
Chapter 23 Pray to God

'Pray to God?" Jimmy looked at the woman in front of him, perplexed. Did she know what she was talking about?

Sandra nodded, explaining, 'We can take a vacation. Maybe I can be cured during this trip."

Looking at her shining eyes, Jimmy smiled reluctantly, patting her head with his hand.

They drove to the nearest temple.

The temple was popular with a lot of guests coming every day to pray. Sandra took a red ribbon as if she knew the routine very well, and wrote some wishes on it. She hung it up and prayed with eyes closed, murmuring in her mind devoutly, 'Clinton, I will you a smooth and happy life with… Jessi, and long life."

Jimmy was stunned to see that she was so serious, which was the first time for her in such a state, until Sandra came to him and had to wave hands in front of him to awake him. He asked, 'what did you wish for?"

She said carelessly, 'I wished that I could recover soon."