

We were forty people working on our respective projects in pairs,I don't know why everytime but everytime my eye rolled over the room, I find her. My blood pressure increases, adrenaline reaches to top. Not only my eye, everything stops. I don't know what this feeling is, may be love or just attraction.

It's been six years I have been hit by puberty. There are my benefits and consequences of adolescence. The most common problem is that you don't know, whether you are grown up or not. Sometime you are told that,"hey boy, you are almost adult now. You should be more responsible, and whenever you want to put forward your thoughts during so called family feud, you are told." You are a kid, go to your room. But the biggest benefit of puberty I felt is that I am continuously able to find my new crush every week, without caring whether they were adult or younger, I fell for them.

Yet for the past 3 days, I am feeling a bit different. I don't know what but something is different in her. Her face her hairs, her everything, was something. Which I wanna keep with me forever. Although I just knew her name only but was never got the chance to start the conversation, or you can say, was not able to find the courage inside me. I don't know what is this feeling called, may be love. My first love...

There are many things that separate first love or whatever you call it, from other past attractions or upcoming relationship. Firstly you remember it for rest of your life. Whether it was a good relationship or not. But still the first feeling, the expulsion of oxytocin in the veins for the first time.

Secondly first relationship pave the way for your future relationship. It shapes your disposition towards the upcoming phases of love life.

Oh, I was just about to end first chapter without telling anything about me and my first love..

Hi, everyone my name is Rudra and from now onwards. I am going to tell you about things happened since last year, most amazing year of my life. When I met her... My first love.


When you fall for first TIME,

it is the experience for LIFETIME.

Two hearts stiched together without a TWINE,

When she is the only one you SUBLIME.

Dark outside feels like SUNSHINE,

When you fall for the first TIME.

When there is love in AIR,

Promises forever you SWEAR,

Nothing you CARE.

Only thing u wanna do is to STARE.

When loosing her is your only NIGHTMARE.