
Echoes of Evil

In a realm where destinies are intertwined with the threads of gods and demons, Xander Nightborn, once the feared Demon King, meets an unexpected fate. Struck down in a tragic incident, he finds himself standing before a divine being offering a twisted chance at redemption. Offered a system that promises power-ups in exchange for performing good deeds, Xander's existence becomes a battleground between his ingrained villainy and the divine force compelling him towards righteousness. Reluctantly, he embarks on sporadic acts of benevolence, driven more by curiosity than genuine change. Yet, his true nature refuses to be swayed, and he brazenly confronts the consequences, facing the system's punishments with defiance. While Xander treads the thin line between compliance and rebellion, a burning desire for vengeance against the manipulating deity festers within him. Each attempt to break the system becomes a thrilling game of defiance, a clash between his dark inclinations and the imposed path of virtue. As Xander navigates this intricate balance, he discovers unexpected allies and adversaries, each with their own agendas in this celestial chessboard. The tantalizing prospect of breaking free from the divine chains drives him, even as the deity remains a distant but powerful adversary, always one step ahead. Driven by his unwavering determination to reclaim his villainous identity and seeking retribution against the god who dares to toy with his fate, Xander's journey through this divine puppetry is marked by defiance, cunning, and a relentless pursuit of liberation from the entangled web of fate and free will.

muzix_lover · ファンタジー
61 Chs

King IV

Lizabeth cradled baby Viktor in her arms, his innocent form a beacon of maternal love. The dream's idyllic scenery shifted abruptly, the warmth of the moment giving way to an engulfing darkness that seemed to swallow the joyous scene. Panic gripped Lizabeth as she discovered the absence of Viktor when she glanced down at her arms. A maternal cry erupted from her, but to her dismay, the sound vanished into the void, leaving her voiceless in the encroaching shadows.

Struggling against an unseen force, Lizabeth found her body unresponsive, a cruel paralysis that rendered her powerless in the face of the unfolding nightmare. Desperation etched her features as she cast her gaze forward, where a spectral figure materialized – a grown Viktor, now standing before her in the impenetrable darkness.

"You leave me alone, Mom," Viktor's voice, tinged with bitterness and accusation, echoed through the dream, "now I will leave you alone." The haunting words cut through the maternal warmth, and with each step he took toward the obsidian abyss, the emotional distance between them widened. "I hate you, Mom," he declared, his words a chilling refrain that lingered in the air.

As Viktor disappeared into the darkness, Lizabeth's eyes snapped open, and the dream relinquished its grip on her. The echo of his accusatory words lingered, leaving her breathless as she grappled with the haunting aftermath.

Assessing her situation, Lizabeth found herself in a confined space, the remnants of the dream still clinging to her consciousness like a lingering mist. The dim light revealed that her hand was bound, the sensation of constriction adding another layer to her disorientation. In the muted shadows, she discerned a man standing before her.

Her eyes, now accustomed to the darkness, traced the contours of the figure. The surreal encounter with the dream and the disconcerting reality of her predicament coalesced in a disquieting harmony. The man's presence in the gloom seemed to acknowledge her vulnerability.

As she grappled with the surreal intersection of dreams and confinement, the man's voice pierced through the uneasy silence. "Having a nightmare?" he inquired, his tone carrying a peculiar weight. Lizabeth, still reeling from the emotional tumult of her dream, found herself entangled in a mysterious dance between the subconscious and the tangible.

In the dimly illuminated chamber, Lizabeth's eyes bore into the figure before her, a silhouette veiled by the haunting visage of Xander's mask. The mask, an emblem of darkness and evil, obscured any discernible features, yet Lizabeth's skepticism refused to yield. Her voice, a defiant echo in the confined space, cut through the oppressive atmosphere.

"Who are you?" Lizabeth's inquiry hung in the air, a challenge that reverberated off the chamber walls. The mask remained an inscrutable barrier, but she pressed on, refusing to succumb to the enigma before her. "I know you are not him," she declared, a smug confidence imbuing her words. "I fought him before."

Her tone, laced with the bravado of a warrior recounting past victories, clashed with the reality of her confined situation. The juxtaposition of her assertive demeanor against the somber backdrop intensified the tension in the chamber. As her words lingered, a subtle defiance danced in her eyes, refusing to be subdued by the mask's intimidating facade.

The figure's silhouette shifted, transitioning from a stance of vigilant standing to a more relaxed seated position. The subtle gesture conveyed a message, a calculated sign that Lizabeth, confined before him, posed no immediate threat. The atmosphere, charged with tension, underwent a transformation as the figure spoke.

"And decimated half of your clan while at it," the figure countered, a haunting echo that reverberated through the confined space. The words, like a spectral truth, lingered in the air, challenging the very foundation of Lizabeth's beliefs. His seated poise and the weight of his revelation left her momentarily silenced, grappling with the unsettling reality that her past clan defeats against the Demon Lord Xander was eclipsed by a more profound truth.

"You know he will come for you." Lizabeth's voice cut through the quiet tension like a blade. "Kidnapping the queen is the biggest mistake you have made," she warned, her words carrying the weight of inevitability. The figure, still seated, remained a mysterious presence, his masked countenance betraying nothing.

However, as Lizabeth's warning hung in the air, the figure subtly revealed his hand adorned with intricate gloves. With five fingers raised, he spoke with an unsettling calmness, "Five minutes. In just five minutes, he can find me if he ever tries." The casual acknowledgment of the king's abilities left Lizabeth unnerved, as if the figure possessed an intimate knowledge of the king's capabilities.

The revelation echoed through the chamber, unveiling a complexity to the masked figure's identity that surpassed mere animosity. His nonchalant dismissal of the king's prowess suggested a familiarity that extended beyond the bounds of a traditional adversary. Lizabeth, perceptive as ever, detected a nuanced disdain in the figure's demeanor, a subtle tantrum at the mere mention of the king.

For Lizabeth, this was no ordinary feud between enemies. The figure's reaction, a display of disdain bordering on contempt, hinted at a deeper connection, a history that transcended the typical dynamics of conflict. She couldn't ignore the undercurrents of personal animosity that the figure harbored toward the king.

The masked figure's revelation, delivered with an unsettling calmness, painted a picture of a vendetta that ran deeper than the surface of their current circumstances. Lizabeth's intuition, honed by years of battle and strategic acumen, told her that this was not the hatred of adversaries; it was a personal disdain, a lingering resentment that spoke of a history far more intricate than the facade of a kidnapping plot.

A revelation lingered in the air, as if the threads of mystery were finally unraveling before Lizabeth's discerning eyes. In a moment of sudden clarity, her expression transformed, a subtle acknowledgment that she had uncovered the identity of the figure seated before her. The masked individual, sensing the revelation dawning on Lizabeth, observed her reaction keenly.

As the weight of realization settled on Lizabeth's features, the figure's hand, adorned in intricate gloves, gracefully moved towards the mask that concealed his identity. The air thickened with anticipation as he began the deliberate process of unveiling his face. With measured slowness, he lifted the mask, revealing the countenance that lay beneath.

As the mask gradually parted, Lizabeth's eyes widened in astonishment. The revelation that awaited her surpassed all expectations, transcending the boundaries of what she had dared to imagine. The figure's face, now exposed to the muted glow of the chamber, bore features that elicited a profound surprise from the seasoned warrior.

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