

unknown_20281 · アニメ·コミックス
126 Chs

Chapter 120

Feeling Su Mu's contemptuous attitude, he was slightly stunned at first, then opened his metal mouthparts and laughed.

"Hum hum hum, it's been a long time since I heard someone talk to me like this. It's been a long time since someone like this can't recognize the power gap."

He said, raising his arm with a harsh metallic rubbing sound.

22 seems to be in order to put more psychological pressure on the other party, and he also deliberately slowed down his movements.

The purple-black light ball condensed in the palm of the shining metallic color in an instant.

At the beginning, it was only the size of a ping-pong ball, and in just a few breaths, it was already inflated at a high speed like a balloon.

In just a few breaths, it has become huge like a star.

The destructive power of the frenzied momentum made the entire dimension gap tremble uncontrollably.

The horizon of nothingness is filled with Wea, which is enough to shake the space.

The dimensional gap that can accommodate the great red cruising here.

Under the might of Regalzeva, it seemed that it would be completely torn apart in the blink of an eye.

"For the sake of your success in making me laugh, I'll give you a happy death."

Regalzeva sneered.

The purple ball of light on the scale of the sky in his hand clearly exudes the power to destroy stars, but it is cleverly like a bowling ball and smashes it towards Su Mu.


"So much talk, it's really dawdling."

Su Mu pretended to take out a pair of monocles and put them on, and then glanced at Regalzeva casually.

"The combat power is only 500 million, what a piece of garbage."

After he finished speaking, a paper box with mysterious patterns on the surface suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then, the simple and elegant card slipped out of it, and he pinched it with two fingers.

On the card surface, the main drawing is a woman holding two warrants and wearing a purple cloth.

There are four beasts in the corners of the card face, representing the four elements of earth, fire, water, and air, alluding to the four saints of cross religion, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and also representing the four directions.

"the world".

It is a card that symbolizes permanent and lasting success, and represents that you have reached the front of the door of success.

The goddess of success asks you to wait patiently, she will let you enter the door of success, it is only a matter of time.

The number 22 in the tarot card means that the whole world is in control.

And this major arcana card can give the user the power to truly control the world.

The card named World suddenly dissipated and melted into the palm of his hand.

The highest, the highest, like an indifferent bystander outside the screen.

At that moment, Su Mu had "beyond heaven".

The power that controls the world is to intervene in this world in a higher dimension from a perspective higher than the world.

Feeling the speed at which the power in the body was passing, Su Mu gradually understood.

This power is tilted like a flood.

If I hadn't already achieved the "fake outflow" earlier, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Although he had used this tarot card before, he was still weak at that time, and it was impossible to explore the full picture of its power.

And now...

Su Mu gently hooked her fingers and spoke in a detached tone.

"Rejoice, annihilate, sigh."

"Here, turn to ashes."

He slowly raised his hand and stroked Regalzeva with his fingertips.

A casual action, but at that moment, the whole world was torn apart.

It was like a mirror that was suddenly shattered.

It was like a screen that was playing a video, and someone punched him impatiently.

Whether it was Regalzeva or the huge ball of light he just released, all in an instant...

into nothingness.

Not destroying, not obliterating, just the simplest...


The action is light, just like clicking the right mouse button and choosing to delete the file.

Closing his eyes slightly, he measured the consumption of his own strength at this time in his heart.

Afterwards, Su Mu put away the "World" tarot card and directly crossed the barrier of space.

In an instant, he was already in the "different world" where Regalzeva was located.

exe world.

The high elf god in charge of elves, Leshan Thorashi.

Several mechanical beings, gods, demons, and their retinues.

These two forces have been fighting each other for countless years.

However, several demon gods still have the energy to invade other worlds. From this, it can be seen that the mechanical gods who obviously represent evil and chaos have the upper hand.

Standing outside the planet's atmosphere, Su Mu unabashedly explored and searched the entire planet.

The timing of his arrival was rather coincidental. Many gods of mechanical beings who were keen to invade other worlds gathered on this planet and did not go out.

Of course, it could also be because he sensed the existence of a new world, so he waited patiently here.

Su Mu casually glanced at the purple-black icy 893 metal area that represented chaos, then looked away and continued to observe the planet.

He noticed that in addition to the powerhouses on the bright side, there seemed to be a lot of secrets hidden in the dark.

But he didn't care about that.

"Are you the powerhouse of the new world?"

Just when his eyes fell on the high-level elf god, Leshan Thorashi, the god who represented good raised his head.

Su Mu didn't hide herself deliberately, so she was naturally noticed by this keen elf god.

For this guy who represents the good and is the enemy of the evil mechanical life form, the devil, the new world represents an ally.

"Your world has also been invaded by those unscrupulous mechanical guys?"

Leshan Tola said in a worried tone.

"Whether it's me or you, it's very difficult to fight against them alone. But as long as we unite, we will eventually defeat them, and peace will come eventually."

As he spoke, there was hope in his tone.

Su Mu was silent and did not answer.

Standing outside the planet's atmosphere, he raised his right hand.

Then, the "eclipse" phenomenon appeared.

It was a behemoth that suddenly appeared in the cosmic space, and its figure covered the sun.

The steel ship turned over and reflected the cold light, quietly releasing unimaginable majesty.

Its name is—

"Colossus". .

Chapter 193: The Smile Touching the Belly

That steel behemoth represents the majesty of technological civilization, a sublime thing that can twinkle among the stars. In the star series world, the scientific crystallization named "Colossus".

Huge to be called a waste of super warships.

Looking at it with rational eyes, it is purely a waste of resources.

Even the largest planet is vulnerable to it, and it can be completely rewritten at the push of a button.

A behemoth capable of obscuring the starry sky, and its shadow casts its shadow to completely cover the planet.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of using the big arcana card "World" just now, Su Mu created this battleship.

As long as there exists in the idea, it can make it appear. The creation of the Handan Fa is such an unreasonable thing.

Of course, the energy required in this process, or the price paid, is also astronomical.

At this time, Su Mu just summoned it.

Then, he raised his hand and waved it gently.

There was a smile in his tone.

"I brought peace to you."

The steel behemoth roared with a posture that shocked the starry sky.

Gears and hinges are engaged, and steel plates and building materials are stretched and twisted. Based on countless tiny structures, their shapes begin to transform.

The belly of the steel monster gradually began to open, and the icy black metallic luster flickered coldly.

What finally protruded was the gun barrel, which was not much smaller in volume than the steel battleship itself.

With that tooth-stinging roar as the keynote, unbelievably huge energy quickly gathered.

The recharging process, which should have a time span of several months, was omitted at this moment.

The blue shimmering light converged on the muzzle, and then burst out in an instant.

"Woo-! Woo--"

It was like a flute that suddenly blew on an ancient battlefield.

The planet covered in the greenness of plants and the dead gray of steel was suddenly enveloped in a creepy azure blue.

Just staring at that brilliance instantly made people feel dizzy.

After an unknown amount of time, the dazzling light gradually subsided.

What was left in the end was a dry and dead planet.

All life forms on this planet were completely wiped out under the huge torrent of neutrons.

Whether it is the remaining two mechanical gods and high-level elf gods, or the ordinary people who are ignorant, there is not much difference under this light stream called Neutron Sweep.

Feeling that all the auras on this planet had disappeared before, Su Mu nodded lightly.

Such behavior...

He calls it efficient.

"Well, now I have brought peace to you~〃."

Satisfied, he said.

The many pros and cons who stirred up the storm in the so-called later period of the original work were completely smashed under the majesty of the colossus.

After that, Su Mu continued to perceive the other worlds that existed around him and smashed them all.

The countless creatures living in it all live in the golden sky in the form of war slaves.

The strongest among them can retain most of their sanity and become "heroic spirits" who command many slaves.

And the weak can only be ignorant and spend the near-eternal time in the future in endless killings and battles.

Of course, under the tempering of time and death, even the weak may not have the chance to awaken and become the strong.

But no matter what, being firmly held in Su Mu's hand, as a tool, sword and minion, is also an eternal law that cannot be changed.

In the eyes of many people, this other world may be hopeless.

But for Su Mu, this different world is not worth his much thought.

It is enough to directly use the efficient method of neutron sweep to turn it all into powder.