Who's there?" he called out, his voice steady despite the anxiety creeping up his spine.

There was no response, only the whisper of the wind through the trees. Liu Yan cautiously continued, every step deliberate and careful. When he finally reached the temple ruins, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. This place, despite its decay, felt like a refuge.

He wandered through the temple grounds, his fingers brushing against the weathered stone walls. As he entered the main hall, his eyes were drawn to something out of place. Amidst the rubble and debris, a faint glimmer caught his attention. Liu Yan approached and found a partially buried object. He knelt down and cleared away the dirt, revealing a black tome, its cover adorned with strange, intricate symbols.

Curiosity piqued, Liu Yan carefully opened the tome. The pages were filled with unfamiliar writing, the characters seemingly dancing across the paper. As he turned the pages, he felt a strange pull, a whispering in the back of his mind that promised power beyond his wildest dreams.

"Who are you?" he whispered, as if expecting the book to answer.

To his astonishment, the symbols on the page began to rearrange themselves, forming words in a language he could understand. The tome seemed to speak directly to him, its voice a soft murmur in his thoughts.

*"I am the Key of Shadows, the gateway to immense power. But with great power comes great sacrifice."*

Liu Yan's heart raced. The promise of power was tempting, especially in a world where he felt so powerless. But he was wary. He had heard tales of cursed artifacts and the dangers they posed.

"What kind of sacrifice?" he asked aloud, his voice echoing through the empty hall.

*"To gain power, you must forsake part of your humanity. The path is fraught with darkness and peril. Are you willing to pay the price?"*

Liu Yan hesitated. The idea of losing part of himself was terrifying, but the thought of remaining weak and oppressed was equally daunting. He thought of Old Man Shen, of the village, of his parents' unavenged deaths. Could this power help him change his fate and free his village from the clutches of the Heavenly Sun Sect?

"I... I need time to think," he said, closing the tome.

As he made his way back to the village, the weight of his discovery pressed heavily on his mind. When he arrived at the hut, Old Man Shen was waiting for him, a worried expression on his face.

"Where have you been, Liu Yan? I was getting worried," the old man said.

"I found something," Liu Yan replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He placed the tome on the table, and Old Man Shen's eyes widened in recognition.

"That book..." Old Man Shen began, his voice trembling. "It is said to be a relic from a dark era, a source of great power but also great evil."

Liu Yan nodded. "It spoke to me. It promised power but warned of a cost."

Old Man Shen's eyes bore into Liu Yan's, a mix of fear and concern. "You must be careful, Liu Yan. The allure of power can be dangerous. Many have been led astray by such promises."

"I know," Liu Yan said, his resolve hardening. "But we can't continue living like this, under the thumb of the Heavenly Sun Sect. If this power can help us, can help me avenge my family, then maybe it's worth the risk."

The elder sighed deeply, placing a hand on Liu Yan's shoulder. "If you choose this path, you will face many trials. But know that whatever happens, I am here for you."

Liu Yan nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and determination. The path ahead was uncertain, and the stakes were high, but for the first time in years, he felt a glimmer of hope.

As the night deepened, Liu Yan sat alone with the tome, contemplating his next move. The village was silent, the oppressive air of the Heavenly Sun Sect's rule lingering like a dark cloud. He knew that the decision he made would change everything, not just for him, but for the entire village.

With a deep breath, he opened the tome once more, ready to embrace whatever fate had in store for him.