
Echoes of Destiny: A Douluo Dalu Tale

In the mundane existence of Earth, Felix and Maya, a couple lived a life filled with shared passions and love. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when a seemingly ordinary accident sends them into the unknown. In the wake of calamity, a mysterious force grants them a rare chance—reincarnation into the very worlds they cherished. Choosing Douluo Dalu as their shared destination, Felix and Maya have to adjust to their roles in Douluo Dalu as the threads of destiny are interwoven. They will carve new pathways, meet formidable opponents, and uncover the true meaning of their entwined fates, all while staying united by love and propelled by a desire to explore the depths of their chosen universe. Note: Please read the tag before reading. - English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. - Please give my story a proper review. - I accept a suggestion, but no spam! PS: I don't own the cover, and any characters or world in this story, except for my own OC (Original Character)

Arcane_12 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

A Different Star Dou Forest

The next morning dawned with a palpable tension in the air as Zhao Wuji gathered the group outside the hotel, ready to embark on their journey to the Star Dou Forest. The Shrek students, now divided into two groups with visible hostility, exchanged glances as they prepared for the day's events.

Maya, Felix, Adrian, and Zhuqing stood together, engrossed in a conversation about the day ahead. On the other side, the remaining six – Tang San, Xiao Wu, Mubai, Rongrong, Oscar, and Hongjun – huddled together, casting occasional glares toward the quartet.

As they entered the forest, the familiar events unfolded. Tang San confronted Meng Yiran, seeking Oscar's third spirit ring. As Felix and others were already aware of the upcoming events, they decided to make an excuse and get separated from the group as he didn't want to involve in these unnecessary conflicts in which the only benefactor will be Tang San. 

And therefore, he told Zhao Wuji that his soul power has also reached level 30 and wants to search for his spirit ring. To assure Zhao Wuji he told that he would take Felix, Maya and Zhuqing with him. Zhao Wuji initially hesitated but agreed later on the promise that they will return as soon as possible and avoid any danger.

As the quartet ventured deeper into the heart of the Star Dou Forest, the atmosphere became dense with the rich scent of vegetation. Tall trees formed a natural canopy, filtering the sunlight into scattered rays that painted patterns on the forest floor. The air was filled with the rustling of leaves and distant animal calls.

Felix, in his usual playful manner, sidled up to Maya, flashing a charismatic smile. "Well, my fiery enchantress, how about we make this forest adventure a bit more interesting?"

Maya shot him a sidelong glance. "Interesting? Please, enlighten me with your grand idea."

Felix gestured to a narrow path veering off the main trail. "Let's take the road less traveled. Who knows what surprises we might find?"

Maya raised an eyebrow but couldn't resist the allure of an unplanned escapade. "Alright, lead the way."

Adrian, seizing the moment, gently teased Zhuqing. "I'm curious, Zhuqing, have you ever gone off the beaten path and embraced the thrill of the unknown?"

Zhuqing, usually composed, felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I... well, not really."

Adrian flashed a charming smile. "Today's your lucky day, then. Let's explore together."

The quartet ventured down the narrower trail, the foliage growing denser around them. The air took on a mystical quality, and the forest seemed to come alive with whispers of hidden secrets.

Felix, his playful spirit in full swing, couldn't resist flirting with Maya as they walked. "You know, Maya, there's something about the way the sunlight filters through the leaves that makes your fiery hair even more dazzling."

Maya rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "You're incorrigible, Felix."

Adrian, keen on making Zhuqing comfortable, engaged her in light conversation. "Have you always been interested in spirits and soul power, Zhuqing?"

Zhuqing, feeling a bit more at ease, nodded. "Yes, it's been a part of my life since I can remember. I've always admired those who could harness their spirits to become stronger."

Adrian grinned. "Well, you're in good company now. We're all here to become stronger together."

As they bantered, a subtle rustle in the bushes caught their attention. A mysterious figure darted between the trees. Intrigued, the quartet decided to investigate.

Their journey led them to a hidden cave entrance, partially obscured by vines. The atmosphere inside was damp, the air thick with an otherworldly energy. They ventured deeper, uncovering an ancient chamber filled with mystic symbols. To their surprise, they discovered a cluster of luminous spirit flowers, their petals shimmering in hues of blue and silver which was guarded by a formidable soul beast.

Maya, ever the frontline fighter, readied herself for battle. "Looks like we've got a guardian. Let's make this quick."

The soul beast, a majestic creature with shimmering scales, lunged forward. Felix, wielding his daggers with finesse, danced around the guardian, while Adrian utilized his Moonshadow Wolf powers for swift and precise strikes.

Zhuqing, drawing strength from her Hell Civet spirit, joined Maya in a synchronized assault. The battle was intense, each member of the quartet showcasing their unique skills.

After a hard-fought struggle, they emerged victorious.

Adrian marveled at the sight of the spirit flowers in front of him, "This is incredible. I've read about spirit flowers, but seeing them in person is something else."

As they touched the spirit flowers, an arcane surge coursed through their bodies. Each felt a surge of power, a connection to the energies of the Star Dou Forest. The artifacts were catalysts, enhancing their abilities and unlocking latent potential.

Zhuqing marveled at the newfound strength surging within her. "This is... incredible."

Adrian nodded. "It seems our little adventure has paid off more than we anticipated."

Maya, her eyes gleaming with determination, echoed his sentiment. "Let's make the most of these gifts. Shrek Academy is in for a surprise."

Felix, seizing the opportunity, extended his hand to Maya. "Care for a dance after earning our little victory over the guardian beast? After that we will complete the process of getting our third spirit ring."

Maya, caught off guard but immediately laughed, took his hand. "A dance in a damp cave? Why not?"

As they twirled around, Adrian and Zhuqing shared a shy smile, the quartet found themselves lost in a moment of magic within the heart of the Star Dou Forest. 

While the Shrek Six Devils faced the wrath of the Titan Giant Ape alone, the quartet continued with their fun. 

Eventually, Felix, Maya, Adrian, and Zhuqing returned when the battles were concluded, joining the group at a point where Tang San meditated, absorbing his external spirit bone. The Shrek Six after seeing them were simmering in anger but decided not to comment on it as they waited for Tang San to wake up.

Zhao Wuji, however, seemed pleased with the outcomes of the day. He observed with satisfaction as both Felix and Maya achieved the 30th level and gained additional spirit rings. 

With the day's events concluded, Zhao Wuji decided to wrap up the journey, leading the group back to the academy. On the way back to the academy, Felix noted that Rongrong has integrated into the group with other Shrek members but didn't comment on it as in reality, he didn't care whether she integrated into the group and therefore ignored it and continued on his journey.