
dying light. (full redo)

a soldier forced to live in the world of dying light.... why do the night hunters seem more interested in him? but of course, how is he suppose to help the tower when rias men keep making trouble? by slaughtering them all.

Scathach_ · ゲーム
12 Chs

(chapter 1) return of jack

Life sucked for Jack Cooper. (No not the pilot, I just like the name).

His family were... Horrible. He grew up in a house full of drugs, and a family that couldn't give two shits about him.

The abuse came as naturally as they breathed. At least until he grew bigger than them.

His sister was the only reason he stayed, and when he had the chance he set her up nicely.

Her own house, a car, and everything. When he turned 17 he wanted to join the army and become a sniper, but due to his large frame, he was quite literally used as a battling ram.

He had battled through hell and back. His team never got to see his face, mainly due to wearing a mask that just barely revealed his eyes.

At the moment though he was currently in the hospital on his final moments.

Even now though he kept his mask, as a last request. The nurse that tended to him held his hand, mainly since no one else was visiting him and he had no longer than a few minutes left.

"You know... You saved me. At the time I was but a little girl in a village overrun by horrible people," the nurse said as her thumb gently rubbed against Jack's hand.

The nurse leaned her head on Jack's chest, softly sobbing as she knew she couldn't help her hero now.

"You were so... Cold back then. But you were an inspiration. I remember you so clearly, how you saved the village," she sobbed.

A knock on the door and Veronica wiped her tears and cleaned her face up.

"Yes, doctor?" She said opening the door

"It's time," the doctor said.

They made sure that the hero Jack could pass away with as little pain as possible.


"You finally awake," a voice caused Jack's eyes to snap open.

Jack's first instinct was to drive the pen into the man's neck if only he wasn't held down by shadowy tendrils.

Jack's first instinct was to scan the room, and it looked like a normal office. A computer, a man, and tons of paperwork.

The man himself didn't look like much, casual black suit and eyebags that looked like they would never go away.

"You have no idea the amount of red tape I had to cross just to get you. You normally would have got the pearly gates, but you see I have plans for you," the man said.

Jack's eyes narrowed as he saw the man's eyes... Nothing was there except pitch black.

"Yes yes, now before you go, just know you are my agent, I don't care what those other people will offer you. Because I'm the one who has the final say," the man said.

The man seemed to radiate power before stopping and sighing.

"Alright look, I'll be honest with you. The place your going to is complete shit. Some gods thought it would be amusing to see how long humanity could survive a zombie apocalypse.

And because of that, my paperwork is now being flooded and I'm at my wit's end already. That's why I needed someone to even the odds. You," the man said rubbing his temples before looking at Jack again.

"You will be my vessel, not in the literal sense, but you will act upon my will. If I tell you to jump, you ask how high," the man said.

"Well enough said. Goodbye for now. I am a very, very busy man," the man said before snapping his fingers.


Jack's eyes snapped open as he awoke in a bed, purple lamps were around him and he was adjusting to his surroundings.

He walked to the window and only then did he see how this city was completely going to shit.


(End of chapter)