
ECHOES FROM MY MIND (A wave of pleasure)

Every thing in her life was happening fast, from the death of her parents to an arranged marriage by her uncle, while trying to escape these ordeal she got into the hands of kidnappers and got sold to a brothel. After pulling a stunt she got auctioned. Things got sour when the lord who bought her proposed marriage to her and she agreed... His sole aim was to end her life but what happens when he gets tangled in a web of unfamiliar emotions and his heart starts beating again. This is a forbidden romance between a human and a mystic, can they be together against all odds

Flekinovels · ファンタジー
11 Chs

I'm Sick


Sandra couldn't hold back her laughter at his words, she laughed hard till her ribs hurt especially where she was kicked by Orwell,

"My lord , she called in between her laughter, you should have seen your face when you said that" , Regan didn't react to that , his face was void of emotions, some strands of hair feel to his face and he ran his hands through his golden hair which matched with the colour of his eyes, he folded his pale lips to a thin line

"What a colour riot, golden hair and eyes, why not golden lips" she thought to herself

"My lord, you bought me after all you can do whatever you want with me " she replied, she felt a shiver run down her spine as she said that word, of course she hadn't meant it, spending forever with this creepy man wasn't something she would wish

"Right ", Regan replied looking at her thoughtfully, right??? was he agreeing with her, oh no she had better discouraged him or else she was done for

"My Lord, before you concluded, I'll like to tell you something" she spoke, Regan nodded for her to speak

"My lord I tried telling you this before, I really am sick" Sandra began making sure her voice sounded strained

"Oh we're back to this" he responded now looking uninterested

"My Lord, it's true" she continued

"How sick" he asked as he placed his hands under his chin

"My Lord, I don't think you'll be able to bear the gravity of the illness"

"How sick" he asked again annoyance creeping into his voice

" It's HIV"she broke the news expecting something similar to Orwell's reaction

"What's that" Regan asked flatly

"Human immunodeficiency virus"she explained as she noticed his clueless expression

"Human, so only humans are prone to it " he asked as he tapped his fingers on the table

"Yeah, she replied frowning slightly, I haven't heard of animals testing positive " . Regan nodded ad though he was learning something new

" So, are you at the verge of death" he asked as though death was nothing serious. Death???,was that what he wished her, heaven forbid

"Nooo!, but the disease could be transmitted to you "she replied. He certainly wasn't buying her lie like Orwell did

"How" he asked again

"By blood contact, and most importantly sexually" Sandra answered suddenly feeling hot

" Was that how you got it " he asked his lips twitching

"Something like that " she replied, oh no he wasn't buying her story for sure

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me" Regan questioned narrowing his gaze at her. She shut her eyes briefly to gather more conviction in her tone " No my lord....., her voice trailed off as she noticed his presence in her front, how so fast

"There are two test to conduct, a blood test or the other " he whispered to her ear, she nodded her head negativitely she wanted none, she'll be bursted by then but at least the blood test sounded decent

He grazed her bare arms with his surprisingly sharp nails and with a greater force he drew a straight line on her arms. She stared at him wide eye as she felt fluid run down her skin. He placed the blood on his hands and licked it

"Lord Regan, it can also be contacted through this means" she panicked, what if he go for a test and finds out he was negative

" I can't taste it.... the wedding is in three days" he spoke and with that he was gone

Wait did he just disappeared, she looked at her hand he struck there wasn't a single mark

"This can't be" she muttered to herself