
Chapter 78 : Fighting For The Spot!!!

It took them a bit of effort to reach Raynare who had stopped a few hundreds of meters ahead as she inhaled oxygen to calm herself from the blunder she made...

At that moment when she turned around to see if Haoh is following her, she saw him running with Rossweisse while passing her but not before she heard his words...

Haoh : Human style running towards home, the last one if forbidden to enter the room...

Raynare was stunned and so did Rossweisse and both they thought 'Yeah but you are pulling me-her'...

As if he knew what they were thinking Haoh let the hand of Rossweisse causing her to misstep and almost falling down as he continued running with all his might...

Haoh : Hahahaha, turns out both of you are going to LOSE!!!!!

Both girls were offended as if a puny weak Human can surpass them even as they run with human standards and at the same time a fire ignited inside them, a fire with a few words 'Not To Lose To This Bitch!!'

Both of them took positions and run forward like humans trying to surpass Haoh in his own town...

No matter how many meters run they had lost his figure and were shocked, how should they know he knew the alleys upside down cutting half the way forward...

But even so, they refused to lose to each other, perhaps Hoah cheated and they were right, however, they raced with each other and tried to reach the door of the house even by an inch closer...

It took them 20 minutes to run there and as they finally pushed their hands forward the door opened stunning them as they fell right on top of Haoh...

Haoh : Guuaa...

Kalawarner : Damn it and we were about to eat him!!!

Mittelt : Fuck we lost our chance...

Haoh : Guu... Girls This hurts...

Raynare : Who won???

Rossweisse also looked at Haoh with expectations in her eyes thinking that she beat Raynare, too bad both of them were disappointed as Kalawarner pointed at their chests...

They looked down and saw Haoh groping both of them with his hands and were stunned for a bit before Raynare realised what happened...

Raynare : We both reached at the same time and fell on his hands??

Kalawarner : Bingo!!

Mittelt : But you didn't stop your momentum and crashed on him while all of you fell on the floor... By the way, Is he okay??

Kalawarner : Well, for now, get up and get ready to eat as we had ordered from Cliff-kun food, we will find out later who will spend time with him in the bedroom...

Haoh : About that, the easiest will be to play Janken...

Everyone's eyes shined at his words and just as he sat down to wobble up the food, the four of them looked at each other before yelling...

All 4 : Jan ken Pon!!!

Kalawarner : Damn...

Mittelt : Fuck...

Raynare : Nooooo!!!!!!!

Rossweisse : I won?? I won!!!! I WON!!!"

Haoh looked while eating towards them as Rossweisse had a happy face and the others had sad ones but looking at their eyes he could tell they were up to something very bad and dirty...

After that all of them sat down and started eating and drinking as well, which reminded Haoh of something, Rossweisse doesn't go well with alcohol now, is she??

He went forward and regulated her drinks in order to make her both enjoy it and not get drunk on their first day inside the room...

Thankful he managed to do it and Rossweisse only made a bit of light head but she still had her senses and knew what was to come...

It took them almost half an hour to finish all their food and go to their own rooms or sleeping place as many slept on the couches...

The three fallen angels saw Haoh with a bashful Rossweisse enter inside the room and had evil smiles on their faces...

Stay tuned...


I'm grateful for many supporting me in any way possible... Check my book Seion Sect!!!

https://www. patr eon .com/uselessSeion

Discord: Seion#0464

Seioncreators' thoughts