
DxD: Soul System

Ichijou Ryu, eldest son of the Shuei Clan Yakuza and older brother of Ichijou Raku, finds himself with memories of a past life. Now he connects this new world of his as a mash-up universe of DxD. A Soul System awakens with him, giving him a unique way to power up in the danger-filled world. He will need to get it together as the balance of each power keeps tipping. What challenges await him? How strong are the threats? Will he be able to cope with the sheer inconvenience of spontaneously transporting/reincarnating/transmigrating into different worlds to answer a soul call? How strong will he become? How long will the chapters be for that world before going back to his main? --------------------------------------- The MC may be a reincarnated soul, but because I wanted him to fully integrate himself into that world, he retains the personality he cultivated in the world. I'm not some 4D chess kinda dude, so the antagonists and all those cunning people in said animes will maybe fall short so I'll try my best. He will obviously have bullshit luck and stuff. ---------------------------------------- Alright, so critique is welcome. Please Comment as well. I'll do my best to upload. It might be looking like either 3 or 4 chapters a week, that's the goal. 2 would be the minimum. If you wanna join my discord, here it is: https://discord.gg/fDkpHrbP ---------------------------------------- This is a Fanfiction. I do not claim ownership or credit of any of the works here or their characters, only My OCs, so go support the authors of those light novels/manga. I also do not claim ownership of the art for the cover page, lmk if you find them.

Luigi_Lightning · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

Chapter 15: Training: Ryu Vs Jibril

We couldn't contain ourselves the morning after, so we all visited the training room. Thankfully it seems no one can just waltz right in, it'd be pretty bad if one of our clan members caught sight of our superpowers and Jibril. They could knock and it's amplified so we'd be able to notice that someone is there. 

I gotta say though this is impressive work. I did check it out with Akeno yesterday, but it was only a quick peek. Our exhaustion wone out and we went to bed. But seeing it with a clear head leaves me in awe. They know what they're doing.

Because of the size of the area, we weren't able to fully appreciate the dozens of equipment, mostly targets, weights, and reinforced walls strewn about and properly placed on racks. You gotta take in mind that the equipment will be enchanted to suit our supernatural physique. Plus we will have humans training so it would be a must. For now, though, the parts that interest us the most would be the wide open spaces, and the different areas. I say this because it looks like the terrain could change to suit our needs.

To properly picture it, think of a school gymnasium. But I'd say it is about the size of two football fields. Well, we can always adjust the size later but this is good. Either way, it's split into parts: the sides where the columns are located are also lined with bleachers and people would be able to watch the battles at the far end of the space where it's sectioned off (football field size, so it takes up half of the space). The section closest to the door is where it's cut in half to make room for targets and magical control and the other would be where all the equipment is to train.

"Wowow! It's huge! You can barely see the ceiling! I wanna fly!" Akeno said with glittering eyes as she soaked in the whole space around her. She bounced from place to place until she grabbed hold of my arm. 

"Will I be able to fly here?!"

"Yes, you sure can. But first, you gotta practice magic with your mom right?"

"Hmph, that's true, but we have this wide open space and I haven't been able to fly with my wings yet..."

"Now now little one, this is no time to pout," Jibril said as she floated down to reach her eye level. A glint passed through them and I found myself with a chill running down my back. "I'll be taking some to train with Master, I did promise him after all."

"Ryu is gonna fight with you? Can I see?!"

Uhm, will it really be okay to subject her to this so-called 'training.' I mean, I don't even know what to expect. But it is good for her to see some action in a controlled space. 

"I mean, we do have this place to ourselves before Grayfia-nee-san appears, so it works for me," I said with a smile while a bead of sweat ran down my cheek. Jibril is looking more and more scary by the minute. 

"Then we'll be troubling you Ryu-kun, come now Akeno, let's take our seats while they prepare," Shuri took her hand and led her towards the left side bleachers. 

Jibril and I made our way over to the other side of the room, passing by the looming columns. It created a sort of imposing atmosphere. It's to be expected especially since I haven't had an actual fight. And even though I know this is training, it will definitely be something I have to go all out in. 

So because of this, I dropped everything and let go of my hold on my shapeshifting, bringing out all the new features. 

( Don't hold back. Unleash everything at your disposal, partner. Jibril told me about your little scuffle when she was summoned, and I dare say you were insanely lucky. Stay sharp. I'll help with the Boosted Gear, but there will be no pointers. This will be to help your battle instincts. )

I digest his words and gulp, sending an affirmative his way. Looks like this shall be stacked against me. 

We then arrive at the impressive-looking grassy field, I nod to myself since the only obstacles would be the pillars in the distance. I wonder how they changed them?

Jibril floats gracefully above the swaying grass- somehow they were able to imitate the wind- and silently lowers herself even further until her piercing stare sweeps through me. I unintentionally flinch with the eye contact, the swirling emotions within her taking root in my heart but seeing as how I can't really back down, I hold her stare. 

In but a minute our auras are unleashed. Killing intent slams into me in waves, a torrent of power that seemed unimaginable to someone who salivates over books. Cold sweat pours out of me, as I rein in the fear that is starting to creep up. The dragon that I am growls in turn, but it does nothing to alleviate the fear beginning to take root in me. I knew she was powerful. I knew that and yet the gulf in strength is insurmountable. My throat tightens, but I then feel a throbbing sensation in my eyes. The ache then spreads throughout my body until it manifests itself on my forehead and near my shoulder blades. Using it as a crutch I reel in my fear and stamp it down, using it to fuel the anger that had simmered deep within me. But I do not let it control me, using it as a way to finally free my constraints. 

At that moment a heartbeat echoed. 

Loud, all-encompassing.

A rip then resounded behind me, most likely the candidate being, my shirt. Shortly after, a pair of wings sprouted in all their glory, a brilliant azure color with dozens of veins that were actually hot magma. At that same moment, jagged horns jutted out on the side of my head, spiky, black that glimmered blue in the light with glowing red lines fading in and out. 

Throughout the process, Jibril only floated impassively. She appeared satisfied with the result, but that was all. No other emotions crossed her otherwise beautiful face. The slight narrowing of her eyes sent me chills, but I forced myself to remain still. 

It did nothing, however.

In the time I took to blink, she was on me. "Kuh-"

I'm nowhere near capable enough to dodge so in that moment when she launched her punch and seemingly appeared out of thin air in front of me, I poured a torrent of magic into my aura and my dragon scales. I skidded across the ground and as I got up a ringing sensation and dull throbbing was present in my cheek. When I looked down starting from where I was punched, the blood left a crystal clear trail where dozens of dragon scales littered it. I sucked in a breath. Call it intuition, but I'm fucken sure she is the level of Dragon God and not Heavenly Dragon like Ddraig insinuated. 

"Astounding senses, master. But do not lose focus..." A chilly voice resounded in my ear and as the glittering red, black, and azure scales formed on me once again, I was slammed to the other side cracking the pillar. My brand-new wings were broken and torn, I'm sure, but the same dull ache was there. I coughed, tasting the metallic liquid of blood, I spit it out though and turned my glare over to Jibril's floating form. 

"Yes... That is the face I wish to see... Now power yourself," A joyous smile covered her face, no, it's far more accurate to call it deranged. But I could not say a thing. My breathing was ragged and yet what was this sense of excitement? What is this insane feeling of satisfaction over battling someone so much more powerful? 

 [ Boost! ]


[ Boost! ]


[ Boost! ]

The familiar voice of Ddraig resounded as the Boosted Gear manifested itself over both my hands as gauntlets, covering them with their sleeker design, only this time I tried something new. I carefully and ever so gently infused them with the aura of Enkidu. Golden light spilled from them, dying the brilliant red and black color of it with a neon shine. The boosts empowered it and myself as I felt the power coursing through me. I prepared the fire in the pit of my stomach and made it stay on standby. 

The wings behind were already beginning to repair themselves with a combination of my shapeshifting and healing magic. With a flap to test them, I bounded my way to her. Teleporting in a zig-zag as I closed the distance. She wouldn't stand still, of course, she wouldn't and before I knew it, she had formed a death scythe crackling with immense power a hazy hue of darkness oozed from it. Danger signals warned me of the incoming attack, but I was in no way capable of dodging so with a thought Enkidu manifested in all its glory shooting out from beneath her and moving its trajectory so it could skid off the gauntlets. Cracks formed but mended at once. I launched an empowered punch, but she only took it head-on, with a twist of her hands that made the scythe sweep horizontally before it could even land on the ground. 


I pressed forward landing the hit, but as soon as I made contact I used my slight control of gravity to lessen my own weight and add more to Jibril, which helped me use the momentum of striking her as a way to escape barely the reap of the scythe. I skidded across the ground, swallowing the lump in my throat as I assessed the lack of damage over her blood-dripping face. She had healed as soon as I landed the hit and that's just the leftover of the aftermath.

The Boosted Gear empowered with Enkidu did however make the scythe crackle and glitch in apparent instability. To which Jibril clicked her tongue and a magic circle manifested itself over it. At that moment however I heard a distinct scream, but before I could register it as Akeno, I happened to catch sight of a single cracked horn on the ground before me. A metallic scent wafted before me before I began feeling it dribble down my neck. The horn lay in a pool of golden waves of blood with lines of red. 

The anger continued rising. 

A failure of an exchange, how can I be satisfied with slightly inhibiting her weapon when she can just fix it? 

[ Boost! ] 


[ Boost! ]

The delay costs me time, but it rings in my head and fills me with energy as this fight continues. I used the boost to increase the efficiency of my healing as I launched myself toward Jibril. A deep indentation was left on the ground as she zoomed my way. With a frantic thought, glittering beams of starlight twisted and turned to Jibril who tanked them or otherwise smacked them, not bothering with them until she was right in front of me. I ducked and heard a whooshing noise above me, only for me to spring back up and give her back a full-force uppercut. Though I felt it made contact, I do not know to what extent.

Holding my breath, I flexed my feet under me and jumped with a flick of my wings and I was in the sky, shooting towards Jibril. My continuous usage of my Star Beam Missiles proved useless, but with the increased usage, they slowed down her ascent and drove her to the ground right toward me. Though I don't regret landing those missiles, I now see that gravity will come back to bite me.

Without hesitation I began pulling back my arm and timing it just right, I let out a roar as my gauntlet clashed with her incoming scythe, but right before they made contact a beam from my Star Star Fruit hit my gauntlet just barely able to compete with the increased gravity she has on herself. But as a consequence, cracks began forming. 

Gritting my teeth the insane pressure emanating from it, I stared down the neutral-faced Jibril. Ah.

My attention was then caught on the countless magic circles hovering above her, spinning brilliantly as they flashed and manifested into countless energy attacks. Fire, ice, water, lightning, earth, wind, darkness, light, and chaos. So this was her aim? 

With no time to waste, I compacted my aura, but it faltered a bit as the energy oozing from her scythe broke my concentration. During those precious seconds, the spells loomed before my eyes as Jibril teleported herself out of the way, leaving me to deal with all of them. With another Boost, I supercharged my dragon scales, and then countless Pacmans manifested with the help of my aura, devouring or being obliterated by the countless spells bombarding my body.

Pain like I've never felt before coursed through me and yet what is this exhilarating feeling of surviving against all odds? I know full well she is holding back, but it just shows me the gulf of experience and power before me. 

Not wanting to give up so easily, I let out the boiling anger from the pit of my stomach, fueling the dragon breath simmering within me and I let it roar out me. 

A shimmering azure flame engulfed my field of vision with crimson and violet sparks exploding upon contact with the thousands of spells constantly bombarding me. I was engulfed in the explosion, but my aura and dragon scales took the brunt of it as I held myself aloft with gravity already having broken wings once again. 

Battered and bruised I looked up at the looming wall before me. 

Satisfaction oozed from her- a deep sense of pride. And yet I can't find it in myself to be happy, I only just survived and did not manage to injure her in any way. 

( That is the expected outcome. This is the first training session- a taste of what's to come. Training comes in many forms as I'm sure you will discover with the many beings by your side. Do not look down, look up and be proud of yourself. Did you not take the first step and smother that fear of yours?! Now crawl you're way to the top and stand by her side! )

His words knocked me out of the self-loathing spiral. The reality of it was too much. Clawing my way up will not be impossible. After one little fight? Heh. Pathetic. 

I'm a kid right now, why am I already spiraling out of control, I've got a system. It will be easier, but not without effort. I've got no handle on my control yet, and those moves can be refined. 

I've got two literal battle maniac beasts.

Well, I suppose I did feel the enjoyment of battle... so I can't quite lose my will. There are lots of battles awaiting me after all. 

Hey everyone.

My bad for the delay, a bit of a short one but I do tend to edit them as I go forward, so it may increase in size as I think about it more. Hopefully, I did good with the actual battle scene, well either way I shall work hard and see how I can make it better!

For now, though, I like it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


Luigi_Lightningcreators' thoughts