
Echoes of Evil

In a realm where destinies are intertwined with the threads of gods and demons, Xander Nightborn, once the feared Demon King, meets an unexpected fate. Struck down in a tragic incident, he finds himself standing before a divine being offering a twisted chance at redemption. Offered a system that promises power-ups in exchange for performing good deeds, Xander's existence becomes a battleground between his ingrained villainy and the divine force compelling him towards righteousness. Reluctantly, he embarks on sporadic acts of benevolence, driven more by curiosity than genuine change. Yet, his true nature refuses to be swayed, and he brazenly confronts the consequences, facing the system's punishments with defiance. While Xander treads the thin line between compliance and rebellion, a burning desire for vengeance against the manipulating deity festers within him. Each attempt to break the system becomes a thrilling game of defiance, a clash between his dark inclinations and the imposed path of virtue. As Xander navigates this intricate balance, he discovers unexpected allies and adversaries, each with their own agendas in this celestial chessboard. The tantalizing prospect of breaking free from the divine chains drives him, even as the deity remains a distant but powerful adversary, always one step ahead. Driven by his unwavering determination to reclaim his villainous identity and seeking retribution against the god who dares to toy with his fate, Xander's journey through this divine puppetry is marked by defiance, cunning, and a relentless pursuit of liberation from the entangled web of fate and free will.

muzix_lover · ファンタジー
61 Chs

Bishop IX

The tension in the hall of the Academy reached its zenith, with knights and heroes facing off in a standoff. The tight silence was shattered by an unexpected sound – a resonant, booming laughter echoing through the grand hall. All eyes turned to the source, finding the king himself, seated at the highest point, enjoying the spectacle.

"How thrilling!" the king exclaimed, rising from his seat. His physique, a testament to a lifetime of conquests, commanded attention as he walked toward Agatha. The principal quickly kneeled in reverence as the king approached.

However, as the king stood beside Agatha, a sudden transformation overcame him. His imposing stature softened, and he issued a command that cut through the tense atmosphere. "Lower your weapons," he ordered. In a synchronized response, every subject in the hall complied. The crowd rose from their seats, and knights, heroes, slaves, and servants alike knelt before their monarch.

The king's gaze shifted towards Aden, and in that moment, it felt like a challenge. It was as if he were saying, "Hey, boy, take a good look. All of this is my subject. You are nothing more than one of them." The gravity of the king's presence silenced the hall, leaving an air of anticipation and uncertainty hanging in the air.

Aden keenly observed the situation, his sharp eyes detecting the silent and watchful guardians positioned behind the king. They stood like an impenetrable wall, ready for battle. In that moment, Aden grasped the reality that any flicker of defiance from him could result in his existence being swiftly erased.

The king's power and influence were evident, and Aden understood that, at this crucial juncture, he lacked the strength to challenge the king's life. Instead, he faced the grim possibility that it might be his own life extinguished with just a casual gesture from the monarch. The weight of the moment pressed upon him, emphasizing the vast gap in power and authority that separated him from the ruler of Xess.

Without Aden consciously deciding, his knee swiftly bent, yielding involuntarily to the imposing presence of the king towering above him. The act of kneeling, a symbolic gesture of submission, unfolded before the entire assembly, emphasizing the stark contrast between the seemingly insignificant child and the mighty ruler. The weight of the moment pressed upon Aden as he found himself involuntarily acknowledging the overwhelming authority of the king.

In the aftermath of the tense confrontation, the heroes' aggressive stance gradually dissipated from the air. Aden, now deemed no longer a threat to the king, witnessed the heroes sheathing their weapons and dispersing, their earlier animosity replaced by an understanding that the child was no adversary to the mighty ruler. As the heroes departed, Frost offered a final glance to Brayan, a silent acknowledgment in the wake of the unexpected events.

With the king's command, the heroes' assembly dispersed, each figure vanishing as if they had never been present. Brayan and Kanan, relieved, took a collective breath, the tension in the air lifting.

The king issued a commanding tone, "Agatha, resume the proceedings."

Agatha, still kneeling in respect, acknowledged with a firm response, "Yes, Your Majesty." She rose gracefully and directed the flow of the ceremony, seamlessly transitioning from the unexpected interruption caused by Aden's appearance.

In the aftermath, Agatha assumed control of the ceremony once more. Turning her attention to Aden, she instructed him to stand and join Viktor and the others. The king's abrupt departure marked the conclusion of the intense episode, allowing the ceremony to resume its course.

Agatha, her authoritative voice cutting through the lingering tension, addressed the remaining crowd and the knights. "Resume your duties, and let the Selection Ceremony proceed. Today's events are an unexpected deviation, but we shall not be deterred from our sacred traditions. Let the candidates take their places, and may the Selection continue in accordance with the enduring legacy of the Academy."

As her words echoed through the hall, Agatha signaled for the knights to regroup and the ceremony to resume, aiming to restore order and dignity to the proceedings.

Kanan, a relieved smile playing on his face, turned to Brayan as they walked away from the intense encounter. "Brayan, my heart almost burst out of my chest when you go running toward the heroes. I thought we were done for."

Brayan chuckled, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction in his voice. "Well, it seems our loyalty to the king paid off. And besides, we couldn't let those heroes harm a child. That's not what we signed up for."

Stella caught up with them, her eyes reflecting a blend of concern and gratitude. "Brayan, Kanan, you two were incredible back there. The king may not always show it, but he surely appreciates your loyalty."

Brayan nodded, acknowledging Stella's words. "We just did what needed to be done. Now, let's focus on resuming our duty."

As they walked away from the scene, Kanan couldn't help but turn his gaze toward Aden, who remained standing on the stage. There was a flicker of suspicion in Kanan's eyes, a subtle inkling that something about Aden didn't quite add up. However, he chose to keep those thoughts to himself for the time being.

Brayan noticed Kanan's contemplative expression and nudged him gently. "What's on your mind, Kanan?"

Kanan hesitated, a heavy sigh escaping his lips before he replied, "Nothing. Just... processing everything, I suppose. Let's get out of here."

Agatha, standing regally at the forefront of the gathered crowd, raised her voice to cut through the ambient chatter. Her words carried the weight of authority as she addressed the assembled students and staff.

"And now, esteemed attendees, I bid you to take a moment of respite, for soon we shall commence with the venerable tradition of the robe-giving ceremony. A symbolic ritual that marks the initiation of these aspiring minds into the noble pursuits of knowledge and enlightenment."

Her proclamation resonated across the courtyard, prompting a hush to fall upon the crowd. Agatha's eyes scanned the faces before her, capturing the attention of both seasoned knights and fledgling scholars.

"After the brief interlude, the Academy gates shall once again open to usher in the next phase of this auspicious day. Let this be a reminder to all that education is not only a privilege but a sacred responsibility."

With those words, she descended from the podium, her presence imbued with a sense of venerability that commanded respect. The courtyard, bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, awaited the transformative moment when students would be draped in the robes that marked the beginning of their scholarly odyssey.

Outside the grand walls of the Academy, the air buzzed with anticipation as the crowd dispersed, murmuring about the unexpected turn of events within the hallowed halls. Amidst the bustling activity, preparations were already underway for the next phase of the ceremony: the robe-giving ceremony for the newly enrolled students.

Servants hurried to and fro, carrying bundles of finely embroidered robes, each one bearing the insignia of the Academy. The sun cast a warm glow upon the courtyard, lending an air of solemnity to the occasion.

Meanwhile, instructors and officials of the Academy conferred in hushed tones, finalizing the details of the upcoming ceremony. The meticulous planning was evident in every aspect, from the arrangement of chairs to the positioning of banners, all designed to evoke a sense of reverence and tradition.

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