
Echoes of Eternity: predations, gods and devils

"In a world where gods and devils manipulate mortal pawns, where fate and love lie in one hand Kael and Espona stumble upon the ancient Book of Spells, a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power. As they delve into its secrets, they're drawn into a treacherous game of cat and mouse between powerful forces. With Edana, Kael's fierce and powerful sister, by their side, they must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle formidable foes, and confront the darkness within themselves. But as they unravel the mysteries of the Book of Spells, they realize that their fate is inextricably linked to the fate of the world. Will they be able to harness the book's power to save their world from destruction, or will they become pawns in a divine game of chess? Dive into a world of magic, adventure, and heart-stopping suspense in... Echoes of eternity

Allen_Peter · 都市
15 Chs

A tour

Edana's concern was palpable as she confronted the dark apparition before them. "What have you summoned, brother?" Her voice trembled with a mix of fear and urgency. "This is no guardian spirit; this is a 'Predation'."

Kael's eyes widened in shock, his heart pounding with the realization of the power he had unwittingly unleashed. "I felt nothing but rage and malice when it appeared," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Then we must never call upon it again," Edana declared, a wave of relief washing over her as the ominous figure dissipated into the ether. "What exactly is a 'Predation'?" Kael inquired, his curiosity piqued despite the lingering dread.

Edana's face grew pale, the word itself seeming to chill the air around them. "A Predation is an abomination, a scourge that mages have battled against for ages. They sow chaos as swiftly as we quell it," she explained, her eyes dark with memories of countless battles.

"You must promise me, Kael, to never reveal this... entity to anyone but our parents. Mother alone might aid you in taming it—if such a thing is even possible," she implored, her usual smile returning as she spoke of leaving the training grounds.

"A tour of the supernatural community?" Kael's spirits lifted at the prospect of adventure.

"Yes, but heed my warning—Father must remain oblivious to this day's events," Edana cautioned, her tone stern and unyielding.

Kael's pride swelled within him. "He can't touch me," he boasted, dismissing her concerns with a wave of his hand.

Edana's gaze softened, pity lacing her features. "You are now among the 'gifted,' brother. Father's wrath is not to be taken lightly," she warned, echoing the lessons of their past.

Kael's impatience grew. "Enough talk. Let's depart from this place," he urged, his mind already wandering to the wonders that awaited them.

"Don't set your expectations too high. The supernatural community holds many secrets, not all of them pleasant," Edana cautioned as she conjured a door from the void. Turning the knob, she stepped through the portal and vanished from sight, her voice echoing back to him. "You can stay if you wish."

Kael scoffed at the thought. "I've been yearning for escape since last week," he muttered, stepping through the door, ready to embrace the unknown.

As Kael stepped through the portal, he found himself in a bustling street that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Buildings twisted into the sky in impossible shapes, and the air was filled with the scents of exotic spices and the murmurs of arcane languages. Edana took the lead, her eyes alight with the thrill of introducing her brother to this hidden world.

"The supernatural community is a tapestry of the extraordinary," Edana began, gesturing to a market stall where potions bubbled with vibrant colors. "Here, magic is not just power—it's art, it's trade, it's life."

Kael's eyes darted from one wonder to the next, each more astonishing than the last. A trio of witches haggled over the price of a bottled thunderstorm, while a warlock played a melody on a flute that made the very stones beneath their feet hum in harmony.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the community, a figure leaned against a shadowed doorway, his eyes tracking the siblings with a predatory interest. "Newcomers, eh?" he sneered, stepping into their path. "This place has rules, and the first one is knowing your place."

Edana's stance shifted subtly, ready for any threat. "We seek no trouble, but we do not shy away from it either," she replied coolly, her hand inching towards the hilt of a dagger hidden beneath her cloak.

Kael felt the surge of adrenaline, the weight of his own power simmering just beneath the surface. "We're just passing through," he added, his voice steady despite the tension.

The stranger's grin was sharp as a blade. "Then pass through quickly, or you might just find yourselves caught in a storm you can't weather."

It was a standoff, the air crackling with the promise of a clash. But before the situation could escalate, a voice called out from the crowd. "Leave them be, Jorath! They're under the High Enchanter's protection!"

Jorath's sneer faltered, and with a final, lingering glare, he retreated back into the shadows. Edana let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Thank you, whoever you are," she murmured, though the mysterious benefactor had already disappeared into the throng.

Kael looked at his sister, a newfound respect in his eyes. "This place... it's incredible."

Edana smiled, her earlier warning a distant echo. "It is, but remember, brother, it's also dangerous. Let's continue our tour, but stay vigilant."

And with that, they moved on, the wonders of the supernatural community unfolding before them, a world of magic and peril intertwined.