I woke up to the sound of crying beside my bed as I go to move and get up it suddenly felt like the right side of my body was getting ripped to pieces like the worst torn muscles I have ever had.
I could not move so I opened my eyes everything was so bright in my right eye I had to close it slowly opening my left again slowly as I closed it with my right by instinct I slowly turn my head to see mum crying beside my bed.
how long was I out I ask making her jolt up from her slouch she looked at mean then pounced onto me with a jump hugging me tight.
'I am so sorry clip you saved my life but you didn't get out scot-free the rune explosion bound itself to your right arm and right eye I was only able to contain it in those areas but you will forever onwards have some of the creeping chaos inside you now and I'm not even sure what will happen to you because of it other then you being less human or I should say, druid.
I look down at my pitch-black right arm with silver symbols all over they seem to glow and move around my arm at random intervals I then looked back at mum and said its fine mum I am alive and so are you I figured I would have to pay a price to save your life.
death really can get bitchy when you prevent her from her harvesting and I just knew she was gonna get all vindictive about it later probably if or when I die I could see that maybe if I destroy half the universe she would cheer up nah that didn't work for Thanos.
I will just give her some chocolate that seems to cheer up women at least for a while hoping that applies to conceptual beings.
I lay in that bed for the rest of the day when Luna returned she would not stop poking my arm which was tender nope she thought it was the next best thing to sliced pie just as she was about to leave my room she turned to me and said.
Tomorrow you are not just gonna be a unicorn but a pirate unicorn I wonder where mum keeps the shapeshifting potions now since she moved them from last time.
a yes last time I remember it like it was only last month, oh wait it was.
so yeah last month I and Luna found mums shapeshifting potion things got a little out of control so I and Luna found a potion for Godzilla and Mothra.
and we decided it would be fun to play fight yeah it kind of got the army called in I am pretty sure if mum and her cult followers didn't come as soon as they did I believe they were gonna go nuclear.
thankfully the army memories were erased and any evidence was destroyed yeah mum was not pleased about that let me tell you.
but 10 out of 10 giant monster fights would do again just maybe when I am higher level and make a pocket dimension or something yeah good times.
well I know what I am going to be doing after tomorrow I will probably cry in a corner for a while and then get over it I think insanity works for me honestly or is it just that I am extremely sane?
anyway I can't even train today I think I am on potions because I feel super trippy at the moment yeah I think they're kicking in as mum gave them before she left earlier.
as I slowly start to sleep the only thing in my head as I close my eyes is this is my family we may be strange but we are wonderful and I love this life with them I will never let anything happen to them then Morpheus took me to the world of dreams.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
last chapter for today 3 more for tomorrow enjoy guys
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Overlord 9000