

Reaching Sun Pond everyone was exhausted and the order to disperse was followed with no hesitation. Walking into the main rooms, Kla-la Lun and Xaemin followed Xumarc quietly.

Inside Xumarc turned to face his children. His eyes were red, and he used his right fist to cover his mouth. A telling sign that he was disappointed.

Kal-la Lun stood like a statue, as she awaited her father's reaction.

With a sigh he pulled his fist down, "La Yae this will be your only chance to explain your actions." pointing his hand in Xaemin's direction, "You will remain silent, I do not need you jumping to her aid."

Kneeling on the floor she bowed her head.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, "La Yae get off the floor. I do not need your actions of respect and honor, it is too late for that. You disgraced this sect, and you disgraced your brother." His eyes squinted and his voice rasped with controlled anger, "I just need to know, why."

Rising from the floor she shivered, "I, I did not betray my brother." She paused thinking her brother or father would comment on that, but they remained silent. "Jaylyn believed that Zhulan was being controlled."

"Zhizhan." Xumarc corrects, "You are not his family, you will address him properly."

Biting her lip she drew blood, "Jaylyn believed he was being controlled by someone powerful, and that his actions were not all his own. They had spoken to each other and had a plan, but that plan could not be acted out."

Rubbing his face Xumarc then covered his mouth with his fist once again, only speaking when he was calmer. "Your brother was killed. His body is currently with the doctor's as they try to find a way to take out that bead induced poison stuck in his side. Everyone saw him fall by Zhizhan's hand, yet you…" He stops filled with too much emotion and lets out a puff of air. "You sided with a killer in front of everyone. Why?"

Her hands trembled, her eyes stinging with emotion, "Jaylyn believed,"

"And what do you believe La Yae? Hmm? What do you believe?"

Feeling a sudden determination, "I believe in what my brother believed. He believed Zhizhan was a puppet. Surely we will investigate all things before sentencing him. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? We cannot let our emotions guide us, is that not what you have taught me?" after speaking the sudden courage she had left her, her eyes studying her father's angry expression.

Turning to Xaemin, "Xaemin what do you think of this? Your sister claims to not be following emotions. While surrounded by sects that may one day prove to be our enemy, she stood against Sun Pond. She sided with a killer, who we both know she loves." His eyes flicker to La Yae for a moment. "Above all when she awoke she planned on leaving this sect, and heading to go aid the killer."

"I think," his eyes went back and forth between his father and sister. This was never a position he wished to be in. Only hours had passed and his need for his younger brother was becoming this heavy pain he was not sure how to deal with. "I think I have already lost a sibling. I cannot bear to lose another."

La Yae's eyes watered at her brother's words. She missed her twin too. It had barely been a day since he passed. She can still hear his pleas in her mind. Can remember the way it felt when he pushed her, urging her to go save Zhizhan. Those were her twin's last hopes, or course she has no choice but to abide by them.

It is silent in the room. The Raing family always grew silent when emotions became too much. With such a delicate situation, in the room everyone's breathing was the only thing heard.

Xumarc finally spoke, "You will stay in this sect La Yae. Your ties with Zhizhan end here. Do you understand me?" He gave her a look of warning.

Her eyes widened, "Father I have to attend the trial. I am the only witness he has for the destruction of Lakelin City."

Losing his patience, "And you are the only sister of Jaylyn! You are the only female to braid his hair for the funeral. You are the only female member who can take off his ring. Does that mean nothing to you?" His anger is barely controlled, how dare his daughter choose anything over this family? Shaking his head, "Get out. Go to your quarters, I need time to think."

Neither sibling had ever seen their father so emotional. La Yae bowed and obediently left.

Xaemin stayed behind and bowed to his father, "La Yae believes she is acting by Jaylyn's wishes, Father. Please do not be hard on her."

Resting his hand on his son's shoulder, "All her life I have taught her to control her expressions, her emotions, her actions. To use her brain, to think things through. She has never failed me." He smiled sadly, "But at the time Sun Pond would need her the most, she chose to abandon it." looking at his son, "You are children of the Raing Family. Within you is the blood of the Summer Fairy. You will be the next leaders of Sun Pond. How can the daughter of the leading family abandon the Sect so publicly? The mantle you both carry is heavy. At times of crisis you represent Sun Pond. Sun Pond must always come first."

The next morning La Yae sat in her room by the window, biting her lips. Her fingers tapped against each other nervously. "Jaylyn believed he was controlled." She mutters to herself. If this is really true, then Zhizhan being sentenced to death would be exactly what they would want. Right? Moving her hand to tap on the wood of the window, or he becomes imprisoned, and the person who was manipulating can study the power Zhizhan had. Zhizhan's power was almost as great as the Spiritual King's. The Spiritual King who had the power of hell. Could burn bodies as well as create them. Shaking her head, Father of Dark Rage or not, Zhizhan would not side with the person who killed his father and brother. Unless… that was a ploy too. And the person who killed the leader of Colored Mountain was not the Spiritual King at all, but the person manipulating Zhizhan.

Sighing, she left her perch by the window and moved to look at the stand that used to hold her sword. Zhizhan no longer had a sword, instead using those destructive beads. A year ago his sword was his most important weapon. She remembered the joy on his face as he swung his silver and black blade. Moving to the back room she went to the secret space behind the wall and picked up his blade. Half a year ago, Zhizhan's sworn brother Kanim had brought it to them. He was unable to locate Zhizhan and decided the best place to hide the Father of Dark Rage's sword would be in Sun Pond. The Colored Mountain Sect was no more, and they had all gone into hiding. Picking up his blade she tested the energy in it. As it grew warm she could feel something, more than just the sword's energy inside. Attempting to open it, it did not budge; and with a sigh she placed it back behind the wall.

There were too many questions unanswered, Jaylyn most likely had pieced together enough to place his trust in Zhizhan. Tapping her lip, she did not have the information her twin did, and to get it she would need to speak to Zhizhan. She needed answers, and she could not get them here in Sun Pond.

Walking out of her quarters she rounds the corner and stopped when she saw her brother. "Zey-yim."

Xaemin's eyes were heavy with agony. Their sibling dynamic was always full of laughter. Whatever his baby sister wanted he always granted, unable to say no to her. It was Jaylyn who would put his foot down. The three siblings all had their roles, but now he had to say no. This time he could not grant his sister what she so desperately wanted, "You still choose to leave?"

Taking a shallow breath, "I need answers, Zey-yim I have to do this." Her voice becomes pleading, "Please tell me you understand."

Zey-yim turned his face so she could not see the emotion in his eyes. "If you leave you will not be here for Jaylyn's funeral." He says his last resort, to convince his sister to stay.

"Yes I will. The capital is only 8 hours away. I can go and come back before tomorrow night. The funeral is in 2 days. I have time. I can do both." She pleads.

Shaking his head, "Because you are you, you cannot go. Because you are Raing La Yae, Jewel of Sun Pond, your name prevents you from freely leaving." His eyes bore into hers, "I cannot be the brother who ignores your actions and supports you this time. You must stay in Sun Pond."

Taking a step back, "I won't." her voice held warning. She studied her brother's resolute stance. She would almost be convinced that he would not waver if not for his eyes. His eyes that were too broken to look at. "Please brother, you have to understand me. If there is anyone left to stand on my side it has to be you."

Drawing his sword, "I will fight you on this La Yae. You cannot leave Sun Pond."

With no sword to fight with she pulled out two dual daggers. "I am not abandoning our family. I am doing this for Jaylyn." She tries to explain backing away.

"This is more than just our family La Yae. You must think of Sun Pond too." He repeats the words of their father.

No more words to say La Yae maked a move to run but was forced to engage in a fight with her brother.

The sound of blades clashing of course caught the attention of everyone. Despite the tiredness they were feeling from being roused into alertness at the break of dawn, the members of Sun Pond came out of their sleeping quarters to see what the sound was. Seeing the two Raing siblings fighting was more of a wake up call than anything. Of course the siblings had practiced before, had sparred here and there. Yet, as everyone watched the speed in which the siblings moved it was obvious this was not a spar.

Xaemin's fighting style was very swift and forceful. Obviously having perfected his father's military style of wielding a sword. Kal-la Lun, while she had no sword her fighting style was more fluid, mixing different styles and fighting moves into her own.

It was easy to see however, that both siblings held no desire to harm the other. Xaemin's movements were to contain, and Kal-la Lun's movements were to escape.

Raela, one of Xaemin's best friend's arrived and upon seeing the sibling fight turned to the other Sun Pond Members, "Leave, this does not concern you."

The juniors left right away scared of receiving punishment from their senior sister, however the fellow seniors hesitated. Raela was of the same level as them, she had no authority to tell them what to do. Yet when one of the members' eyes fell to the person behind her everyone scrambled.

Sect Leader Xumarc's anger was so powerful that even the air tasted sharp. Every cultivator moved to get out of the way. Bowing quickly and rushing back to their quarters.

Raela had not seen Sect Leader Xumarc, for she had chosen to stop the fight between the two siblings. "Enough you too. You are justifiably hurt and angry, but that is no excuse to attack each other." Pushing herself between the siblings she held both hands up to stop them.

La Yae seized this opportunity to run off.

Pushing Raela to the side, "This does not concern you." His voice was pained as he ran to catch his sister. Throwing his arms around her, the blades of her daggers aiming at his bicep.

With no choice La Yae dropped her daggers to not cut him, and kicked at her brother's leg. Both siblings fell to the ground, rolling around; La Yae in attempts to get free, and Zey-yim in attempts to hold her securely in his arms.

A warm wind blew through Sun Pond. The trees throughout the entire sect shook from the wind, petals and leaves combined and swirled around the siblings, forcing them apart, and standing them on their feet. As the wind subsided Xumarc grabbed his daughter's hand and led her away. With a, "Follow me." Zey-yim quickly followed, picking up his sister's fallen daggers.

Walking into the same room as before Zumarc led his daughter to a chair, "Sit."

Standing in front of the chair La Yae chose to explain herself, time was running short. "Father, I have to go. This is his last wish."

Holding up a finger, Xumarc vibrated in anger. His words were slow as he pronounced each one carefully, "I told you not to leave Sun Pond. I told you to stay. I told you your ties with Jang Zhizhan had ended." The more he spoke the calmer he seemed.

Sitting in the chair, "Father please."

Xumarc laughed in disbelief, "The trial has already ended. There is no more for you to do."

"What?" falling into the chair behind her, "So soon?"

Ignoring her reaction, "You want nothing to do with Sun Pond, fine. You are exiled." Taking a breath, "You can do as you wish, you are no longer a part of this Sect."

Xaemin's eyes widened and he rushed to stand in front of his sister, "Father we can not banish her. She will never be able to come back. She is the only sibling I have left. I beg you to be merciful. Any other punishment would be better than this." His speech panicked as he looked back at his sister. Exile? Surely her crimes could not equate to that.

Xumarc waved his hand for Xaemin to be silent, his expression resolute. Luckily it was at the moment Sect Leader San-nin of Blood Cloud arrived. He was announced and walked in leaving the rest of his members outside.

Picking up on the tension San-nin studied the dark expression on his friend's face, and the pained reactions of the children. He had expected something to happen, which was why he went to Sun Pond earlier than the day of the funeral. Turning to his friend Xumarc, "Marlin, perhaps it is best to think with me and come back to them later?" He suggested.

Xumarc took in a breath before slowly responding. "Samson I need no time to think on this. My daughter has expressed her desire to leave. To abandon Sun Pond, thus I will grant her that." He sighs and adjusts his jacket, "My daughter wants no ties here."

La Yae's teeth grind against each other as she attempted to hold back her tears. Crying would only make things worse, her father hated tears.

Nodding to show he understood where his friend was coming from, "So what do you wish to do?" San-nin's eyes drifted to La Yae. She was like a niece to him, and he cared for her deeply, while he had a reputation of being just as strict as her Leader Xumarc, his niece was his weak point. If he knew a way to help her he would try his best.

Xumarc's cold eyes met San-nin's, "Exile."

Sucking in a breath, "Exile?" His eyes studied the three remaining members of the Raing family. "Surely you can see how that will end badly. If she is ever to be harmed, the secret methods of healing that only you and your family share would be unavailable to her." taking a step closer, "Exile is a definite thing. Once you give it, you will be unable to take it back."

The cold expression in his eyes weakened a bit. "I have known you for decades Samson. What would you suggest?"

"Are her actions beyond wrist whips?" Wrist whipping was when the punished would place their arms on a table, wrists up. Then a leather whipping rope, infused with energy strings would hit them. Depending on the rule you broke would determine the amount of hits you would receive. The welts would last a month before healing.

"Raing La Yae disrespected her elders. Fought against fellow members. Spoke out of turn. Disrespected her sect, and has no remorse for these actions." Motioning for Xaemin to move out of the way so he could look at his daughter, "If she had remorse she would not have tried to escape this morning."

Squinting his eyes shut San-nin tries to think of a punishment that would not equate to exile. "Let us discuss in the other room and come back?"

His expression turns cold as he addresses his children, "Do not move." Then he walks to the other room, waiting for San-nin to enter before sliding the door shut.

Xaemin stayed motionless, his back to his sister, his eyes glued to the door his father entered.

Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours. The sun that was only just beginning to rise when they fought, was now brightly in the sky. It was after so much time that Xaemin finally spoke.

"Do you care what the punishment is? If you are truly exiled will it not affect you? Will just travel to the capital?"

Looking at her brother's back, "I will always care." she whispered.

Turning to face her, "So why? Surely you knew the severity of the rules you were breaking." Shaking his head, "If you are exiled, I will lose two siblings." Dropping his head, his voice shakes, "I cannot lose you too."

Her chest warmed at his words, "I am not against you Zey-yim"

The door slid open and the siblings stand at attention.

Xumarc comes out first with a resolute expression on his face. San-nin looked stoic.

Xumarc walked to his daughter and caressed her cheek. She had grown taller reaching his shoulder. He moved some of her hair off her shoulder to rest on her back. "What I do is as the Sect Leader of Sun Pond." His brown eyes bore into hers, full of warmth and pain. "Not as your father."

La Yae's eyes are full of questions, never experiencing her father showing so much emotion. Her hand reaches out for Jay-nan before remembering she can no longer do that.

Noticing the movement Xaemin turns away, his eyes stinging.

"For your crimes against Sun Pond, I Sect Leader Xumarc of Sun Pond, punish you with the Three Stings."

Her breath stops as her mind processes the information. For a moment she wondered if exile was better.

The Three Stings was a combination of Sun Pond's worst punishments. The punished member would lose their sword, their sect token, their right to braid and their public name; then they were temporary banished. The scariest punishment to La Yae was the loss of the right to braid. She would have to kneel and allow a sect elder to unbraid her hair. This would symbolize that she has lost that right. She would not be able to braid her hair again, until an elder braided it back after she proved herself worthy once again. Then the elder would take her sword and cut her hair.

Her hands went to her hair, she had never cut it all her life, on trimming the ends occasionally. Her black locs fell to her waist, it kept her warm in the cold. It concealed her face when she did not wish to see anyone. It was a symbol of her accomplishments when she pulled it into braids. To have your hair cut was a huge dishonor.

Xaemin stutters as he wraps his head around the words, "T t t temporary banishment?"

Xumarc nods, "The honor of braids will be revoked, your hair will be cut, your sword will be held until you are deemed worthy of having it again. Temporary banishment to Blood Cloud Sect. There you will prove your loyalties. Only then can an elder of Sun Pond end your punishment. The name Kal-la Lun will be held here, only returning to you, when you can return to Sun Pond."

Xaemin's eyes closed, his head dropping down to look at the floor as he gulped. "May I write her?" His eyes go to his father, and the strong 20 year old, next in line to be Sect Leader, is a child once more.

"Temporary banishment." Xumarc repeats his words, "Any letters you write will have to go to Sect Leader San-nin who will read it first. You can not write anything about what happens in Sun Pond. All information about this sect will be shut out."

Xaemin bowed in understanding and then chose to stay quiet.

Taking a deep breath to prepare himself for what he must do. "Xaemin, retrieve Kal-la Lun's sword." After Xaemin moves to follow the orders he addressed his daughter, "Kneel."

Her breathing held the weight of bricks, as she slowly lowered herself to the floor. Her hand clutching strands of her hair. On the floor her body shook for fear of what was to come.

Xumarc turned to San-nin. "Sect Leader San-nin, I ask that you leave us. These matters are with Sun Pond."

San-nin eyes the rigid stance in his friend and nods. There are no words he can say to make things easier. Perhaps the heavens have blessed him with not having children of his own.

Xumarc stood in front of his daughter motionless awaiting Xaemin to return with her sword.

"Father," Taking a breath in an attempt to center herself, "I Kal-la Lun accept all punishments for my actions." Her father does not respond, but when she looked up at him she was shocked to see a tear running down his cheek.

Sighing, "I taught you to be in control of your emotions, this was more than to perfect Leaf and Petal Control." His pained eyes bore into hers, "You are so much like your mother." Kneeling down he runs his thumb under her eye, "You may see it as cruel, but I will not let you fall to the same fate she did."

Xaemin returned with his sister's sword hesitating on entering when he saw the emotional scene.

Smiling sadly, Xumarc patted his daughter's head and rose. The emotions left his face, as he took on the role of Sun Pond Leader.

Sect Leader Xumarc moved to stand behind his daughter. His hands removed the golden Sun Pond clip, and undid the half bun in her hair. The braids fell, curling by her shoulders from being held up so long. He took out the braids slowly. Maybe to delay the punishment, or maybe to give her the feeling of him running his fingers through her hair for the last time. No one knew. On the last braid he spoke, "I Sect Leader Xumarc of Sun Pond remove your right for braids. You may never hold a braid again until a Sun Pond Elder returns the honor to you."

Her hands clasped together tightly. Her nails cutting into her skin. Her black hair falls around her in waves, creating a black blanket hiding her face. Her heart pounded and her eyes remained glued to the floor, focusing on the dark shadow her brother cast. When a Sun Pond member lost their rights, the entire family had to be present. Her eyes moved to the left, and her heart pained at the empty space.

Xumarc ran his fingers through his daughter's hair gently and then parted it into 2 sections. Extending his hand to Xaemin, he unsheathed La Yae's sword. "In our culture braids are sacred, our hair symbolizes our accomplishments, our heritage, and our origins." Pulling the left side of her hair to the base of her neck he lifted her sword. "May you take this punishment as a lesson and come back stronger." Then he poured some of his energy into the blade to make a clean cut and sliced through her hair, allowing it to fall to the floor.

Her breaths stopped as she watched the black strands of her hair fall to the floor. Her head felt light as hair fell around her face, there was no longer anything covering her neck and back; no longer a blanket to hide from.

Twirling the right side of her hair, "May you return to us smarter." He quickly sliced through her hair in quick movements, dropping it on the floor as well.

Her fingers discreetly picked up stands and squeezed it in her hands tightly.

"You are henceforth temporarily banished from Sun Pond. You have no right to braids, no right to your sword, and no right to the name Kal-la Lun. The Jewel of Sun Pond is no more." Sheathing her sword he moves adding, "You are unable to attend Jay-nan's funeral, as the female of the fallen member." Leaning down he grabbed hold of the Sun Pond token on La Yae's waist and yanked it off. Then he swiftly walked out the room.

Xaemin stood in the same spot he was in when he handed the sword to his father. His hand positioned as if he still held her yellow scabbard in his hand. His eyes went back and forth between her hair on the floor and the hair on her head. There was not a doubt in his mind that she would disguise herself to attend Jaylyn's funeral. She would not wish to take attention away from honoring the fallen members, and if she showed up with her hair like that, the gossip would be loud enough for Randin Kingdom to hear. It would just be him to light the candle that would guide the path for his brother's spirit. He would not have his sister to stand by him. He could not rely on her, nor could she rely on him. "It will grow back." He said in attempts to comfort her.

La Yae said nothing, it was almost as if she did not hear him at all.

Xaemin's brain urged him to walk closer, to hug his sister, to do something; but his body was frozen. He could see the wood floor darkening with each silent tear she dropped. "You will come back." He said to her as well as himself.

"Please stop trying to comfort me." Her words were tight, as she tried to hide her emotion. "Go help father, he must be suffering."

Finally his feet did move, but only 3 steps closer, still too far to touch her, "Father has Sect Leader San-nin." Gulping his emotion back, "I will not leave you alone."

Lifting her head, she allowed her brother to see her tear stained face, her bloodied lip from biting it too harshly, "Do you believe me when I say I am doing this for Jaylyn?"

Xaemin's breath hitched, and his words ceased. He did not believe that she was not doing it for Jaylyn, but even he was certain that her twin was not the main cause for her actions.

"Then go." She whispers, "Do not comfort me if you do not trust me."

There is a slight pause as the two siblings argue with their eyes, but with nothing to say in return Xaemin exited leaving La Yae alone.

Collecting the cut strands of her hair La Yae held it tightly to her chest. "Jaylyn believed, so I can too."

Inside the cells of Oxzi Dungeons, Zhizhan was held to the wall by metal energy draining chains. The chains had originally kept his hands up by his head, but the more energy he lost, the more drained he felt; until he collapsed to the floor his body held up by his wrists chained to the wall. The first year he was able to keep up with the amount of time he stayed chained to the wall. He was able to keep count on how many times people would come and attempt to pull out his energy searching for Dark Blood.

Due to the Prince's orders, they were to target any Dark Blood in his body and attempt to manipulate it. It was believed Dark Blood that originated from a living vessel would be able to control the Dark Beings he had created. He had grown too exhausted to express to them how untrue that was.

He never saw the Prince, but he guessed it was Prince Mazid behind all of this. Throughout all of this his mask was unable to be taken off; which was a cause for more angered hits. He tried to explain that Colored Mountain masks were sealed, only the owner being able to take it off, or only someone with no evil intent could lift it, but he doubted they would have cared. Instead they dirtied the mask, and then laughed as he was stuck breathing in the feces.

Every so often his chains were lowered and someone would walk in and clean him. There was always blood from the whips, and the person cleaning him would have to use their energy to help close the wounds on his body. His cell was dark, only lit by torches when people came, but soon his eyes adapted to the darkness; and in the darkness he experienced his true punishment.

In the darkness he could swear he heard La Yae's voice. Could see his sister's face. Could hear the hope in Jay-nan's voice followed by his sister's face covered in tears. It was too cruel, and he tried to alter the memories. Create a world where he never broke his engagement. His sister passed away in her sleep at home, surrounded by her family. For that would be better than the horrors he was forced to hear when Mal Khan visited. Any death was better than the descriptions Mal Khan gave about his sister's passing. Yes, in Zhizhan's mind his sister died peacefully, and he buried her under the ground, and poured petals, and honey over her grave. In his world it was La Yae who broke the engagement, and if he could escape he would convince her to love him again. In his mind his sister never married and stayed home. In his mind he was never close to his sister because she grew up away from home. In his mind his family passed away, but they were never close anyway. In his mind Colored Mountain was a sect that never spoke to each other, love was never truly there, thus pain could not be there either. Yes, in his mind life was hard but he could fix it. He would fix it. After seeking revenge he would fix everything.