Sakura blushes when Sang-Je had protected her from the bastard Shinji, who was indeed the worst brother in the world. "T-thank you," Sakura said as she saw Sang-Je stand up for her.
"You should stand up for yourself more. Don't let anyone put your down, especially a piece shit like him," Sang-Je looks over at Shinji in disgust of such a worm of a person. He also looks over at Shinji's servant who had long pink hair and sunglasses on.
'So that is the rider class- Medusa, if she stares into your eyes you turn to stone as the myth entails, right now she is wearing sunglasses to hold back the powers of her Mystic Eyes of Petrification, if she had them off she would turn everyone to stone right now, but not me, I can easily counter her eye powers,' Sang-Je stands still unfazed by the servant before him, he knew that Medusa was only obedient to Sakura and had a sort of motherly relationship with her. But right now she hated her current master Shinji and had to follow his orders as a servant, even though his orders were childish and power-driven.
"What are you doing standing there! I want you to kill this bastard! KILL HIM!" Shinji commands Rider and points at Sang-Je with his other hand that wasn't broken. "Make him suffer for breaking my arm!" He angrily shouts with an ugly face full of hatred for Sang-Je. Shinji had always hated Shirou, but now he hated Sang-Je even more.
Rider slowly turns to Sang-Je and tips down her sunglasses to reveal her alluring whitish-pink eyes, she also quickly takes out a knife from her jean pockets and goes to stab Sang-Je in the neck. Shinji's commands were absolute. 'Tch this little shit thinks he actually has power against me? He is a disgrace to all Masters, such trash must die, ' Sang-Je clenched his fist.
"Master!" Scathach goes to black Rider's strike, she does with her bare hands she was fast enough to grab the blade with her bare hands, blood leaks down her hands as she angrily stares down Rider. Scathach was fast as an assassin, it had looked like in her Alter Form she was an Assassin/Lancer class.
Rider's eyes peer into Sang-Je's golden eyes, however, he was not affected by her Mystic Eyes of Petrification since he had Empreyan Eyes and Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. He was able to block out Rider's eye power in mere seconds with even without lifting a finger. He also was able to see into the future he knew Rider's every next move.
'How is this possible!? A mortal is not affected by my eyes? Impossible!' Rider is blown away and shocked by Sang-Je's ability not to be affected by her Mystic Eyes of Petrification.
Scathach holds back Rider's knife, "Shall I kill her master?" She asked Sang-Je with eyes full of rage for Rider was intent on killing her master and she wouldn't let anyone harm her master.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" Shinji screams out to the top of his lungs as he commands Rider to kill Sang-Je.
Sang-Je slowly walks over to Shini and slaps him right in the face with all of his might, he gives him the kingly smack of death. Shinji is instantly knocked out and his teeth are all shattered.
Shirou is afraid of Sang-Je's powers and backs down, even though he didn't trust him because he was about to take Rin all for himself and he had a feeling that Sang-Je had killed Archer. But he didn't want to go against someone as powerful as Sang-Je, only his servant could hope to match Sang-Je's extreme godly power. Sang-Je knew about Sakura's dark past, he would stop the ritual from happening, but for now he wanted to know if there was a way to take other servants just like he did with Rin servant[Archer].
"You can join me and leave your worthless spineless master, the offer is on the table," Sang-Je puffs up his expensive jacket[A/N: One in cover art] he looked like a sharp hunter.
"But she tried to kill you Master!" Scathach was about to summon her spear Noble Phantasm and kill Rider.
"It is better to have her alive, I need more servants to win the next Holy Grail War, that includes you," Sang-Je looks over at Rin who was trembling in fear at Sang-Je's power, she never expected him to be this strong, she now knew that he probably the most powerful master to have ever entered the Holy Grail war.
"I will join you, but tell me this... Are you Gilgamesh?" Rin asked Sang-Je. She wanted to find out if Sang-Je really was the reincarnation of Gilgamesh.
Sang-Je didn't answer her, "Good you are joining me, your skills are needed to track down the Holy Grail, A mage is useful in many ways, especially one as good as with Magecraft like you, I will also like to have a meeting with your mother and father," He said.
Sang-Je is able to hide his command seals, but the truth was slightly already out that he was a master. But what kind of Master Sang-Je would become? That was left to be unsaid. Right now is focus was to become stronger and gain more powers, he knew that if kept on leveling up that he will be able to gain more powers and skill. 'I don't just level by killing, but I also level up by doing quests, raiding dungeons, and gaining more Fate Servants, in a way, I am building my own army, riches and power that is all that matters to me,' Sang-Je looks over at Rider, "So what is your choice?"
Rider looks over to Sakura, "I never cared about my Master, but my choice to protect Sakura, but I will think about your offer. What is your name?" the gorgeous pink-haired goddess says.
"Sang-Je. I guess fate will bring us together soon," Sang-Je looks at Scathach and walks over to her and heals her bloody hand with his mana, "I didn't need your help, but thanks I guess," He smirks.
Scathach heart starts pounding, no one has ever cared for her like this, no one was this 'strong' standing before her was a true king. "My master..." She mumbled as she tried not to blush.
"Now everyone go away, I have matters to attend to, leave him here with me," Sang-Je points at the knocked out Shinji, "I have something planned for him."
Rin had given Sang-Je her phone number and so did Sakura. If anything bad happened to Sakura or Rin he could teleport to them with his [GOB] or Shadow Extraction, both girls were important assets to the Holy Grail War.
Shirou also leaves them, he still was afraid of Sang-Je. 'I also I have something planned for you,' Sang-Je looks at Shirou walk away in fear.
Rin and Sakura both wave goodbye to Sang-Je," He really is handsome is he your boyfriend?" Sakura asked Rin.
"No!Grrrh! Never!" Rin huffs and blushes with anger, she was still mad that Sang-Je killed her servant and turned him into one of Shadow Soldiers. Or in this case a shadow servant.
"Before I go you must choose what side you are in a war," Rin said to Sang-Je.
"The one that wins," Sang-Je quickly replied with a sly smirk.
Suddenly Jin-Ah opens the door, "Oppa! Its' Jin-Woo!"
Mordred runs in as well, "There is something wrong with your brother!" She alerts him.
Sang-Je quickly runs to his brother's hospital room.
VOTE TO 1,000 POWERSTONES. And R18 might come faster. Cha-Hae maybe first who knows.
A/N: Btw this novel might turn into multiverse. And also I have plans to make a side fanfic that is a slice of life one to do on the side to chill out, it is going to be called Multiverse Chat Group and it will have many characters from every anime, games, tv, also this fanfic will be made to fix all the shitty harem pairings[The quintessential quintuplets- disappointing pairing lol]
Here are some votes.
Kill Shinji?
Kill Issei?
Which girl should be in the first R-18?[I make the best lemons]
Which new powers should MC get?
I plan to get all of Gilgamesh's powers back by next chapters but first he needs to level up!
Also what things you want to see changed in this fanfic? And how is the cover art? Also what happened too Jin-Woo find out on the next episode of!
Mass Release on my pa treon today- Sunday[30 advanced chapters!]. I will post a link later on today.
I am aiming to be top 10 this Sunday I will do whatever it takes! Also I am going to speed up the pace, going right into the solo leveling world, so if the names confuse you just use the wiki. Also I have been reading overgeared manga it is amazing! Check votes,