
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Death, where..... and wishes

13 March, 2023

I was walking down the street while whistling as I was in a very good mood right now. I and my friends were organising a gaming event and we finally received permission from our head of the department.

I was relieved as we got the permission because the hardest task i.e. receiving the permission was done. We could finally organize a gaming event and possibly an anime quiz event in the near future.

I was filled with a strange sense of accomplishment as I was the only one who actually talked to the Head of the Department while the others were completely mute. It made me more confident as I thought that I could do anything, but fate seemed to have other plans for me.

It suddenly started to rain heavily at that time and I rushed forward to find some cover, but unfortunately (fortunately) lightning flashed and struck me before I could react. I was left with a strange sense of disappointment as I saw my life flashing before my eyes while my soul left my body.

I saw my whole life from the moment I gained awareness of who I am to elementary school to college to having a job as a programmer. 'Honestly I lived a great but simple life' I thought, and everything went dark.

Next thing I knew I fond my self in a strange location that looks like a kaleidoscope, it freaked me out a little as I was supposed to be dead. It didn't take long to calm down and look around, all I could see is a bunch of weird colours that I can't make out which is which. At that point a bright Golden light appeared in front of me and condensed into a humanoid shape.

???:" sorry for the wait little one" thegolden humanoid said in an awe inspiring voice.

Soul::" w-who might you be sir" I asked him in a shaky voice as standing in his mere presence feels like my soul would be erased from existence.

???:" I am known by many names but u can all me chaos, and before you asked, u are in the void also known as the primordial chaos, the source of everything."said chaos while protecting the young soul from his aura.

Soul:" Forgive me for my rudeness, but do you mean THE Primordial chaos that created everything from Greek myth to Chinese myth where it's the source of Pangu?. How do universes form if I may ask?."

Chaos:" Yes, the very same chaos, for your second question,well let me give you an example I can just create a singularity and boom we have the big bang, but the elements that form the singularity define the type of universe that will be born, I can form a singularity with large amount of Primordial Mana and you have a magical universe but the type of magic system depends on how the beings in that universe understand magic but in reality magic is the same in all universes."

Soul:" I understand like some universes have limit to the amount of mana they can store in their body but some don't because they have other energies strengthening their body. Right? And why am I here in the source of everything?"

Chaos:"Your assumption is pretty accurate. The reason you are here is that I saw through your life as a mortal and I am impressed by your style of life never blaming anything or anyone for your misfortunes, and accepting everything as it is. It is rare to find such a person in the first universe and I wanted to try what you guys write in those fanfiction of yours so you were the best candidate"

Soul:" so you mean to say I am going to be reincarnated with wishes."

Chaos:" Yes, reincarnation to the world of your choice with seven wishes to be exact".

Soul:" why seven?"

Chaos:" well because of the games you created I like the ideas of such universes even if I have yet to create them, so state your wishes and where you want to go."

Soul:" can I think before that?"

Chaos:" sure, go ahead"

After about 2 hours of debating my wishes and where I want to go I said.

Soul:" I want ot be transmigrated to the world of highschool dxd as a rich orphan in kuoh Town at the age of 10 same age as issei, as for my wishes.

1. I want to create and take five books from the library of heavenly path right here before leaving. Make sure the library consists of everything in existence.

2. I wish to have the highest potential you can give me.

3. I want to have a private dimension that has a solar system bound to my very existence. The solar system will have a yellow star and five habitable planets, two of which are the size of Jupiter, another the size of Saturn, the other two around the size of earth, the first two will be named Alpha and Omega and will have Primordial Mana with concentration so high they have lakes of pure Primordial Mana flowing, the third, Gamma, will have a level of Mana at the same level as the first two but this is ordinary Mana. The last two Beta 1 and Beta 2 will have every energy found in the dxd universe at a higher concentration. I want to be able to move from planet to planet with a thought but others can't enter Alpha and Omega with unless they have a special mark provided by me. To enter that dimension still requires my permission.

4. I want to have a preserved body for each of these magical creatures with their bloodline and everything intact, Primordial chaos dragon(eastern), Pure blood Immortal pheonix, A body of a unicorn the paragon of purity, three legged sun crow, all elemental dragon(western) .

5. I want all the magical knowledge of Lee sunghoon from I am the sorcerer king just efore he becomes a god and all knowledge from the world of the game Dmmorpg Yggdrasil.

6. I want an infinite dungeon with all sort of resources from the omniverse. And the physical body of anything I kill does not disappear.

That's all for now, i will like to keep the last wish for the future."

Chaos:" let's start with the first one"

As he says that I found myself in a massive library with a table beside me and a search bar. I clicked on the search bar and started typing, about all Mana meditation and cultivation techniques with that millions upon millions of results came up, I open another widow to search for particular techniques, I started with the cultivation technique Krune uses from the novel 'is that a wisp' then I search for techniques that create magic cores for storing Mana and techniques for using organs as Mana storages, after my search I found three techniques that can be used a the base of my future technique.

They are myriad energies technique for creating pathways for Mana, a basic technique,that's what it's called by its creators, it basically requires the user to create his/her magic core by shaping ones magic into a stable structure such as using the chemical structure of iron will give a rigid Mana core but also leaks Mana because of free electrons in the structure of iron, the third technique is the same technique used by Lee sunghoon to store Mana in his heart. I gave my order to the library.

Soul:" use this three as a foundation and fuse all the techniques regarding Mana into a single technique"

I saw millions of book appearing and fusing into a single book either no name on it. Touching the book It disappeared and I felt a surge of information about the technique, it is a very simple yet very profound way of cultivating Mana, the user is required to create a core in his heart first then using it as an energy core to store the hearts Mana but unlike Lee sunghoons technique, it takes a hundred times more in density and quantity of mana before it is required to form a magic circle around the heart to increase Mana capacity. After creating the core in the heart and filling it up it creates a pathway for Mana much like veins and arteries but metaphysical in nature enabling the flow of mana naturally through the body enhancing the density of manawith each circulation, then one can create another core in any of his/her internal organs as a relay point, though it is recommended to create the second core in the lungs to easily absorb Mana from breathing it is left to the user of the technique,the first level of the technique requires to create a core in each of the five vital organs consisting of the brain, the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. The second level requires having 3 Magic circles on each of the organs increasing their total capacity to hundred to a thousand times the original. The third level requires 5 magic circles and the fourth level requires 7 magic circles, the fifth and final level requires creating nine magic circles on each organ before creating the tenth magic circles simultaneously for all organs signifying one as a peak existence capable of creating universes.

The next book i searched was about physical strengthening and did the same procedure as for that of mana and compiled a single book allowing the user to become physically immortal. After that I searched for all knowledge regarding runes and enchanting and compiling a boom that makes me a master of every typer of rune system including Primordial chaos runes.

For the fourth book I compiled a book about creating, assimilating and purifying bloodlines. For the fifth book was a book containing all the knowledge about blacksmithing, artifact creation and all crafting professions. It details from the types of materials and their properties to types of fire and their properties to where to find each and every material from herbs that can be used to create quenching liquid to metals to hoe to make blueprints and so on.

After I finished assimilating all the knowledge I found myself back in front of chaos.

Chaos:" Here take this" said chaos as he pushed a ball of light into me, he continued " that's the dimension you asked for and all your wishes have been granted"

Soul:" can I choose my appearance?

Chaos :" Yes you can"he replied as a screen appeared in front of me I chose the appearance of gilgamesh from fate but with raven black hair and bright Golden eyes. I also asked.

Soul:" can I have a screen to view my status and status only as I want to easily keep record of my progress"

Chaos:" Yes, that's all for now, bye" he waves and I vanish from the void of Primordial chaos.

First time writing, so sorry for any mishaps or faults

Ahmad_Kascreators' thoughts