
DXD: The Lewd System

Itsuki Tanaka, an unfortunate young man in the 20th century who was unfortunately born with erectile dysfunction. Yet, due to a strange occurrence he was given [The Lewd System] and sent into the chaotic world of highschool DXD. What will a man who has never had any sexual attention do with his newfound powers which he gained from committing lewd acts and creating a harem. [Ding! Touched some boobies! Reward: +1500 points, Demon Race Change] Warning: possibly alot of R-18 scenes but it will be well written. P@treon.com/StarGate for advanced chapters on the book!!!

CoccGate · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

4: Terrible Background

[Ding! The system gacha function has been unlocked! 1 free gacha spin has been given]

The system said mechanically after Itsuki sorted through his newfound skills when it came to talking to girls.

rewards upon rewards!

Itsuki's eyes flashed with light and he immediately opened the gacha function screen!

what appeared in his vision was a strange gacha machine that seemed to be filled with many gacha balls!


you have 1 free gacha spin, would you like to spin?] The system asked!

"yes, spin the gacha," Itsuki said as he rubbed his hands in excitement, more rewards were always well appreciated.

The Gacha machine on the holographic screen went through a short animation before a Gacha ball rolled out of it shakily.


Congratulations on gaining: +10,000 yen]

Itsuki's unnatural smile immediately froze as he saw the contents inside the gacha ball.

it was money, just money!

what the fuck would money do for him in this dangerous world.

Itsuki calmed down after a while before shaking his head, at least he wouldn't starve for a few days.

Although 10,000 yen seemed like a lot, in terms of United States dollars that was only a little over 70 dollars, there wasn't much Itsuki could do about it.

"well, it's a gacha, what did I expect," Itsuki said with a forced smile before closing the gacha screen and placing the 10,000 yen note inside his wallet that was on his short bedside dresser.


System Points: 2,000 (100 = 1 stat point)

Itsuki looked at his system points, these were the points needed to increase his stat points.

"2,000 system points, that equates to 20 stat points, hehehehe" Itsuki began to laugh as he thought about the increase in power he could gain once he added these points!

it would make him a lot stronger than a peak human at least.

"hehe, I can only get these beautiful girls if I am strong, it seems like the system is helping me in this regard," Itsuki said with a lecherous grin and immediately looked at his attributes before he began adding points to his stats.


Host: Tanaka Itsuki

Tier: 9 (Weak Magician)

Race: Human

Age: 17

Str: 7 --> 14

Spd: 6 --> 12

Vit: 8 --> 13

Int: 9 -->11

Skills: Magic Control

System Points: 0 (100 = 1 stat point)

Inventory: Tier 1: Swift Katana

Itsuki looked at the increase in his stats with a smile, as he added stat points he felt his body mysteriously change, in ways such as him becoming stronger, and having better eyesight, Itsuki even felt that he had become taller and his lean muscles had become denser.

"I'm tier 9 now?" Itsuki exclaimed as he looked through his stats screen, He could remember before that he was previously only a tier 10 (regular human) yet not he was a tier 9 (weak magician)

Itsuki could only say this was due to him surpassing the peak stats of a regular human as well as gaining the ability of magic control.

Itsuki had read many Highschool DxD Fanfictions in his last life, he was used to the power gauge system that most of these fanfictions used.

such as from tier 10 which was a regular human to tier 1 which was for Satan/seraph, etc, it even went beyond tier 1.

but those tiers were specifically for those truly beyond god-like beings.

Itsuki was about to continue exploring the system until a sudden thought appeared in his mind.

He had just realized that today was his first day at his new academy, and coincidentally it was Kuoh Academy, the place where most of the high school DXD plot took place, how convenient.

The previous "Itsuki" Was an orphan, after so many years he still didn't know who his biological parents were.

Itsuki currently lived alone in this small house which was being paid off by the money he received from the government, sadly he would stop receiving this money once he turned 18 and he would need to start working for money to keep himself alive.

"What a sad background," Itsuki thought unconsciously, he had previously put the memories of his new life behind him, but now that he truly went through them, he couldn't help but sympathize with the "Itsuki" whose body he had taken over due to the power of The Lewd System.

Even though Itsuki was alone, depressed, and with no will to live, what was even worse was that he also previously had the same "cursed deformity" that he had, the same curse of never being able to get hard.

Looking at the strange pills on the side of the bedside dressed with its lid off, Itsuki could conclude that the previous Itsuki had killed himself after overdosing on drugs.

Looking at the nearly empty bottle, Itsuki couldn't even begin to guess how many pills he had taken.

"This guy had much more willpower than me, even I didn't dare to kill myself, perhaps some people did have it worse than me," Itsuki said with a frown, although he had erectile dysfunction, he still got to feel joy and happiness of having a family to support him, that was something the now dead Itsuki of this world couldn't experience.

he truly had a tragic fate.

"I hope you get reborn into a good world as I did," Itsuki said emotionally before sitting up.

He walked towards the window and pushed it up before looking outside.

The scene of dozens of cherry blossom trees lined up on the sidewalk seemed to make the view even more beautiful as Itsuki watched the dreamy sky.

"wow," He couldn't help but exclaim in surprise as he looked at the neat neighborhood he was living in which seemed to come straight out of an anime.

well, it did come out of an anime!


Itsuki stretched lazily and his eyes landed on the clock beside his bed before he turned serious.

"I need to get ready for school"



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