
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · アニメ·コミックス
125 Chs

Team Slash Dog

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There's a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2280


I enter the bar.

The inside was totally different than what I was expecting. It was a lot more high-class than what I was expecting.

The seats were sofas with dark red leather arranged in a 'U' shape. The lighting was low all around the bar. The stage at the center was empty.

There were also a few stools at the bar. Same red leather theme. When I get to the bar I take a good look at the bartender. He was a young man with short black hair and pale grey eyes. He wore a classic bartender uniform. White shirt with a black vest. His body build was average but I could feel his power. It was compressed like mine. I could only tell because of how strong I am. An ordinary high class would just walk past him without noticing anything.

So this is Tobio Ikuse. Leader of Team Slash Dog, and holder of the Canis Lykaon. One of the 13 Longinus.

"Good Evening. Aren't you a bit too young to be here?" He smiles at me. He already noticed that I'm a devil. I can hide my strength but I can't just hide my race. My Demonic Energy gives it away.

I smile back at him "Aren't you a bit too strong to be playing bartender? One would think that a holder of 1 of the 13 would find better ways to pass the time"

His smile disappeared from his face. He frowned at me "What do you want Devil"

I just give him a smirk " The strongest drink you have and your food menu"

He stumbled "Huh?"

"You heard me. I came across this place by chance as I was bar hopping. I'm here to enjoy myself. I don't give a damn who owns a place. You don't make any trouble for me. I don't make any trouble for you"

He looked dumbfounded "But.. your words"

Can't believe he fell for that, messing with people is so much fun " I wasn't making any threats. I was genuinely curious. Why does a man who has the power to kill a god work as a bartender?"

His head dropped a bit and he let out a long sigh. " Boredom. Here's the menu. I'll get your drink" He threw me the menu and left

I open it up and start looking. The prices were quite fair. Surprisingly.

Hmm, some fries and chicken nuggets sound like a good way to start. Beer as well.

"Yo here's your drink. Special made for devils. I made it with Devil Springs Vodka 80% Vol as the base. Then added some supernatural drinks to it" He put down the drink. It was dark Violet and glowing a bit. I could smell the aroma. It was nice.

"Great. Grab me a beer, some fries and nuggets a well."

Tobio nodded as he clicked his tablet

"The food will arrive shortly. Using magic to cook, makes it a lot faster. So who are you?"

"Isaiah. But I'm Currently going as Yuuto Kiba. So refer to me as such. I'm a (unwilling) member of Rias Gremory's peerage" I answer simply

"I'm sensing that you aren't happy with that' Tobio scratches his cheek. His words make me smirk a bit

"Something like that. What about you? The welder of Canis Lykaon acting as a bartender because he is bored? Yeah Right" I scoff lightly

"Heh. I'm Tobio Ikuse. But how did you know I have a Longinus? And which one at that? I'm quite proud of my ability to suppress my power" Tobio asks curiously

"I can feel it. Call it a 6 sense. I know there is another one here. But I need to be in their presence a bit longer to tell which one they have"

Tobio just whistles "You can tell that much? Impressive for a devil. Well she will be on stage in a minute. So try guessing which one she has. You have 12 guesses remaining"

Just as Tobio stoped speaking. The lights turned on and landed on a figure who was walking out the staff door.


Her heels echoed across the bar. She a beautiful voluptuous young woman with long flowing blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. She was in her mid-twenties. Her charm ensnared all the men in the bar. They couldn't take their eyes off her.

If I didn't know any better I would say she was a devil or a fallen just by her figure.

But then she started to sing. And my head went blank. Her voice. It was so soothing and beautiful.

"Damn she can sing" I mumbled making Tobio smile

"Reni's voice is still one of the best I have heard over the years. I think only Gabriel is better than her" Someone sat down to my left

I turn around to see a tall man who looked like to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and a black goatee. He had a lazy smirk on his face.


... Well fuck.

My Sensor Swords were obviously useless. I'm going to need to work on those.

"Well if it isn't the Big Bad Fallen. What do I owe the pleasure?" I smirk at him as I sip my drink. Damn this is some strong stuff

Azazel shrugged his shoulders "Well little Ikuse here pressed the panic button so here I am"

A quick silencing ward was placed and..


Tobio slammed a glass of whiskey in front of Azazel with a neutral expression on his face. His eyes were closed and he had this small cold smile on his face. He leaned over the bar to stare directly at Azazel

"Azazel. I merely gave you a heads-up that a devil was here. Please don't overexaggerate. You make it sound like I need your help." A black dog materialized near Tobio from the shadows


It barked then glared at Azazel. Making said fallen sweat drop.

Damn. Isn't Azazel his boss? Tobio has more balls than I thought.

Cough. Azazel cleared his throat. "Ahhh. Well yeah. I was interested in meeting the devil that can find this place when no one of his kind ever did. So.. here I am" He gave us a weak smile. Making Tobio facepalm

...I didn't expect it. But this dude really acts like this. A leader of a Faction. Is a mad scientist who does things on a whim. And acts like a horny college student.

I'm guessing that his commanders Shemhazai and Penemue are actually the ones that are running Grigori. I pity them.

"Well, you aren't what I was expecting when I think of the leader of Grigori" I look at the man who was ogling at Reni with a lecherous smile, while sipping on his drink.

Jiraya of the DxD universe spotted. A perverted older man, who is a mentor to the Main Character.

I didn't see it before. I thought it was just him faking it to throw people off their game. But this dude isn't interested in me at the slightest. Which is weird. Considering he is a sacred gear nut. Maybe he already has Sword Birth.

While it is an uncommon sacred gear. It's not that rare.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask the man

"Huh? Oh yeah. Kiba Yuuto. Formerly known as Isaiah a survivor of the Holy Sword Experiment. Which I know this because someone decided to put your old name in a file that can be easily accessed. Stupid move if you ask me. If you are going to hide someone's real name at least make sure, the real name isn't written down anywhere, and only a few number of people know it."

I facepalm at that. Of course. These idiots can't even keep a secret.

"That file wouldn't be in Serafall's office wouldn't it?" I can't help but ask.

Azazel was surprised but answered with a big grin "Good Guess"

...Just how many spies does Serafal's office even have. Devils sure are easily led by greed.

"Anyway. You are the Knight of Rias Gremory. You have Sword Birth and that's about it really" he sounded unimpressed and disappointed.


Of course

".. You feel weird. Like I'm missing something. At first I thought it was my imagination. But now that I have spent some time near you. I can tell. You are like Tobio aren't you? You can conceal most of your strength.

Most people even powerful people like me can only suppress our strengths by about one level. That means an Ultimate Class for example can only drop down to High Class"

I do nothing as I listen to him. He is right though. But I'm way more powerful than any ordinary devil. I should be a Mid Class by normal standards but I show off the power level of a person who just stepped in High Class. So he should be satisfied with that. How the hell did he notice

"Normally even people at my level wouldn't notice. But I'm different. Sacred Gears are my thing. I have studied them for millennia. I know everything about them. Hell, I even made a few Low-Level ones. Your Sword Brith is giving off powerful signals. Way more than it should be possible for a Gear of that Level" He says with an evergrowing smirk on his face

"That means. The Gear broke through its limits. There is no way you are just an ordinary Devil that has just reached High Class." He finishes off with a smug look on his face.

Well. Did not see that coming. He can pick up on Sacred Gear signals?

"Impressive" I compliment making Azazel grin

"But I suggest you keep all of this information a secret," I say casually. I wasn't trying to threaten him or anything. It was just a suggestion.

"Now why would I do that?" Azazel frowns. He was a Faction leader. And this little devil had the gall to tell him what to do.

"Because if you tell anyone, there is a chance the White One will hear about it and come after me. After all, a secret is only a secret if two people know about it. In this case three." I point at Tobio who only shrugs his shoulders

"And believe me. Anyone who attacks me for any reason whatsoever won't live to tell the tale" Since the cat is out of the bag. Time for a different approach.

"Hoo and you believe that you can take care of the White Dragon Emperor?" Azazel says mockingly.

I just smirk at him "Vali Lucifer"

His whole expression turns cold. Killing intent starts to leak from him

"How do you know that" His voice was ice cold. Even Tobio shivered a little.

"I told you. A secret is only a secret when it remains between two people, or better yet with only one person.. If more than two know about it there is a high chance of somebody else learning about it.

Now tell me. How many people know about your adoptive son's true lineage?"

He stays quiet

"Too many I assume. Otherwise, how would I have come across this information? And yes I can take him on. Divine Dividing is a great Longinus. But for it to work, the user must touch his opponent. Vali will be dead long before he ever manages to touch me"

Azazel looks at me with doubt

I release a fraction of my condensed power directly on him. I felt him shudder for a second as his eyes went wide open.

Even though I'm Ultimate Class, his base stats were higher than mine. That's without me using Balance Breaker. Azazel was just a bit stronger than Serafall. The thing is a teen unleashing that power right next to him, that isn't what shocked him. He didn't shiver from my overall strength.

He did it because of my potential and how dense my Demonic Energy was.

"You do understand what I'm saying right?" I give him the same smug look that he gave me

Translation. 'Do you want a guy like me to be your enemy? A guy who is Mid Ultimate Class at the age of 15. And was nearing High Ultimate'

Azazel grumbled. He knew he was cornered.

If he remotely told anyone. Well, he will probably tell Shemhazai and Penemue. But that's fine. They run Grigory so they need to know that sort of information. But if it was anybody else.

There was a chance that Vali would hear about it. And as strong as Vali is. He isn't at my level. That and he didn't want to make an enemy of a guy with so much potential.

He couldn't kill me. I'm strong enough to run away. Once that happened Vali finds out either way. And he ends up with an enemy with huge amounts of potential.

"Fine. You got a deal. Man, why do Devils always get the freaks of nature? First Sirzecsha and Ajuka. Now they have you. Life isn't fair man" Azazel moped on the bar table. He was back to being the Laxy Fallen Angel

"Please like you are one to talk. White Dragon Emperor. Canis Lykaon. Absolute Demise, and who knows how many others. Don't try to play the pity card on me" I say as Tobio put down my food.

Nice. I'm starving.

"Damn got on the first guess. That's right Reni has Absolue Demise." Tobio poured himself a drink as well

"Nice to see you two get along. Now if you will excuse me I have to go and get chewed out by Shemhazai and Penemue. Then I have to tell them another Anomaly has appeared." He says while pointing at me with a lazy smile

I just raise my beer "Good luck"

Azazel smirks at my attitude and goes out the staff door. I just continue to enjoy my food while listening to Lavinia's voice


Word Count 2280

The interaction with Azazel was weird. I know. But it's the best I got at the moment. Might.. No. It will probably get rewritten once I get an idea about how to make it better

If you haven't already figured it out. This is an AU world. I really wanted to do this concept where I switch up the characters and their 'Alignments'. If that makes sense. Riser was a scumbag. Now he is a neutral guy who wants to party and hates Rias for Humiliating him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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