
Echoes of the Ascendant: Whispers of the Heart, Echoes of Duty

Is He the Heir of the Most Powerful Couple in the Universe? Or is he just a very wealthy man? Is he some sort of reincarnation? Or is he just a lucky villain with a system? Let's wait and see... As for the Romance, well, Let's see with the story. ----------------------------------- I first thought to write the first few chapters in a Urban setting and then change it to a more traditional and fantasy setting. But even I am not a fan of this trope. I know many novels which started off good but went downhill due to this. So, I thought of continuing this in a modern setting till the end. As for how I would do it, I still haven't thought about it. If you guys have any suggestions, do tell me. I'll gladly accept. ----------------------------------- ***This is still in the Development Phase. And I will gladly accept any of the advice or suggestions you have.

HegemonDao · ファンタジー
19 Chs

A Chance Encounter Blossoms


Thursday, January 15th, 2060

Central Park, Astra City, Aethelgarde.

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the manicured lawns of Astra City's Central Park. Zayn, taking a rare moment of respite from his duties, strolled along a secluded path, the crisp autumn air invigorating his senses. He was lost in thought, contemplating the recent surge in frivolous luxury goods being imported from the distant Zaythan Empire, when a figure caught his eye.

A tall, broad-shouldered man with a mane of dark hair and a roguish grin was sauntering leisurely down the path, his gaze flitting between the vibrant autumn foliage and the elegantly dressed women strolling by. He was dressed in a fashion that screamed 'Zaythanian' – a bold, patterned shirt unbuttoned at the collar, paired with tailored black slacks and gleaming dress shoes. The man's every gesture exuded an air of casual confidence, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.

A jolt of recognition shot through Zayn. It was him. Xenon. According to the future he witnessed through System, Xenon is the first chess piece arranged by Darius. Xenon could be said to be Darius's apprentice or a follower. But that's not it, he has another identity, only known by Darius and his family. And it was also due to that reason, Darius loves and cares for him.

It was due to Xenon's initial planning that Darius could overthrow his businesses and finally the whole empire. With the help of Darius's contacts, Xenon would first establish himself in Astra City and gradually move to the other districts including the Capital. But before that, he would make sure that Zayn's private holdings under Aetherium Consortium will go bankrupt and he would have to fled to capital. Though, Darius didn't come to Astra city first, his plan started from the Astra city. So, that means what he had guessed is right. 

He watched as Xenon stopped to flirt with a group of giggling women, his charm working its magic with effortless ease. Watching this unfold Zayn smirked. Xenon's womanizing ways were legendary, but this was also his weakness. Now, he knows what to do. So, after watching for a few minutes, he soon drove his limited edition Volvoron to 'International Trade District'. It is the commercial district of Astra city.

As soon as he left, Xenon who was flirting with woman seemed to feel something and looked around. Only to see that there were no one around.


The International Trade District was a sensory feast. Gleaming skyscrapers scraped the sky, their reflective surfaces warping the vibrant sunset hues. The streets teemed with activity – pedestrians of every description window-shopped, haggled, or hurried along, their movements punctuated by the ceaseless hum of traffic and the rhythmic thump of music spilling from open storefronts.

In front of a prominent clothing store, a figure in a bulky bear mascot costume struggled to distribute flyers to passersby. Sweat beaded on their forehead, despite the magma-like heat that radiated from the costume. The middle-aged store owner, comfortably ensconced in the cool embrace of air conditioning, watched with growing disapproval.

"Shout louder! Did you not eat? Am I paying you 100 Lr. every day to just stand there?" the portly man bellowed, his voice dripping with irritation. He'd considered firing the part-timer earlier for arriving late, but the threat of docked wages seemed more satisfying for now.

Suddenly, a commotion erupted at the storefront. The crowd parted like the Red Sea, their eyes glued to a luxurious silver car that had pulled up in front of the store. The door opened with a flourish, revealing a man who instantly captivated the audience. Zayn, with his sharp features and imposing stature, exuded a quiet confidence that turned heads, especially among the female onlookers.

A flurry of gasps and murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"Damn! A Volvoron Avalnt! One of the rarest cars on the planet!"

"Look at that watch! A limited edition Suwut Deligt – must be worth at least five million Lr!"

"Who cares about money? Did you see his face? He's a heartbreaker in the flesh!"

"He's so handsome, even celebrities would pale in comparison!"

Mobile phones flew up like eager paparazzi as the crowd documented Zayn's arrival. The greasy store manager, previously preoccupied with his disgruntled employee, felt a jolt of panic. He shoved aside the bewildered bear mascot with surprising force and rushed toward Zayn, his face plastered with a desperate smile.

"Welcome, sir! We have an exquisite selection of the latest trends in…," he began, only to be silenced by a curt word from Zayn: "Shut Up!"

Taken aback, the manager stammered, "Yes, sir! Right away…" He scurried out of the way, clueless about what had triggered the young man's displeasure. Despite the luxurious car and Zayn's aura of wealth, the manager sensed a deeper presence, a quiet authority that transcended mere materialism.

Ignoring the gawking crowd and the frantic picture-taking, Zayn strode directly towards the fallen mascot. He reached down gently and helped them to their feet. A soft voice muffled by the costume head, expressed a breathless, "I'm okay! Sigh… sigh!"

The head of the mascot costume lifted, revealing a young but cute girl with bright red hair that tumbled down her back in a messy ponytail. Her name tag read "Sapphira," and her eyes, the color of vibrant red phoenix wings, widened in surprise as she met Zayn's gaze. 

For a moment, both of them were frozen. Zayn, momentarily stunned by Sapphira's unexpected beauty – a kind of youthful innocence filled with cuteness that differed greatly from the ethereal elegance of Lyra, the woman he loves. Sapphira, flustered under the scrutiny of such a handsome stranger, felt her face burn even hotter.

"The costume makes your face sweaty and red," Zayn said with a gentle smile, putting the mascot head back on the ground. He carefully removed a strand of hair clinging to her forehead.

Sapphira felt a shyness she hadn't experienced before. In the future Zayn witnessed, Sapphira's artistic talent led her to future success, but seeing her in person, so young and struggling, tugged at his heartstrings. He knew the harsh realities of pursuing dreams in a world driven by profit. He considered offering to help her financially, but he was unsure whether it would alter the future events that is destined to unveil. But even so what? He already knows most of the plans of Darius. So, after thinking for a bit, he decided to offer a different kind of support.

Ignoring the gawking crowd, Zayn continued, "This job looks tough. Don't you have better ways to spend your time?"

Sapphira's smile faltered. "I have to work," she confessed. "I'm saving up for college – for art school."

Zayn's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Art school? Are you an artist then?"

Sapphira's eyes lit up with a passion that resonated deep within him. "I dream of being one," she said eagerly. "The world looks different through the lens of color."

Zayn glanced at the tacky clothing store, a frown creasing his forehead. This should be a renowned company, infiltrated by a greedy manager who clearly exploited his employees. A tide of anger surged through him, quickly replaced by a renewed determination to help Sapphira.

Before he could speak, a booming voice cut through their conversation. The greasy manager, having regained his composure, swaggered over, his face plastered with a wide, obsequious smile.

"Sir, I apologize for the… unpleasantness earlier," he rasped, his eyes darting between Zayn and Sapphira. "Perhaps you'd like to come inside and browse our exquisite collection? We have everything a gentleman like yourself could desire."

Zayn's eyes narrowed. "No thanks," he replied curtly. He wasn't interested in the manager's blatant scheming.

His gaze shifted back to Sapphira, a spark of protectiveness igniting within him. This young woman deserved a shot at her dreams. "Listen," he said, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "That outfit looks like it's seen better days. How about we take a break? My car is air-conditioned, and I could use a cool drink myself."

Sapphira hesitated, unsure of this sudden turn of events. The manager, sensing a potentially lucrative sale slipping away, puffed out his chest and interjected. Although he knows that this man may be a rich second generation since he doesn't look like a startup with the temperament he emits, he still couldn't stand still at this moment. 

"Hold on a minute! Who do you think you are, waltzing in here and taking my employees on joyrides? This young lady is clocked in and has work to do!"

Zayn's eyes narrowed. This wasn't just any clothing store – the garish signage and tacky displays screamed of mismanagement. A flicker of recognition sparked in his memory. This particular store was part of a chain he indirectly oversaw, a subsidiary under the vast umbrella of his holding company – Astral Dynasty. The manager, however, remained blissfully unaware.

Ignoring the outburst, Zayn took out a sleek communication device (Mobile Phone, is better right?) from his pocket. It pulsed with a faint blue light, indicating an incoming call. With a press of a button, a holographic image flickered to life, revealing a harried-looking executive.

"Sir," the executive began, "we've received multiple customer complaints regarding the service at the International Trade District branch. There's been a consistent pattern of unprofessionalism and…"

Before the executive could finish, Zayn cut him off with a curt nod. "I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll handle it personally." He ended the call and turned back to the bewildered manager, a steely glint in his eyes.

"Actually," Zayn said, his voice dripping with icy politeness, "there seems to be a misunderstanding. This establishment falls under Astral Dynasty holdings, and based on the recent reports, a change in management is necessary. Consider your employment here terminated."

The color drained from the manager's face. Recognition dawned on him as he finally understood the source of Zayn's authority. He stammered, his voice laced with desperation, "B-but sir, I've been loyal to this company for years!"

Zayn remained unfazed. "Loyalty without competence is a recipe for failure," he stated simply. "Security will escort you out."

With a wave of his hand, two imposing figures materialized behind the sweating manager. They silently ushered him out of the store, leaving Sapphira wide-eyed and speechless.

The cool afternoon breeze felt like a blessing in disguise. Sapphira, overwhelmed by the rapid turn of events, looked at Zayn with a mix of apprehension and hope.

"What about my things?" she asked worriedly. Her worrying look is actually quite cute.

Zayn smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about that. We'll get you everything you need. Right now," he gestured towards a sleek silver Volvoron parked across the street, "how about a drive and some juice to cool down? And then maybe, you could tell me more about your art."

Sapphira, still reeling from the dismissal of her manager and the unexpected offer, looked at the luxurious car, then back at Zayn. A flicker of doubt crossed her eyes. This stranger, with his handsome face and confident demeanor, offered a stark contrast to the harsh reality of her daily life. Yet, his kind eyes and genuine concern held a disarming sincerity.

Taking a deep breath, Sapphira decided to take a leap of faith. "Alright," she said, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "A drive and some juice sound good. But after that, I really do need to…"

"Don't worry about work," Zayn interrupted gently. "We can figure something out. Right now, just relax and enjoy the ride."

With a grateful nod, Sapphira climbed into the passenger seat, the plush leather interior a stark contrast to the stifling bear costume. As Zayn started the engine and pulled away from the curb, she glanced through the rearview mirror. The tacky clothing store, with its oily manager staring after them in disbelief, seemed to shrink in the distance.

A wave of relief washed over Sapphira, replaced by a nervous excitement. This unexpected encounter had thrown her entire day into disarray, but a tiny spark of hope flickered within her. Perhaps, just perhaps, this stranger with the kind eyes and the offer of a cool drink could be the first brushstroke on a new canvas – a canvas that painted a future brighter than she could have ever imagined.

As they cruised through the bustling streets of Astra City, the setting sun casting a warm glow on the cityscape, Zayn stole a glance at Sapphira. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and cautious optimism. He knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy. He may not be able to alter the timeline entirely, but he could offer her support, guidance, and perhaps, a chance to escape the confines of her current reality. The future remained uncertain, shrouded in the fog of war and hidden agendas. But for now, amidst the chaos, a single, unexpected encounter had blossomed into a possibility. And in that possibility, Zayn saw not only a way to help Sapphira achieve her artistic dreams, but also a chance to forge a bond that could redefine his own destiny.

The Volvoron Avalnt purred effortlessly through the traffic, leaving the tacky storefront and its troubles behind. As the cityscape melted into the twilight hues, a sense of hope flickered within Zayn. Perhaps, just perhaps, the future wasn't entirely set in stone. Perhaps, by helping Sapphira, he could not only alter her trajectory but nudge his own towards a brighter outcome. The System's visions may have shown him a path fraught with danger, but this unexpected encounter offered a glimpse of something else – a chance for compassion, connection, and maybe, even love.

A soft melody tinkled from the car's entertainment system, filling the comfortable silence. Zayn stole another glance at Sapphira, her face bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun.

"So, Sapphira," he began, his voice gentle, "tell me about your art. What kind of world do you see when you look through that lens of color?"

A hesitant smile curved Sapphira's lips. As she started to speak, weaving tales of vibrant landscapes and fantastical creatures, Zayn knew this was just the beginning. The future remained uncertain, but for the first time in a long time, it felt full of possibility.

Another Chapter finished.

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