
Chapter 145: Yubelluna

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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He never thought he would say it himself, but here he was.

Defeating a Phenex was as much about defeating them mentally as physically.

Naruto had already proved he was stronger than her. Now he just needed to force her to accept that.

He didn't want to fight her anymore. Honestly…he was starting to get bored.

On one hand, Ravel was amazingly powerful. With her bishop enhancement, she was equal to Rias in terms of demonic power.

Combine that with her easy control over fire and you have a powerful fire user.

She's smart and observant, quick to notice fighting habits of opponents.

She even theoretically knows what to do in a fight, managing to use positioning in a battle quite well.

Add in her immortality and you have a dangerous opponent.

On the other hand though, she had a number of deficiencies. Experience obviously.

She had clearly studied battles extensively, and thus can formulate proper methods of battle.

At the start of the battle against Naruto and Raynare she had moved brilliantly. You don't always get to think in battle though.

You have to be able to act on instinct. Act without thought. When Naruto started to press her, Ravel fell apart.

At the beginning she had actually bested Naruto be stalling him long enough to eliminate Raynare, but afterwards the strategically planned moves stopped in favor of repeated fireballs.

Which was another problem of Ravel's. With her it was fire, fire, and more fire.

A fireball was eventually her answer to everything. She didn't even use any wind.

Naruto really preferred the fight against Karlamine. Ravel would almost certainly defeat Karlamine in a battle, but that was by pure virtue of their power difference.

Karlamine trumped Ravel when it came to experience and skill. Every move Naruto had made in their battle, Karlamine had her own counter.

She adapted and changed to fight Naruto as efficiently as possible. Ravel…not so much. Naruto used clones.

Ravel used fire. Naruto used wind techniques, Ravel used fire. Naruto used taijutsu. Ravel used fire…The pattern was clear.

Ravel had come on strong, but she simply lacked the ability to continue that momentum.

She kept doing the same tricks, expecting different results. She was like a lost child.

With Naruto having figured out those tricks and devised counters, she was helpless. Even more so now that she's run out of stamina.

Naruto made sure to keep flying. His elevated position making his words even more powerful. "Just admit your loss.

I've figured out your fighting style. You've nearly run out of demonic power. Physically your stamina is gone. Even your immortality is failing.

I am different. I've used little chakra against you, and have sustained few wounds beside some light burns. I have stamina to spare.

The difference is clear. Fighting will achieve you nothing. So just accept your defeat gracefully, and forfeit. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have."

Ravel's pride was flaring, but she couldn't deny his words. Ravel had used basically all her demonic power in that last attack.

She could regenerate it given time, but she didn't have time. Her body was aching as well. Even if she hadn't been moving around a whole lot, fighting of any kind requires some stamina.

Considering her lack of proper training and comfortable lifestyle, it was a surprise her stamina had even lasted so long.

Not to mention she hurt. She had no real wounds, but her body had received more damage in this battle than she had in her entire life before.

Phantom pains were plaguing her. Just standing up would be a challenge in her current state.

It was all too much for her, with her opponent staring down at her. Opening her mouth, she hesitatingly started, "I-I…I surr-"

With a wave of her hand, Akeno created a multitude of thunder strikes.

They came from all directions, surrounding the enemy queen completely.

Yubelluna cursed. Her fire was unsuited for blocking so many attacks.

With a wave of her hand, she constructed a series of red magic circles.

They formed a box around her. The constructed barrier endured the thunder that attacked it from all sides.

As soon as it ended, Yubelluna waved her hand again. The magic circled rearranged themselves, lining up.

Utilizing the remaining demonic power in them, Yubelluna channeled that power into a fire spell.

An attack which Akeno met head on. Thunder formed around her hand.

Throwing it forward, a large thunder bolt went shooting forth to meet the fire attack.

The two attacks distorted each other, trying to gain dominance.

They then exploded when neither gained the advantage, nullifying each other.

"Ufufufu, this is so much fun, Bomb Queen. Don't you agree?" Akeno remarked, a blush on her face. She even licked her lips sensually, showing the battle was arousing her.

Yubelluna stayed quiet, not letting her opponent's actions get to her.

The battle had not gone as she had expected. A battle between two wizard types comes down to a few different factors.

Compatibility, power, control, and finally demonic power. Compatibility refers to elemental advantages.

A water mage will naturally have the advantage against a fire mage. Neither had the advantage here.

Fire and thunder were relatively equal elements, which tend to nullify each other. Power refers to the amount of demonic power one can easily charge into their attacks.

Once again, the two are relatively equal in this field. Control is their ability in using their demonic power. Akeno had the advantage here.

She can use multiple elements, while Yubelluna is limited to fire and basic devil spells. Demonic power is overall energy reserves. Akeno had the advantage here as well.

Overall it was close, but Akeno definitely had the advantage. Yubelluna wasn't surprised by that. She'd actually come in expecting that.

No, it was the attitude of her opponent that was off-putting. Akeno wasn't acting in a professional manner.

Not in the least. Akeno had been attacking with sadistic glee the entire battle.

There was no caution at all. All she seemed to care about was hurting her opponent.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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