
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · ファンタジー
20 Chs

"Transformation Device"

I was lying on the starting line again. Akshaant and Shaila were standing in front of me. While Akshaant had a smile on his face, Shaila's expression was filled with disbelief and admiration. And why wouldn't it be? Today, I successfully completed two rounds of the entire field. It had only been an hour since my training started, and I had already shown this. Not only that, but the beginning of the morning was also good for me.


Master: Son...the medicine I gave you last night, you won't get it now. You can see for yourself, for the first time you felt so much exhaustion and pain yesterday. This is just the beginning, there will be more difficulties ahead.

Hearing this, I became a little nervous. I was worried that I wouldn't get the drink from last night again because that drink was truly amazing. In just a few minutes of drinking it, I started feeling better. I had thought that now I wouldn't have any tension, no matter how hard the training was, I would work hard and drink that at night to relieve all exhaustion and pain. But master refused to give me that drink, so I was disappointed.

Master: Don't be disheartened, my son. If you continuously consume that tonic, you'll become dependent on it, which isn't good. Besides, this is just training; you won't have time to rest in real combat. Then how will you alleviate your fatigue and endure pain?

ME: Is there any solution, master?

Master: Yoga, my son, yoga. Yoga and meditation not only develop our minds but also provide relief from all our sorrows... Today, I will teach you just that...

Today, when you bring your mind back to that light in a meditative state, try to connect your senses with your body. This will strengthen your cells. The more you stay close to that light, the more your internal strength will develop. This will allow you to work harder without exhaustion and reduce the feeling of pain.

As master had said, I did just that. When my concentration broke, I felt more strength and energy within me compared to yesterday, and this was evident in my running practice this morning. Today, I was running as fast as Akshaant. Seeing this, Akshaant was quite surprised. Then Akshaant and I headed towards our training spot. On the way, we saw Shaila practicing. Seeing us, she joined us too.

Upon reaching there, Akshaant recreated the atmosphere from yesterday, and I dove into my training. For a while, I felt the same as yesterday, but today, my ability to think, understand, and make decisions had also improved. Before I knew it, within an hour, I successfully completed two rounds again. But in this moment of joy, I lost my concentration, and BAMMMM...I got stuck in the cement, back to start..


SHAILA: Wow, Vijay! When Akshaant told me yesterday that you had completed one round, I couldn't believe it. But today, you've completed not just one, but two rounds...

AKSHAANT: Yes, but you lost your focus, Vijay. Enthusiasm is good, but it has its right time. Your goal is not just to complete 2, 3, or 4 rounds, but to complete all 5 rounds. That's when you'll succeed. Losing your focus due to excessive enthusiasm before that is not right.

I realized my mistake too.

ME: I'm sorry, teacher. I'll focus now.

AKSHAANT: It's okay. Go, try again.

With that, I started again. Shaila was watching me with great enthusiasm. She was shocked every time she saw my speed.

SHAILA: His pace is increasing with time.

AKSHAANT: Yes, I can sense from within that one day he'll be the fastest in the universe.

SHAILA: Not just that, I think he's capable of learning every skill.

AKSHAANT: Hmm, let's see.

Here I was running with full enthusiasm, and this time I easily crossed 2 rounds. I was about to complete the 3rd when I got stuck in the last sand trap.

I closed my eyes. The entire field started to appear before me. This was also a gift I received from meditation. I could not only see everything I had seen before in a meditative state but also understand what was happening there. And that's what I was doing now.

I was doing all this right at the starting point where Akshaant and Shaila were both standing. Before they could say anything, I opened my eyes and started running. I had figured out where I had gone wrong.

My speed had increased even more. Shaila and Akshaant were stunned to see my pace. Before they could understand anything, I had already completed 4 rounds...this was my last round. Both Akshaant and Shaila had expressions of astonishment and joy in their eyes. I was very close to achieving my target. Just one cement trap and one sand trap stood between me and my goal.

In this moment of joy, even Akshaant and Shaila had forgotten the real problem.

"Transformation Device"

This was my final hurdle. I easily crossed the cement trap and was about to overcome the sand trap by keeping my weight light on it when BOOOOOMMMMMM...a powerful explosion occurred.

The explosion was so massive that the imaginary sky created above shook...

I was flying over a cement trap when I fell on it. The trap pulled me in, and I was back at the starting point. Akshaant and Shaila, after the explosion, were staring at what came in front of them.

I was quite injured. I had fainted as soon as I fell, but because my cells had become quite active, I regained consciousness in a few moments... When I looked at myself at the starting point, I felt disappointed again. When I looked around, I saw Akshaant and Shaila standing. I called out to them, but they were both staring at something in front of them. I followed their gaze and saw something even worse than them...

ME: OH NO... Where did this come from!!!

That's when I remembered the "Transformation Device"

ME: What form has it taken now? I have to fight it...

I looked towards Akshaant and found both of them looking at me... with pity in their eyes...

ME: Do I have to fight it?

Akshaant just nodded.

ME: Is this some kind of joke? I don't want to fight it.

AKSHAANT: You can't back down, Vijay. Until you fight it, we can't escape from this magical world.

What nonsense is this? Where will I survive after fighting it?

Both of them were in tension too. Akshaant had broken this cycle before. They had encountered the Transformation device, but whenever the device had changed forms, it had become a bull, a rhinoceros, sometimes a small demon, sometimes even devils in large numbers. But what they were facing now had never happened in any hallucination field.

At that moment, in front of us, was a snake over 100 feet long.

It was emitting something like saliva, which was falling like drool. Wherever the drool fell, smoke arose...


Two hours had passed. In the first hour, DIGVIJAY had invoked the "EARTHLY INVINCIBILITY" Spell, and in the second hour, the "CELESTIAL INVINCIBILITY" Spell... DIGVIJAY was feeling the presence of both the powers of EARTH and SKY within him. When he felt he was ready, he opened his eyes...

DIGVIJAY: Now I should test my power. Let's see how powerful these two spells are...

BATTLE UNFOLDING... As DIGVIJAY uttered these words, 10 fearsome warriors appeared before him... towering at 6.5 feet tall, each wielding a sword in one hand and a different weapon in the other. They all began advancing towards DIGVIJAY. He too was prepared.

DIGVIJAY extended his hands. A sword began to gleam in his hand. He invoked the power of the earth and said "REPRISAL." A light of earthy hues emanated and engulfed all the warriors. There was a powerful blast, and the light penetrated through the bodies of all the warriors. They all fell.

DIGVIJAY was ecstatic, but his joy was short-lived as the warriors rose again, this time taller and stronger. They united to attack DIGVIJAY. His sword alone was holding off the onslaught, but DIGVIJAY himself couldn't launch a counterattack.

The warriors' speed was overwhelming, leaving DIGVIJAY no opportunity to strike back... Suddenly, their speed increased even further, making it difficult for DIGVIJAY to defend himself. Then, one warrior wielding a mace struck DIGVIJAY's back, sending him flying.

When DIGVIJAY looked ahead, he saw all the warriors closing in on him...

DIGVIJAY: These bastards won't even consider stopping. If this continues, they'll turn me into minced meat. What should I do? Yes... DIGVIJAY invoked the power of the sky and said "REPRISAL." Lightning surged from his hands, striking all the warriors. Lightning pierced through their bodies, and they all fell.

DIGVIJAY: HAAASHHHH... I survived. But this peace was only temporary. All the warriors stood up again. This time, they were even taller and broader. DIGVIJAY was terrified. The warriors began their assault on DIGVIJAY. This time, they were even faster. DIGVIJAY couldn't handle their attacks...

AHHHHHHH... One warrior swung his sword, hitting DIGVIJAY directly on his right shoulder, causing him to scream... but the warriors didn't stop there; they continued their relentless assault on DIGVIJAY.

In just a few moments, DIGVIJAY's condition worsened. There was no part of his body left untouched by the attacks; blood was oozing from everywhere. DIGVIJAY could see his end approaching. At that moment, one warrior aimed his sword at DIGVIJAY's neck. DIGVIJAY didn't have enough strength left to stop the blow. He lay there silently.

KADKADKADKADDDDDD... A mighty roar, accompanied by lightning, struck all the warriors, turning them to ashes.

Once again, lightning struck, and from amidst it emerged Archer standing before DIGVIJAY. Unable to see beyond this, DIGVIJAY lost consciousness..

"One the other hand"

Remember "Dhawalgarh"? ... the maternal home of our hero's mother, Mona...

It's 4 in the morning...

In a bedroom of a luxurious mansion, a girl is sleeping. There's a gentle smile on her face that could steal the heart of Cupid himself... Such a beautiful girl, for whom perhaps no poetry, no verses, or no song could do justice...

But why is she smiling? Let's take a look at her dreams. She's in a beautiful garden, just strolling around... Suddenly, someone calls her from behind. But wait, she can't turn back. She tries hard but can't turn. It feels like someone is stopping her from turning back. Meanwhile, a voice whispers in her ears,

"Daughter, now is not the right time for you to meet him..."

With this voice, the girl's eyes open... She sits up.

The girl's name is


To be Continued..