
Echoes of longing

William is a rich business tycoon who owns brandy company his parents died when he was at the age of 12 . He then made a promise to his self he must avenge his parents death.it became more interesting when he saw Isabel William was at his office preparing for his online conference meeting when he heard a knock at his office door he said come in. Isabel walked into the office and was blowen away by the decor of the office the office was transparent. William said how can I help you ....well sir someone said you can help me with so I came to ask for help . he turned his chair around and said am listening go ahead I am hoping you can help me with some money I will give you anything you want I promise ..... He raised his head from the document anything I want are you sure of this deal . you about to sign a deal with the devil little kitten . He smirked . I was amazed by his look his blue eyes was so captivating his red Rossy lips his face was breathtaking I was in daze ... He snapped me out of my own world of admiring him I realised he was standing so close to me he whispered in my ears saying why can't I resist your cuteness .... I was shocked sir are you going to help me he cut me off in my speak saying call me William....Ummm ok William ..I love how my name sounds on your lips I was surprised this guy is shameless ..... ............... what do you think will happen next well you will find out soon what will William want in return .... umm

Miracodecity · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Few years later

Isabel couldn't believe that it had already been a year since the incident with Andrew at the university.

She had been focusing on her studies and trying to move on from the traumatic experience. One day, she decided to take a stroll in New York City to clear her head.

As she was walking, she spotted someone familiar across the street. It was Lily, William's fiancee. Isabel's heart skipped a beat as she tried to make sense of why Lily was in New York.

She hesitated for a moment, but then mustered up the courage to approach her. As she got closer, Lily recognized her and gave her a warm smile. They exchanged pleasantries and caught up on each other's lives.

Isabel couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort around Lily. She remembered how Lily had pretended to be her friend while she was still with William. Isabel wondered if Lily was still pretending to be someone she was not.

But Isabel pushed those thoughts aside and decided to enjoy the moment. They talked about their plans for the future and shared some laughs.

It was a nice change of pace for Isabel, who had been feeling down lately.

After they said their goodbyes, Isabel walked away feeling a mixture of emotions. She was happy to see Lily again, but also couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As she continued her stroll through the city, Isabel wondered what else was in store for her. She had learned to expect the unexpected, and this chance encounter with Lily was just another example of that.

Isabel continued her walk through the bustling streets of New York City, her thoughts still dwelling on her encounter with Lily. She couldn't help but wonder why Lily was in the city, and if it had anything to do with William.

As she walked, she passed by a bookstore and decided to go in. Isabel had always loved reading and found it to be a great way to escape reality.

She browsed through the shelves, picking out a few books that caught her eye.

As she was paying for her purchases, she overheard a conversation between two women behind her.

They were talking about a recent art exhibition that had opened in the city, and Isabel's interest was piqued. She hadn't been to an art exhibition in a while, and she decided to make her way to the gallery.

As she walked through the exhibition, Isabel was struck by the beauty of the artwork on display. She spent hours wandering through the different rooms, admiring the paintings and sculptures.

But as she turned a corner, she saw something that made her blood run cold. It was Andrew, standing in front of one of the paintings.

Isabel couldn't believe her eyes. She had thought she had left New York , but here he was, in the same city as her.

Isabel tried to keep her distance, but Andrew spotted her and began to make his way towards her. She could feel her heart racing as he got closer.

"Isabel, it's good to see you," Andrew said, his voice smooth and calculated.

Isabel tried to maintain her composure as she spoke to him, but her nerves were frayed. She couldn't believe that he had the audacity to approach her after what he had done.

"Andrew, what are you doing here?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly.

"I'm here for the exhibition, just like you," he replied, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

Isabel could feel herself starting to panic. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. She tried to make an excuse to leave, but Andrew blocked her path.

"Isabel, don't be like that. We had something special, remember? Don't you miss it?" he said, his tone growing more insistent.

Isabel could feel her anger rising. She couldn't believe that he was trying to manipulate her again.

"Andrew, I don't want to talk to you. Please leave me alone," she said, her voice growing louder.

Andrew looked taken aback for a moment, but then his expression hardened.

"Fine, have it your way. But don't think that this is the end of it. We have unfinished business, Isabel," he said, before turning on his heel and walking away.

Isabel stood there for a moment she then thought we never even had a thing together , feeling shaken and annoyed .

She knew that she needed to get out of the gallery as soon as possible. She quickly made her way to the exit and stepped out into the cool evening air.

As she walked away from the gallery, Isabel couldn't help but wonder what else Andrew had in store for her. She knew that she needed to be careful, and she made a mental note to be more vigilant in the future if she ever sees Andrew again .she wished they wouldn't cross path again

There readers I will be giving late updates coz I wanna participate in a contest hope you understand Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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