
DXD: The Lewd System

Itsuki Tanaka, an unfortunate young man in the 20th century who was unfortunately born with erectile dysfunction. Yet, due to a strange occurrence he was given [The Lewd System] and sent into the chaotic world of highschool DXD. What will a man who has never had any sexual attention do with his newfound powers which he gained from committing lewd acts and creating a harem. [Ding! Touched some boobies! Reward: +1500 points, Demon Race Change] Warning: possibly alot of R-18 scenes but it will be well written. P@treon.com/StarGate for advanced chapters on the book!!!

CoccGate · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

5: Kuoh Academy

Itsuki immediately headed back into the bathroom before stripping completely naked out of his boxers.

he couldn't help but admire his chiseled body that seemed to be carved by the hand of god himself.

"What happened? My body wasn't like this before," Itsuki said in shock, he had come to the restroom previously to look at himself.

although he wasn't fat previously, his muscles weren't this defined either.

Itsuki could only blame it on the increase in his attributes, that was the only logical reason.

Itsuki immediately hopped into the shower and took a warm bath before doing his daily hygiene routine and putting on his school uniform.

"not bad," Itsuki said as he looked at himself in the mirror, he was never a narcissist, but it felt good to truly appreciate his attractiveness now that he wasn't an impotent man.

After grabbing his book bag, Itsuki went downstairs and opened the fridge.

"fuck, there is no food" Itsuki felt his depression about to kick in once again.

But his eyes landed on his wallet, he could use the 10,000 yen note to buy himself a scrumptious breakfast while on his way to school.

Itsuki locked the door behind him and left on his way towards Kuoh Academy, the academy wasn't too far from his home, it was only around a 15-minute walk, and this was if Itsuki was taking his time on the walk.

overall, the academy was extremely close to his home.


on his way to Kuoh Academy, Itsuki stopped by a small restaurant and ordered breakfast before finishing it and continuing back on the path towards the academy.

in a matter of minutes, Itsuki reached the gates of Kuoh Academy immediately.

Kuoh Academy used to be an all-girls academy at first, but due to certain reasons, they now accepted male students as well, even so, the male-to-female ratio was incredibly unbalanced.

As Itsuki looked at the main campus of the academy past the gate, he immediately saw many girls walking all over the place, he would rarely see any boys among the large crowds, only if he looked hard enough would he spot them.

"This school is a hidden treasure trove for a two-lifetime virgin like me," Itsuki said as his eyes landed on the short skirts that seemed to be dancing in rhythm as they entered the academy.

what a heavenly paradise.

Itsuki carried his bag and walked into the academy, on his way towards the main academy building he could see many people with large posters.

these were the members of certain clubs and they were currently trying to recruit new students to join.

"Hey, would you like to join our sports club? you seem pretty fit" A tall bulky young man holding a large poster said as he noticed Itsuki who was walking towards the main academy building.

"oh- me?" Itsuki was caught off guard for a second, but he still stopped in his tracks and looked at the bulky young man who seemed to be pushing 30 years old.

Before the bulky young man could say anything, a short girl with long blonde hair stepped in front of him before rushing towards Itsuki.

"little brother, join our manga research club instead, I promise we will treat you well," The girl said as she flashed Itsuki a smile.

it didn't stop there, many more people began to approach Itsuki, and this was the situation for all the other new students as well.

it was almost as if these club members could discern who was a new academy student and who wasn't, it was simply terrifying.

With his powerful physical body, Itsuki forced himself out of the crowd and made his way towards the main academy building hurriedly.

"I'll probably join a club, but it's my first day, these people are crazy," Itsuki said with a look of annoyance as he entered the main academy building.

he labeled this place as the main academy building due to the few other buildings on the academy grounds.

pulling out his class schedule, Itsuki made his way to his first homeroom class.

As Itsuki was a second-year student who had just transferred, he was in classroom 4-B.

Itsuki Entered the classroom calmly and found a seat before sitting down, surprisingly he was the only person in the classroom.

there was still an hour or so before classes officially started, most people were hanging out with their friends in the yard or their club rooms hanging out and eating.

"damn, the feeling of going to a new school" Itsuki couldn't help but sigh painfully, not only did he have no friends, he also felt out of place in this new academy.

Itsuki continued sitting there patiently, but after a few minutes or so he wasn't able to stand the boredom.

Itsuki left his bag there and stepped outside of the class before he began roaming the halls.

The halls were pretty crowded as the students went back and forth, yet barely anyone seemed to be entering their actual classrooms.

Itsuki walked through the halls calmly with his hands in his pockets as he observed the girls.

'oh my god he is so handsome'

'when did he attend our academy?'

Many girls glanced uncontrollably at Itsuki as he calmly made his way aimlessly through the halls, a lot of them couldn't help but blush as they kept looking at his face.

it wasn't a stretch to say that Itsuki was probably a lot more handsome than even Yuuto Kiba, who was known as the most charming male student.

Itsuki didn't bother too much with these girls, as much as they were also pretty, the thing Itsuki was truly after were the top-tier women, such as Akeno, Rias, and Yasaka, those were his current goals.

plus, according to the system, he would gain no stat points if he had sexual interactions with these regular women who weren't important characters in this universe.

Itsuki was about to turn into a particularly crowded club room, but his eyes couldn't help but land on three figures in the schoolyard from beyond the large glass wall.



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