
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Chapter 50: Abrupt Evolution | Soul Piece Initiation 2

[ Chaos and Order Essence has been successfully extracted. ]

[ Minimum Harmonized Energy Levels Reached.

Max Level Reached.

Control Levels Appropriate.

Mind, Body, and Spirit have synced to the minimum required levels. ]

[ Initiating Evolution Options... ]

[ High Human ----> 4 Available Evolution Options Found.

Enhanced Sentinel (Cyber Human)

Psionic Adept (Psychic Human)

Arcane Savant (Mystic Human)

Super Star Initiate (Space Human)

Young Dragon ----> 5 Available Evolution Options Found. 

Young Emberwing

Scorchscale Drake

Dominion Youth

Infinite Starshine Whelp

Emberblood Adolescent

Pseudo Demi-God ----> 6 Available Evolution Options Found. 

Celestial Initiate 

Ancestral Light Spirit 

Natura Avatar 

Seraph Warden 

Balance Acolyte 

Cosmic Arbiter 


[ Please Select One Option for Each. ]

[ Once the Evolution Option is Confirmed, It Cannot be Revoked.

Evolution will Initiate During the Host's Rest Period. ]

I awoke to the blurry screen of my system, blinking with a combination of yellows, blues, and reds. I also hear the distinct chatter of my moms, Grayfia, and Jibril, but what the hell is this system telling me? I can evolve? What am I, some type of pocket mon?? What's with those crazy-sounding names too? They sound badass and there are more than a few good-sounding ones.

I try to focus on one of them to look at the description, but it gets blocked, or at least I'm only able to gleam surface-level information. Why!? Why can't I view every single detail?! What the hell is that, man? I grumble to myself and just start looking over the options once again. Either way, I still have until I hit the hay. Plenty of time. 

Let's see here. Enhanced Sentinel sounds like a good one for specialized power, specifically either tech or magic. Interesting. Pretty damn good considering there's a chance my body might change and I assume as the evolution gets better there might be an option to high-jack some ancient tech. The psionic one is out, I ain't tryna gain psychic abilities right now. And as much as I want to try out the sentinel, it's not really for me. These other two are promising though. 

Arcane Savant encompasses what I need for the two skills I have. The race enhances the power of spells and allows me a wide range of available affinities I can choose from. It's even possible to harness mystical properties from the world around me to wield. I'm sold on this one, to be honest. 

And for Super Star Initiate it sounds like the race gains more of an affinity with heroics and starlight powers. Hmm eventually I would want to branch out, but I'm already focusing on upping my arcane powers. My Star Star Fruit would get a boost, but I could always fuse it with another skill, right? Besides one of the Dragon ones also dives into starlight and a part of the divinities that I have is in the name. 

Looks like I have one locked in. 


My eyes zero in on two. Specifically, the last two. Emberblood and Infinite Starshine sound promising. I already have a divine affinity with fire and infinite domination and these two evolutions sound good for it. Emberblood would give me an affinity for controlling blood and increasing the potency of my flames when they are either dyed in my own blood or my enemy's blood. Sick as fuck. I can't deny the other one though, it gets me closer to the powerful affinity of Starlight. And who knows how it would react to my Star Star fruit and when my dragon transformation unlocks. 

I'm sold.


For this one, I'm not even sure what direction I want to go. The last two sound like Chaos and Order options, and though they would be powerful, I'm just not as adept at handling it yet. Sure, I could pick it and train with it, but isn't it also possible for me to get an even better option later down the line if I pick something else? Besides what would be the point of forgoing the skills it bestowed upon me and the divinities I unlocked because of my deity race? The two middle ones, Spirit and Avatar do sound good, but they aren't calling to me. The two that are though, would be the Seraph one and the Celestial one. 


Celestial Initiate sounds like the weakest, but it still gives me cosmic properties on top of enhancing my light and nature powers. It's a godsend too because my dragon side would be focused on the starlight while this would also enhance my holy flames. Hmm but I do get the feeling that my cobalt flames are about to get supercharged with starlight, so here's hoping I chose right. Either way, my human side just enhances everything having to do with the mystical side. 

I'm locked in! 

[ High Human ----> Arcane Savant (Mystic Human)

Young Dragon ----> Infinite Starshine Whelp

Pseudo Demi-God ----> Celestial Initiate 

Your decision has been recorded and saved. Evolution Process Will Begin as Soon as the Host is Unconscious. ]

Damn. There's no turning back now. 

"Ryu? Are you awake, sweetie?" Miyu's voice cut in and I was shaken from my thoughts. My eyes refocused on what was around me once more and I saw everyone looking down on me with concerned gazes.

I smiled, wincing at the phantom pain from the explosion. But I persisted and answered. "Yes, how long was I out mom?" 

It was Mamako who answered this time. Her lips quivered as tears began springing from her eyes. "For a few hours, Ryu-chan. We were so worried! It was terrifying just not being able to do a thing!"

"Ryu-sama... I apologize for failing you... I couldn't hurt it... I couldn't do a thing..." Grayfia spoke up with an equally tormented voice. 

My heart ached and I felt like I had a lump in my stomach for the sheer terror they must've gone through, all because I had to be reckless. I noticed Kuroka and Shirone weren't there and it must've shown on my face because Miyu tenderly moved a hair lock out of my face that clung because of the sweat as she answered my unasked question. "Those two were safely teleported to your room, Jibril-san made sure to reassure them..."

I sighed in relief and finally turned to the woman whose tears were freely falling, but her face was scrunched up in frustration. 

I grimaced at her reaction, already preparing myself for her words.

"Master. I...I-..." She took a deep breath. "I'm supposed to be there for you. My power is yours and yet I was able to do nothing. I was created to be destructive, but I was powerless against that being. I could do nothing but watch you..." Tears began streaming down her face. I reached out and cupped her cheek with my hand wiping away the tears with my thumb. 

I smiled gently urging her to continue. Her shaky hand rose up and pressed over my hand firmly as if afraid it would disappear. 

"Now more than ever, I need a Soul Piece. I need more power, more power for you, I was content enough to watch over you thinking it was enough with what I had at my disposal, but it won't ever be enough, will it?" 

My own lips trembled, and I squinted my eyes to withhold the tears that threatened to spill. I looked at each of them, discovering their resolve and as I did I used my other hand to press onto my chest and spiritually grab the four pieces that would resonate with them within my soul.

I knew the Heart Piece would fit snuggly within Jibril. She would change too much over the course of spending time with me. The Brain Piece would go to Grayfia, Spirit for Miyu, and Lifeblood for Mamako. 

But then something pulsed within me and four other pieces flew out of my body and threw themselves within the four women, as if already knowing where they would fit best. 

I examined them closely, already having given them the four former ones, and was surprised. The Spleen Piece had flown straight into Jibril, the Arm (Pair) Pieces flew into Miyu, the Mouth Piece flew to Mamako, and finally, the Bone Marrow Piece flew into Grayfia. 

They were surprised and waves of their own mystical energy began washing over them, adjusting to their hosts and empowering them. I already began to see significant changes within their mana signals as well as their auras. Jibril's annihilation energy took on a more fierce signal, Grayfia's ice began glittering like sapphires far colder than normal, Miyu's own aura grew far more demonic and even looked like it reinforced her bones. As for Mamako, her mana levels were already high, but they skyrocketed and sparks of her own divinity began to run through her. I wondered what she would rule over. It appeared that the pieces adjusted to fit the women's power level, most likely already having better effects than the descriptions I read about within me. I did get a warning about them fitting into the people, but I wonder how much of a change it is. 

As I was pondering these things, I felt myself levitating and then getting smushed by four pairs of breasts. It was comfy, but equally embarrassing considering my mom was among the four. But I then felt their quiet sniffles and I spread out my life aura encompassing them and letting them ride out their sorrow and relief in gaining power. 

It was something to celebrate, they've grown over the years in power, of course, but this was a significant boost and they got it just by getting ahold of two Soul Pieces. And! They haven't even begun to explore the limits of them. I don't even know if they even have limits. With the amount of SP I spent, I'm damn sure they will keep evolving. 

It took a while before they were able to calm down, both my mothers insisted that they would sleep with me in my bed, but I told them it was fine. I got the feeling that they were antsy in trying out their new powers, but it had clashed with their worry for me. I told them I would just go to bed already and that they could take turns checking on me. I also let them know that I was pretty sure Kuroka and Shirone would love to crash for the day, they did absorb vast amounts of energy after all. 

They agreed reluctantly. They each hugged me, promising they would not let me down, but I assured them that we would all protect each other. Grayfia was especially hard on herself, she had vowed to be the best battle maid the world had ever seen and threw herself in training, battling against both Mamako and Miyu while Jibril was the referee. I had no idea where this battle maid idea came from, but that sounded badass- and not a bad idea at all. After some time looking at them launch devastating attacks that were also empowered by their items, I said goodnight to each of them and I made my way over to my room. On my way, I began to think about how I still had to get two more for Jibril and Grayfia, but the only one that would actually fit would be the Demon Lord Ring for Jibril. Something to mull over when I got a haul from the gacha. 

Eventually I arrived and found the two nekos passed out embracing each other in a cuddly ball on my bed. I smiled unconsciously, thankful they were't there to see the devastation and brutal fight. They've seen enough already. Their ears twitched but otherwise did not wake up. So I got comfortable and laid down with them. The other girls were having some type of group training that they had planned. It set me at ease that they were within the territory of the great Lucifer, Rias's siscon brother, but I did find myself missing Akeno's energetic self. She was the one who lived with me after all. 

With those thoughts bouncing in my mind, I found my eyes closing and I drifted off to sleep as a bluish-gold screen flashed before me. 

Ah... that's right... the evolution...

[ Evolution Commencing... ]

Hello hello!

alright something I also did not expect to happen, but this is what I went with. Of course I could still change it since it ain't too difficult, but what do you guys think?

The options were all good, and idk if I made the right choice, but considering the direction I want to go in, I think I did. He will get more options as he continues to grow so that made me feel more at ease with my decision.

as always any suggestions? I will be coming back ofc.

It was fun to write ngl.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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