
The self review

The biggest problem for Christian is if the Devil's Assistant stays in prolonged use Christian will lose his memories, For some reason the Devil's Assistant was growing soft to his shared host's compassion.

His thoughts seeped through to his sense of self, when he is done with his duties for Gavyn helping to get Dominique and everyone else out of here...will there be anything left of Christian's human heart?

Alice has been a better vampire from the start, but that's because she has always known her fate, Christian was stolen away from his human life to become a feeder and forced into being a vampire to take duties all without much help.

The Devils Assistant and Gavyn's memories simultaneously have guided his path toward his new life, photographs of his childhood already fading in the distance, if he is asked who his mother was would he be able to answer?

It is when Christian fully forgets his name that he will lose himself fully, the Devil's Assistant will be able to take his life over as if Christian never existed...he would be an effective vampire killer under his born master's name.

The Devil's Assistant would end up building a new name and new life over his face's body, but doubt reaps his soul, confusion sows into his heart, guilt rests uneasily in his whole being sitting there in their tiny void of space.

Puzzle pieces of a living soul sharing a body and only one can truly survive...

In the subconscious mind of Christian the Devil's Assistant goes to meet Christian personally, the gentle nakedness is not a question.

Christian is lying down, the Devil's Assistant nudges him with his foot, "Hey..."

He sits up looking forward instead of up at his other self meant to take him over, they stay silent for a while, "Devils Assistant...will I always be stuck here?"

"Please allow me to save your master please...you can have it back awhile."

"I see...you really don't trust me do you?"

"Let me ask you something Christian?"


"If I let you take over your body again can you confidently save your master?"

He looks away bashfully, they both know the answer to that question; Devils Assistant pats him on the head, "Leave me alone..."

"I am just being honest, but at the same time I understand..."

"I understand you are slowly will be getting rid of me and there is nothing I can do about it sitting rotting in this flesh prison! At least throw me a bone here!"

Devil's Assistant stands there frozen feeling blameworthy, "Listen..."

"Listen to what? Is my blood pumping through my veins? My heart steadily beating?"

"I will agree to visit the Witch of the Mountain if you allow me to do this."

"Are you serious? What if you regret it and come back somehow and haunt me?"

"I am not that tasteless you fool, I have sympathy for you."

Christian jumps up, "You mean it? I will be able to be with Alex and Alice?"

"Of course...but listen the number of memories you will lose might be drastic..."

"What do you mean drastic?"

"Christian...can you remember your mother, sister, father?"

He is taken aback a moment pausing to think to himself, faded images with no clear face sit in his mind, etched markings on everyone; people with no faces have him questioning.

The Devil's Assistant can clearly see what he is thinking, the photographs in his memories slowly deteriorating like a disease, "I can't remember anything..."

"I am sorry Christian..."

"Why must I lose my mind just to pacify a vampire tradition?"

"Hold that thought, I sense someone in the room...we will talk later okay Christian."

"Okay...you better come back for me!"

He bends down to hug Christian, "I am sorry this is your fate..."

"Whats going on with you lately?"

"Nothing...anyways I gotta go...take it easy please."