
The time has come

Back at Rias dorm at Occult Research Club...

POV change- [Rias]

That man was really something else, such power and force it is like he already knows what he wants in his life. His handsome youthful face, flawless blonde hair and skin, and of course his muscles and powers...He must join my peerage no matter what. I grab my heart and sit on my desk I am always alone doing my work with no man by my side and keeping this peerage in shape. For once I want to be loved by a real man, that Issei is just too goofy and dumb for my liking, he, however, is easy to manipulate, a perfect pawn for me. I lift up the pawn piece from evil piece set and spin it around my fingertips. Surely I need a king in my life, Kiba is perfect for my knight and Akeno is the best Queen I ask for, I just feel like something is missing to become the most powerful peerage. I let out a sigh as I cross my legs, right I had just finished taking a shower and was a bathrobe, I felt so comfy and at ease, yet I could take my mind off that man! Damn you Sang-Je! I smack my cheeks to pull myself together, I must focus! If should be coming to visit my peerage tomorrow I have to arrange everything in order and get my members to introduce themselves, ugh so much work, and I also have to talk with Issei and assign him as my pawn. This hassle! If only someone was by my side working together with me!

" Ara Ara. You look like something is bothering you. What's the matter Pres?" Akeno said to me with worry in her violet eyes. Akeno maybe noisy and vexing but she was always a good friend to me, I can trust her with anything.

"It's nothing..." I said as push back my wet hair and huff.

"You sure about that? It seems like a certain someone is in your mind, fufu" Akeno said with a sly smile.

"It's just Sang-Je, I have been thinking about him all day. I can't quite figure him out yet!" I yell out with mixed emotions, he was just the right type of man for me, smart, handsome, strong, and just overall a true hero! I bite my lips and try to hold back myself from blushing.

"I want to know more about him and his powers. He can aid us in the upcoming war." I said to Akeno.

"That is true...However, you know you cannot control him. I have only seen those eyes once, eyes full of pride and malice, just like my father's. My suggestion is not to sweet talk him to join us, rather by yourself Rias," Akeno gently places her hand on my shoulders to calm me down. She gets my mind together and I know what I must do once I meet again with Sang-Ju.

"Alright, girls lets all get everything ready for tomorrow!" I slap my fist down and command my peerage to clean up the dorm and make everything look spotless.

"Now that is the spirit!" Akeno smirks as she goes in the kitchen to prepare a meal for Sang-Je tomorrow.

I myself get dressed in pjs and start preparing my speech I am going to give to Sang-Je to join our peerage.

Suddenly I hear a knock at my door.

"Pres! Are you in there?! Can we talk?" Issei's annoying voice echoes through my door.

Ugh, he is the last person I want to talk to.

"What is it Issei?" I open my room door with a forced smile, I really didn't want to talk to him, but I remember that he is an important pawn to me, he, after all, he contains a Sacred Gear, now I need to do the ritual to make him my pawn for my evil piece, I already have reborn him as a devil after he was killed by a fallen angel, now I must make him my pawn and make sure he doesn't refuse my offer.

"I-I want to say thank you for saving my life. Is there anything I can do to repay you!" Issei blushes and scratches the back of his head.

"Actually there is," I smirk as I hold up the pawn chess piece. Say what you want about me but I do need more pawns if I am going to win the upcoming war, I can already sense heaven and hell colliding very soon. I can also sense my brother keeping a close eye on me, what is he planning?

"Issei dear...How would you like to become my pawn? I can give you power you have never experienced before," I say with my hands out.

"What exactly do you mean?" Issei asked me. Such a foolish boy, I am surprised he is still alive. "Come with me and I will show you," I wink my eyes and lead him to the middle of the council were Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba sat down and awaited my orders.

"Who the hell is that dumbass?" Koneko looks over Issei as cutely she licks a lollipop.

"This is our newest member! Issei! Now let's get him aquatinted!" I said with a smirk. This is perfect. Just perfect. Maybe this boy can of use to me. All I need now is for Sang-Je to join me and this will perhaps be the most powerful peerage in existence! Everything is going as planned.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. I am planning to do 2/3 chapters a day. Sorry if I sounded pissed off or needy, it's just I get lots of hate, spam reviews, and it doesn't motivate me to write at all, what would be the point of me writing when everyone thinks that I am just going to drop? I have been posting chapters since day one, I don't plan to drop, like I said I have everything planned out and with this corona shit I have been writing every day. So yes I am getting tired of the negativity. I don't mean to lash out or be a bully. But anyways I plan to write up [30 advanced chapters on my pa treon] that way I stockpile and have chapters for you guys. All non-chapters will be deleted today so everything will be in order.

Let's reach 800 power stones today

This chapter needs to be edited. I plan to go inside some characters POVs, the ones who had meet with MC. So next up is Rin and then all of the MC's current servants. Then we get to the epic fight against Gilgamesh and Lion King.

Next chapter I will post my pa treon deal one that everyone can join! Also I will be posting a voting poll on my pa treon for which characters to have R-18. And I will be posting a poll for a side fanfic project, one that has to do with Chat Group and the Gamer. As always VOTE POWER STONES FOR MORE CHAPTERS. On Sunday I plan to reach top 3 no matter what show your support if you want more chapters.

GhostyGodZcreators' thoughts