

"In the poignant tale, 'Echoes of Forgotten Heart,' Evelina Marlowe awakens to a life robbed of memories, grappling with the shadows of her past erased by amnesia. Amidst this enigma, she finds herself entwined with a mysterious man named Ethan, who claims to be her husband. As they tread the delicate path between rediscovery and the unknown, their hearts resonate with unspoken connections that whisper of a love once cherished. As fragments of memories resurface, Evelina must confront the secrets concealed within her heart, as well as the enigmatic bond she shares with Ethan. 'Echoes of Forgotten Heart' is a journey of self-discovery, intimacy, and the unbreakable threads that bind two souls, even when the memories are lost."

Rarajasmin_jazz · 若者
2 Chs


She awoke in a room that enveloped her in comfort, its aesthetics a gentle embrace for her senses. Casting her eyes around, she noticed a man nearby, his presence casting a flicker of uncertainty over her thoughts. Memories eluded her, leaving her suspended in an unsettling void of confusion.

As her consciousness stirred, the man by her side turned his attention to her, his gaze soft and caring. His fingers closed around her hand, a gesture of affection that bewildered her fragile state. The perplexity was evident on her face as she tugged her hand back, a bemused smile curving her lips.

In response to her reaction, concern shadowed the man's features, prompting him to summon a doctor. The suddenness of the situation caught her off guard. The doctor's arrival was a whirlwind of professional inquiries and examinations, the words "amnesia" hanging in the air like a weighty secret.

Her eyes flicked to the man, the richness of his brown eyes matching the aura of the room. His attire was impeccable, hinting at a life of affluence or significance. Each facet of his appearance, meticulously composed, whispered tales of an enigmatic persona.

Caught in the man's gaze, she deciphered a mosaic of emotions that danced through his eyes. An amalgamation of anxiety and serenity danced within those depths, a contradiction that mirrored the enigma of her predicament. The sensation left her feeling adrift as if lost in a labyrinth of emotions that were simultaneously foreign and intimate.

When the doctor departed, his purpose fulfilled, the atmosphere seemed to hold its breath. The man's voice, a blend of tenderness and gravity, shattered the silence. Revealing himself as her husband, he offered her identity as a lifeline. Evelina Marlowe, repeated the name internally, as if testing the waters of familiarity.

The word "accident" reverberated in her mind, a catalyst for the chasm that now separated her from her past. His words wrapped her in a cloak of gentle reassurance, urging her to rest, promising his return. Yet, the currents of unease swirling within her intensified as his eyes met hers. What lay behind those earnest eyes? What truths remained concealed beneath his comforting words?

Evelina was left in solitude, the room cocooning her in a blend of questions and curiosity. As she gazed through the window at the shifting patterns of light and shadow, she knew that unravelling the tapestry of her existence required her to navigate the corridors of uncertainty and discover the truth that lay hidden within the heart of her forgotten memories.

He assured her, "We're going back home now. It's been six days since you were in a coma. You're alright now, so let's go home." His care and concern for her were palpable, evident in the sincerity of his brown eyes. Evelina found herself at a crossroads, torn between his caring demeanour and the uncertainty that clouded her mind. Trust was a delicate thread, and she wasn't sure which direction to follow.

With no one else to turn to and a sense of familiarity resonating in the man's presence, Evelina found herself willing to put her trust in him. As they arrived at their home, he graciously introduced her to the sprawling house. The grandeur of the place left her in a state of bewilderment, its well-appointed furniture and spaciousness seeming both foreign and oddly comforting.

Guiding her to her room, she stood at the threshold, astonishment painting her features as her eyes swept across the space. It was her room, or so they claimed, and yet it felt like stepping into a dream. The ambience, the arrangement, and every detail felt carefully thought out, yet her connection to it seemed tenuous. Despite the lingering uncertainty, the presence of her belongings seemed to bridge the gap, offering a slender thread to her forgotten life.

She tentatively touched her belongings, feeling the nostalgia and faint traces of her identity. As he observed her, a smile curved on his lips, and he approached, extending a touch of intimacy. But an unease settled within her at his touch, a feeling that something was amiss. His disappointment was evident when she withdrew, her gaze locked on him, torn between her instincts and his words.

He gripped his hands, frustration mixing with his affectionate tone. "Why do you doubt me, baby? I'm your husband. Look at your state now. I warned you not to, but you never listened. And now you don't remember me either. Do you have any idea how painful this is?" His eyes, filled with longing, locked onto hers, imploring understanding.

However, she was a puzzle missing too many pieces. She couldn't offer the comfort he sought, not when she was grappling with a foggy reflection of her former self. The depth of his emotions was evident, but she couldn't reciprocate the way he wished. She was adrift in a sea of unfamiliarity, struggling to even ascertain her own identity, let alone understand the dynamics of their relationship.

In his gaze, she detected a mixture of sorrow and nostalgia, a longing for the connection they once shared. Yet, she was a stranger to herself, a fragile soul trying to piece together a jigsaw of memories she couldn't grasp. How could she reassure him when she was battling her inner turmoil when she was a riddle she couldn't solve?

He seemed to comprehend the gravity of her situation, realizing that her past was an enigma that might never fully unravel. His intentions became clear as he chose not to burden her with the weight of her forgotten memories, even if they held moments of sweetness. With a gentle smile, he reassured her, "It's okay, baby. Don't worry. The past isn't as crucial as the future. Focus on what lies ahead."

His words carried a sense of comfort, urging her to embrace the present and the possibilities it held. He encouraged her to explore her surroundings, granting her agency over her own choices. He mentioned his impending departure for work, but emphasized that she wasn't alone; the household staff was at her disposal. He added, "If you need anything, just ask them. And if something happens, call me. Love you, baby." A tender attempt at a kiss was intercepted by his realization that she lacked the context to understand it, prompting him to leave the room.

As he departed, he delegated her care to the servants, his actions reflecting a protective concern for her well-being in this new and unfamiliar reality.

She watched the man's fading shadow as he left the room. Seated at the piano, she found solace in its keys, her fingers dancing over them, conjuring a beautiful melody. It felt instinctive, as though music was a part of her essence, even if her past remained veiled.

Later, she stepped into the bathroom, her eyes falling upon the bathtub. A surge of memory, hazy yet potent, washed over her. She recalled an intimate moment with the man, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. The recollection held both familiarity and confusion, a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit.

As her mind wandered, she became aware of a faint ache in her lower abdomen, a physical yearning that mirrored the emotional tumult within her. The sensations stirred a mix of emotions—desire, longing, and a haunting sense of incompleteness.

She stepped into the shower, letting the water wash away the confusion and doubt that clung to her. Once refreshed, she selected a delicate pink dress that seemed to resonate with her current state of mind.

As she combed her hair, the serenity was disrupted by the appearance of several servants. They informed her that the food was prepared and that President Ethan had advised her to take her medicine and rest.

At the mention of the name "Ethan," something within her stirred. Suddenly, the name "Ethen Bennet" flashed through her mind. The servants noticed her reaction and exchanged knowing glances. One of them remarked with a gentle smile, "Madam, do you remember Sir, right? How could Madam forget Sir?" They seemed confident that the connection between her and Alex was strong.

Lost in thought, she struggled to understand the familiarity of the name and the emotions it evoked. The puzzle pieces of her past were scattered, and the name seemed to be a significant piece she was trying to fit into place.

During lunch, her thoughts were consumed by Ethan, a name that seemed to carry a weight of emotions she couldn't entirely grasp. Curiosity compelled her to ask the servants for more information about him and their relationship.

The servants shared that he was a prominent and chilly CEO, a well-known figure in the business world. They conveyed that his love for her had been sincere and that she too had reciprocated those feelings. But, as they began to touch upon a certain day, the atmosphere shifted. One servant's words were abruptly cut off by a pinch from another, and she understood the message from their exchanged glances. They revealed they were happy and didn't delve further into the matter.

Their evasive response left her with a whirlwind of emotions, the pieces of a past she couldn't remember falling into place like shards of glass. The name "Ethan" was more than a name; it was a doorway to a world she had lived in but couldn't recall. She was left with the remnants of a story that seemed both beautiful and enigmatic.

This is the first part of 'Echoes of Forgotten Heart.' If you enjoy it, please consider supporting me by leaving a comment and a review. Enjoy your reading!

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