
DxD: Shattered Legacy

Noble house Vesperion. After they were betrayed and purged everyone thought that they went extinct. What nobody knew was that 2 individuals managed to flee and hide. They had a child who inherited everything that the Vesperion bloodline could offer.

3_dyansmurf · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Little bit about Kaiser's personality(SPOILER)

He lacks empathy and sympathy towards anyone but people close to him. He doesn't care about ruining anyone as long as his family can live a better life from it. He is willing to destroy countless lives and do unimaginable destruction in order to protect his family and may all divine power forbid anyone from hurting his family because his retaliation won't be a pretty sight.

He also seeks to destroy everything that wants to take control of him and he isn't willing to bow his head and surrender. He would rather die standing than live on his knees.

I have a similar personality, so I can't see a problem with his personality. It might be twisted or whatever, but it won't change. Some may not like it, some may do, but this fanfiction of mine probably won't be everyone's cup of tea. But it is what it is and I don't plan on changing his personality.