
DxD : The Second Coming of Lust

A Man who was bored with his life decides to screw fate, he suddenly jumps in front of a truck to test his luck! This story is wish fulfillment of mine when I was young. I hope you enjoy it the same way I enjoyed it. First Parts will be Super Rushed and Looked forced as this was written months Ago, Its too tiring to edit, so if you don’t want a cardboard harem this is not for you. Though later in the chapters everything has been paced slightly okay compared to the first ones. MC image is the cover and if you’re the Artist please tell me and I will take it down Only small plot, will only focus on his life! This novel will introduce elements from The Second coming of Gluttony! as for their characters who knows! if you want then you can comment! Hello Authors name is Park Seol. I was inspired writing because Korean novels are getting translated! so before I start my original I want to train my english proficiency with fanfics first! Hope you like it!

QueenScathach · アニメ·コミックス
71 Chs

One deal after another

'Connect them then'

[ Initiating Call ]

[ Luxuria has connected! ]

[ Superbia has connected! ]

[ Gula has connected! ]

[ Invidia has connected! ]

[ Ira has connected! ]

[ Avaritia has connected! ]

[ Acedia has connected! ]

"To what do I owe the pleasure of you contacting me?" Shin sounded

"Akihiko Shin" a sweet voice was heard.

"We have a request for you" Another one spoke

"What is this request?" Shin knew this was something else.

"To save our planet specifically" A deep voice sounded

"What do I get in return? I don't want to waste my time I'd rather enjoy the bodies I have here" Shin replied as he didn't want to be under anyone.

"He's my Child All right" A seductive voice sounded and soon materialised in front of Shin, She kissed Shin's forehead.

[ Ding! ]

[ Luxuria's Divinity Received! ]

[ Tap to see more! ]

'Maybe later'

Shin looked at the woman in front of him she looked familiar somehow but he couldn't put his mind on it.

"Other than that what do I receive? Saving a planet is harder than it sounds"

"Well my Child I know your nature and you're not the only Apostle I have."

"Show me" Shin was interested.

"I will show you all the beauties, some of the are from earth and some of them are inhabitants of planet called 'Paradise'"

"Don't you dare do it Luxuria!" A voice sounded in Anger.

"As much as you dote on Seol Jihu but circumstances have changed Gula, I like him, but I like Shin more." Luxuria floated behind Shin and embraced him, She soon opened a portal showing the girls she believe could entice him.

"They look like they already have someone they love"

"Yes they do! I dar-!" Before she could speak more someone interrupted her.

"I know how much you like breaking people, they all love the same man" Shin's eyebrow was raised at this moment and Luxuria continued.

"I know you want it Shin, aside from the beauties don't you want to have a private resort or land? Paradise could be it for you"

"Give me Invidia's divinity and I'll go once after I finish my current matter!"


"Remember this is a deal not a charity, If you want me to save them then I want any valuable material I deem worthy to be mine"

"Accepted, we will look forward for your arrival there Shin, Take this paper rip it apart when you're ready you may bring 1 person with you" Shin took the paper Luxuria gave him and inspected it Soon Invidia came and placed her hand atop on Shin's head.


[ Invidia's Divinity received!]

[ The Sevens Sins have left! ]

'System, create a quest for me to save this so called 'Paradise' the rewards would be.. All their Divinities including their opposites it gives nice bonus aura's'

[ Request Acknowledged! ]

[ Quest Created! : Save Paradise from destruction against the Parasites! ]

[ Rewards : Various Divinities ! ]

'Close it, I'll view their rewards later'

[ Affirmative ]

"Now what do I do?"

[ Grayfia Lucifuge wants to teleport in!]

[ Sirzechs Gremory wants to teleport in!]

'Call Artoria and Scáthach to go in the living room I'm sure they are awake, teleport them also there, damn one deal after another I have to earn more than them well I already have Rias what should I ask for?'


"Here we are Sirzechs-sama looks like he teleported us here, Oh we have company it seems" Grayfia said as He and Sirzechs arrived in the room where Artoria and Scáthach was staring at them, Artoria was calm while Scáthach just looked at them and soon scoffed.

Artoria soon introduced herself and Scáthach while waiting for Shin

"You must be our guest, My name is Artoria Pendragon, I'm Shin-sama's Queen, the woman over there is Scáthach, she's Shin-sama's Knight, please take a seat" Both of them soon sat while Scáthach and Grayfia stood behind them

"No offense but is Your master a Devil? I swore Grayfia told me he was a human"

"None taken, to answer your question he is and yet he is not"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirzechs looked at Artoria but soon

"Yo!" Shin came in nonchalantly not caring for their statuses.

"You must be Shin?" Sirzechs asked curiously as he could not sense an ounce of energy from the boy.

"Yes and you must be my future brother in law?"

Sirzech's face twitched when he heard that but soon calmed down.

Sirzechs wanted it to be direct and straight to the point as the matter concerns his little sister.

"So what deal would you like to propose for me today Shin? You know I'm quite a busy person."

"Rating game" Shin replied cooly.

"Rating game? What do yo- I understand so what's in it for you?" Sirzechs was first confused but caught on to what he wanted.

"I already have what I want most, for now I want a cover and the best cover is you, tell them I'll be representing Rias for this matter"

"But that would mean"

"Yes it could lead to a potential fall out with the Phenex family, but what if I had something capable of Rivaling the famous Phenex tears? and I would give it to you so you could destabilize their hold on you and the market, at the same time you have a supply for the military and your family."

"Prove it to me that these are better than Phoenix tears." Sirzechs was intrigued by the offer, soon Shin pointed at Grayfia.

"What do you want me to do Shin-san?" Grayfia wondered why.

"Test subject, to prove its more effective than the Phoenix tears" Grayfia looked at Sirzechs and he nodded towards her, She soon gestured Shin to do his worst but

"Scáthach, don't overdo it" Scáthach came forward and summoned Gáe Bolg alternative releasing its full power and stabbed Grayfia's stomach

Scáthach movements were too fast for Sirzechs and Grayfia to react, the moment Sirzechs looked at Grayfia she had already been stabbed through!

Sirzechs was ready to release his aura when Artoria unsealed parts of Excalibur if things were to go that way creating two huge pressures that collided with each other.

Shin looked at them and coughed.

"Scáthach if you please I can't go near her" Scáthach nodded and removed her spear, leaving a huge hole in Grayfia's abdomen.

Shin then went in front of Grayfia giving her a Senzu bean!

"Eat it" Shin took her chin and placed in onto her mouth and played with her lips for awhile, making Grayfia blush, Shin then snapped his fingers repairing Grayfia's clothes

'I'll leave a hole below you soon' Shin thought as he quietly went back

Soon the hole was nowhere to be found and Grayfia felt like she was in her best condition. Shin sat back to Artoria's side and sat beside her and Scáthach went back to the corner, both of latter called back their Noble Phantasms.

"Grayfia are you okay?" Sirzechs was worried as he didn't expect that they could release power that could rival theirs and he still felt that they had held back.

"Yes Sirzechs-sama, I am in great condition, I feel like I'm battle ready and can last for a month of fighting it is as Shin-san say's it is better than the Phoenix tears by a mile" Sirzechs sighed and soon calmed down once more he sat and thought of the offer.

"So What is it? Sirzechs-san? do you accept?"

"Let me review it, You want to represent Rias in her engagement battle and bear the grudge of the Phenex family all the while giving as a supply of an item that could be better than the Phoenix tears, while all you would receive is my protection that no one would bother you while you stay in Kuoh correct?"

"Correct" Shin smiled.

"Well then I'll accept the deal, I'll also give you full Authority in Kuoh, and personally apply for you to become a high-class Devil" Sirzechs said as he wanted it to be fair but the more he thought about the last part.

"I never bothered to ask but where did you get those evil pieces?" He asked

"Oh this? I created them when I looked at Rias' pieces and modified it to be stronger" Shin smiled as he flexed the remaining pieces he had, he wanted to have 3 Sets of it but decided to fill the first one exclusive to Servants from the Nasuverse.

Sirzechs was shocked but decided not to question as he want to respect their secrets. Shin snapped his fingers and a 10 huge sacks appeared in front of them.

"The item is called 'Senzu beans', Grayfia will properly explain them as she had used it already, one sack could last your family personally A century if used wisely, its up to you how much you wanna sell"

Grayfia came forward and inspected it she nodded to Sirzechs it was the real deal.

"Then consider it a done deal then, Grayfia will send the evil pieces when she comes back, consider it as a collection rather than to be used" Both of them shaked their hands as a sign of confirmation.

Sirzechs wanted to ask where Rias was now but before he could.

A naked red-haired woman barged in the room who was still half-asleep

"Shiiiinnn!" She jumped in front of Shin not caring about the people around her, Shin caught Rias in a princess carry.

"Shiin! Kiss!" Rias held Shin's face and proceeded to make out with Shin shocking his brother in front of her.

"Mm! Shin's the best!" Rias wanted more but before she could Sirzechs coughed, she then looked at Sirzechs and tilted her head in confusion.

"What are you doing in my dream Onii-san? Me and Shin just finished putting a baby here." Rias pointed at her belly and stroked it remembering last night and the amount she got pumped.

"That's because this isn't a dream Rias, your brother is really here" Shin said

"Wha-What!" Shin snapped his fingers and clothes appeared on Rias, while Rias finally woke up.

"What did you mean by a baby Rias?" Sirzechs asked for confirmation if he would soon see a mini Rias running around once more.

"Scáthach, Artoria let's leave looks like they need to talk" Shin said as she put down Rias leaving her alone with Sirzechs and Grayfia.


"So tell me have you really done it?" Sirzechs asked once more.

"Y-yes! I don't regret it! I don't want to be engaged to that chicken!" Rias defiantly said.

"Consider that matter done already, Shin will be your representative as we have done a deal already now on to the most serious matter" Rias smiled when she heard the first part but when sweated a lot when she heard the second part.

"When am I gonna expect a Mini you soon?" Sirzechs looked at Rias full of smiles as the thought of spoiling a mini-Rias once more brightened his day already.

Rias not knowing what to answer confusingly said "Soon?"

"Then I'll also expect it soon, I miss you Rias, come visit once in a while." Sirzechs smiled.

"I will after the break I'll bring Shin!"

"Sure I'm sure Mom and Dad would love to see him"

Soon Grayfia and Sirzechs teleported out, leaving Rias.

"Well that went well? Anyway Shiiin!" Rias shouted as she burst out of the doors, he saw Shin standing by the entrance carrying something when she looked at it was a black cat.

Shin turned his back to see Rias staring at him and the cat.

"Well hello there Rias, I see you're finished come meet this cute cat!" Shin said as she played with the cat in front of him making the cat pur under his touches.

"No thanks, anyways I'll wake the others up now, can you still please train us as we want to bond more and maybe after this morning I'll be picking up summons for them" Rias said

"Sure, Scáthach, Artoria if you may? oh once you're done training I have a matter to discuss with the whole peerage." Soon the trio left Shin alone with the black cat that was purring as it had the time of its life.

"So when will you reveal yourself Kuroka?" Shin smiled at the cat

"Nya! I knew it the moment that maid called out to me and brought me to you revealed it nya!" The cat soon talked back.

"Well its your fault for staying there long enough for them to notice, so what do you want? do you want to meet Shirone?" Shin asked the cat while he was still petting.

"I'll do it later now I want you to pamper me nya!"

"Sure, sure I'll pamper you, but you do know I can pamper you more than this right?"

"Nya!!! A fiend! Kuroka has been taken by a fiend nya!"

"Well this Kuroka seems to like this fiend's touches."

"Of course I do nya! but can we do it in my mating season Nya? I want to have kids immediately and my mating season is the best way to ensure i get pregnant nya."

"Of course, while we wait for that season let's get to know more of each other, come the others are waiting" Shin carried Kuroka in her cat form all the way to the living room not until

[ Ding! ]

[ The Great Red has taken an Interest in you ]

[ The Great Red wishes to teleport in your estate ]

"Well fuck me"

"I will soon Nya!"


A/N : Do you want Great Red female? Yes or No, If Yes then put an image lmfao there are tons and I don't know which to pick.