
DxD: Super Lewd System

After he was stabbed to death by his date girlfriend Yuuma Amano. [Ding. Installation successful!] [Ding. The Host has gained The Super Lewd System… What the Fuck, dazed Issei thought that this is all just a dream and soon he will wake up. But that never happened, soon the SLS displayed the status of its host in the back of Issei’s head a script appeared. At the moment a strange thing happened, with the appearance of a beautiful big breasted girl with long, shiny crimson hair… Issei Hyoudou once dreamed of creating a harem, never knew that his dream with the help of (SLS) will come true...  

Ereh_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Super Lewd System

"Issei Hyoudou Pov"

My name is Issei Hyoudou. I am a second year high school student attending Kuoh Academy.

'One day in April, a cute girl named Yuuma Amano asked me out on a date, and in the evening at the park, she suddenly said to me:

"Will you please die for me?"

With those words, I was stabbed in my stomach by a spear made of light.

"My date with you was a little fun. But if you're going to hold a grudge, you'll have to hold a grudge against the sacred treasure that resides within your body."

As Yuuma Amano said so;

Issei's consciousness gradually becoming hazy...

'At the last moments of my life, Amano made a joke of me…'

Issei's consciousness faded, and slowly closed his eyes...



<Ding >

Installation successful!

'The text disappears and a new message appears in my eyes…

Welcome host, to the Super Lewd System!

What the Fuck…

Status of the host:

Name: Issei Hyoudou (Main Character of High School DxD, and the Host of SLS).

Race: Half Human \ Half Devil

Fighting Abilities: The owner of the Red Dragon Emperor

Active title: None

Dick length: 6in +

Dick girth: 4.5in +

Load volume: 3ml / ejaculation +

Super Lewd Points (SLP): 0

Waifus: None

Conquered Women: None

Potential Conquered Women: 20

Passive Abilities: None 

Active Abilities: None

Shop: Loading 

Titles: None

Inventory: Loading

Congratulations, host! 

You have been selected to host the Super Lewd System or (SLS) for short, and so you will not die here…

[The system's purpose is to help you find your happiness and satisfy your fantasies, in the world of High School DxD, and Animeverse]


[By reaching the pinnacle of your perversion. Unlike previous versions that utilized a quest system, the new, revamped (SLS) uses a real-time reward system, where any action that relates to your perversion is immediately graded and rewarded! This allows you, the host, much more flexibility in your actions.]

[The (SLS) is the perfect perversion system, aimed at conquering your desired women in High School DxD and making them your own 'Waifus'. 

[Any High School DxD girls can be a potential waifu for the host, but the host should be aware that there is a limited number of slots available for potential Waifus and that once a girl is selected as a potential waifu, the action cannot be undone. The only way to free a potential waifu slot is to fully conquer the girl thus converting her to a regular waifu. The slots for regular Waifus are infinite.

The system has detected that you already have selected several girls as potential Waifus for your harem before you died, and has automatically added them to the list.

To buy items and skills, SLP (Super Lewd Points) are required. You can acquire SLP by doing pervy and hentai things with your waifus. 

Some examples:

Kiss on the lips: 10 SLP

French kiss: 25 SLP

Spanking 50 SLP

Squeeze breast: 50 SLP

Butt Spanking: 50 SLP

Grope pussy: 100 SLP

Handjob: 200 SLP

Waifu Masturbation: 200 SLP

Footjob: 200 SLP

Titjob: 300 SLP

Blowjob: 300 SLP

Swallowing: 100 SLP

Thighjob: 800 SLP

Vaginal sex: 1000 SLP

Anal sex: 1200 SLP

Creampie: 1500 SLP

Anal Creampie: 1800 SLP

All points doubles for the first time of each act with a new (potential) waifu. Up to x2 multiplier applied based on the state of undress of the (potential) waifu. Up to x2 multiplier applied based on the willingness of the (potential) waifu. Modifiers might be granted by active title. Hidden modifiers might apply.

[Your Super Lewd System is being generated:




Opening Super Lewd System Abilities…

[Ding. The host received 5000 SLP, as a first host of the SLS]

[Ding. The host received the title 'Waifu Hunter'. Grants a slight increase in affection, obedience, and loyalty levels when you are training your first waifu. Any sexual acts committed with your first waifu until you take her virginity will have an x1.5 multiplier.

[Ding. You received skill 'Controlled Sperm'. You gain the ability to turn ON/OFF insemination. Turning it ON does not guarantee insemination always.

[Ding. The host received skill 'Master'. Instill new knowledge in your (potential) waifu for your convenience. Can be upgraded to be used on multiple (potential) waifus at the same time. Duration: 1 minute / level. Usable once per day.

[Ding. The host received an item 'Suggestion spray'. Spray on the face or skin. Works by inhalation or skin absorption. Makes the target open to a suggestion. The effect ends immediately after the suggestion is made or after 3 minutes. The target will self-justificate your suggestion as her own idea. A small increase in trust and loyalty. Target forgets being sprayed.

..//– Super Lewd System 'status' –//..

Name: Issei Hyoudou 

Active title: Waifu Hunter

Dick length: 6in +

Dick girth: 4.5in +

Load volume: 3ml / ejaculation +

SLP: 5000

Waifus: None

Potential Waifus: 20 now (All High School DxD Women, the system has already detected that Issei is a pervert and want to create a harem).

Passive Abilities: None

Active Abilities: 

Controlled Sperm



Titles: Waifu Hunter

Inventory: Suggestion spray x1

Oooow Wtf… not weird. No,no,no. Not at all. I can't still exclude that I simply lost my marbles, but what the hell, let's play along for now.

I start checking the system details. Every time I focus on a part of the screen, a description appears in my mind, so it does not take long until I have the whole thing figured out.

First, it seems that by clicking on the icon '+' next to my cock's status, I can upgrade my member. I can add ½ inch with every upgrade, be it length or girth. Nice! 

As for the 'load volume', in other words how much I can cum in a single orgasm, it rises geometrically, which means the first upgrade will be 1ml, the second, 2ml, the third 4ml, the fourth 8ml, and so on. With enough upgrades, I can literally drown a girl in my cum. Hahaha!

Ahem… derailed off-topic a bit, sorry.

So, as I was saying… wait! A lot of the novels and fanfictions I read about systems in the past, had a voice function! So Let's test this.

Ehrm… "System?"

A line of text scrolls at the bottom of my vision.

[Yes, host?]

"Can you… can you talk?"


"Oh." Bummer…

[But I can accept vocal and mental instructions.]

"Oh! So, I can talk to you or direct my thoughts at you, but you can answer only on screen?"

[That is correct.]

"Ok, that is good to know. Now, a few questions. I cannot help but notice that the skills and items do not seem to care whether you are … forceful with your waifus. What gives?"

[Super Lewd System has no use for morality. You can seduce a potential waifu, blackmail her, or straight out force her. This is irrelevant to the system. Please note that a hidden modifier might be applied.]

"Yeah, it makes sense. After all, blackmailing a girl into having sex with you is more perverted than seducing her, so I guess that it would give more points."

[That is correct.]

"How about the skill 'Golden bullet'. It says in the description that all offspring will be females. Why is that?"

[Why, to create your second and third-generation harem of beautiful girls, of course.]

"Hold on! Are you saying that I can impregnate a girl and then when our daughter grows up, impregnate her as well?"

[That is correct.]

"You do know that incest rises the chances of genetic defects, don't you?"

[The Host has no need to worry. By acquiring the skill 'Golden bullet', the host genetic code will be scrubbed clean of any defects. In fact, every generation of 'Waifus' will be genetically superior to the previous one.]

"Uh… so one cock to cure cancer… huuh… what about inventory?"

[The inventory allows the host to store the items needed to pave his way to perversion into a subspace. Stored items can be retrieved with a thought or voice command.]

"Nice! Can I only store items bought by the system?"

[Negative. You can store any item as long as it does not exceed the size and weight that the user can carry with one hand. Maximum storage: 10 non-system items.]

"So, I can carry a foldable table, but not a regular one."

[That is correct.]

"Anyway, System why me?"

[First, the host was at the edge of dying, second, the host has filled all the parameters needed to be the host of the super lewd system. The host is not living with his family, has a high level of perversity, and he is not bothered by morals. Beyond that, host has no economic or school issues, and dreams of creating a harem, plus he has established the perfect foundation to utilize the system to the maximum.]

"Perfect foundation? Wait! You mean… the building?"

[Yes, the building. The host has created a controlled habitat for his potential waifus which allows him to progress much more easily than he would otherwise.]

"Uh… seems that buying my own apartment was more of an investment than I thought."

I cannot help but grin at the idea. The system is right! All my targets live near me and are under my constant surveillance. 'Ah Rias, Akeno, all women in this world just wait for me daddy is coming.'

'Not only I can apply my skills more easily, but I can also check on their conversations to find opportunities, flaws, and potential blackmail material!

Whew! I am so damn excited! Time to start shopping!

Ok, let's see… I have 5000 SLP that I can use. 

The 'master' skill I received is nice, but by itself is useless. I need first to create suitable conditions to use it. The 'suggestion spray' can help there, but it is not enough. If I don't gather enough points to offset the expense, my progress will stall and will have to depend on chance… Uhm, let's see…

"System, please show me the skills available for sale."

[Yes, host.]



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