
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · アニメ·コミックス
125 Chs

Asia Argento

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 1900


The days go by and Issei tries to complete his contracts by arriving via bicycle. I mean how pathetic do your mana reserves have to be for you to not be able to even teleport?

And that's just side-teleportation. he ain't even the one casting the Spell. Just giving it the bare minimum energy needed for him to 'make the jump' with it.

He gets attacked again by another Fallen. Cala.. something. Whatever. The point is plot is going fast.

Asia is about to arrive at the city at any moment. This means Freed the psycho will start killing our contract holders.

Note to self. Protect the Milfs I have slept with and still sleep with.

But I still can't kill Freed. I need him alive for when Kokabiel and Valper come. Then I can slowly butcher the psycho.

But I'm still thinking about what to do about Asia. Twilight Healing will be useful to my future plans.

Healers/Medics. Especially her type. That can heal any Supernatural Race. Are rare.

There is no way the Shy Little Girl first arrived in Kuoh. Is the bold girl who walks around in a naked apron to impress Issei. My current theory is the obedience seal and evil piece.

Her personality did a 180. The little nun girl really died in that church. Sure she still has her faith and her kindness. But that was just the Major part of her entire being that the Evil Peace couldn't change.

Everything else slowly started to change. I mean a Vanilla Nun. A girl who hasn't had a dirty thought in her entire life. Does a naked apron play to seduce a pervert? In a matter of days after being turned into a Devil.

Coincidence? Character Development? (A/N It's for the PLOT. Believe in the PLOT)

Yeah.. I don't think so.

I felt a blip on my 'Ward Swords.' That I set around the city.

Speak of the Nun.

Asia Argento has arrived.

Well let's go pick her up



How is this even possible? Did she trip on herself?

I am currently watching a nun who was currently tangled up in her clothes. All while flashing me her panties. DxD nonsense.

"Here let me help you" I announce my presence so she isn't startled

I helped her get up. She dusted herself off and bowed to me.

"Thank you for helping me. May God bless you for this kindness"

I felt a small tingle.

Heh. One of the first things I trained about was spamming God and his name. It hurt like hell. But you get used to the pain after a few weeks.

I didn't do this so I don't flinch every time God is mentioned. I did it to counter the Holy Chants some exorcist use. I have heard stories about how Gabriel killed some Low-Class devils by singing certain paragraphs from the Bible.

I give her a small smile. "You are welcome. What's your name?"

Gabriel is actually one of the kindest angels. A real Angel in every sense of the word.

But Devils are fair game, and to be honest I can see why she would kill devils. Since she can't act on the Church, she goes after the Devils. Less Devils, means less evil in the world.

"My name is Asia Argento. What's yours?" She tilts her head cutely

"Isaiah" I say calmly (God's Salvation)

"Oh what a wonderful name" She claps her hands together

Heh the church took a loss by giving her up

The church gathers faith to keep the System going. The one that God set up. Which is falling apart. Michel is doing all he can just so it's barely still working. That's why there are so many 'bugs'. Balance Breakers.

The Original Kiba's Holy Demonic Sword is proof of that. I made it too. Kinda hard not to make such a useful sword. But its meh in general compared to my other swords.

If Asia reached a Balance Breaker while still in the church. She would have been a great asset.

"Thank you. So Asia Where are you going?" I ask her casually

"Oh thank you I'm going to join the church here" She says with excitement but I can sense sadness as well

"Asia that church is broken down and abandoned"

"But.. I was told to go there" She whimpered as tears started to well in her eyes

"Hey, hey don't worry bout it. How about I show you around until your people contact you."

This cheered her up a bit. "Yes. I'd like that.


So we went on a mini-date. I took her all over Kuoh. Surprisingly I had some fun as well. Maybe I should take out some girls on dates, instead of just going straight to sex. I mean that will still happen later. But this is nice too.

Then we arrived at the park where the boy was injured. Asia used her Sacred Gear to heal the kid.

"Asia, you have a Sacred Gear too?" I say with fake excitement

"Wait Too?" Asia tilts her head

"Yep~ I have a sacred gear too"

"Really?!" Asia jumped in excitement "Which One?"

I raise my hand and create a sword. "Sword Birth. It allows me to make all sorts of swords. For example this one. This sword doesn't cut. Look"

I slowly 'cut' myself on the writs. Only for the blade to phase through

"Amazing.. But isn't that a little.. Umm.. counter-intuitive" Asia tried to find the word

"Nope, I can make all sorts of special swords. Even ones that show memories. Here this is a memory of me making breakfast this morning" I make the blade shine. I infuse it with the memory and point it at Asia's Hand.

She looked at the blade for a few seconds. Before cutting her palm on it. She has healing Gear. Small injuries mean nothing to her. And I already showed her that this sword doesn't 'cut'.

"Wow. It really does show memories. You are also a great cook!" Asia's eyes were practically shining.

"Asia I have a few memories to show you. They are secrets that many people want to keep hidden. But I believe it's in your Best Interests to know this.

"Hmmm. Well if you think so Isaiah. Then I don't mind seeing a few more memories." Asia smiled brightly

"Good. Now since there are a few more memories. You will need the sword to phase through your chest. You can pick where. Just as before it's perfectly safe" I make the sword glow again. Infusing the memories just as before.

Having been through this Asia wasn't really afraid at all. She walked straight into it and the blade phased through her chest.

The moment the sword phased through. Asia's eyes rolled over and she fell unconscious. I quickly grabbed her before she fell to the ground

Well for the time being I'll take her to one of my safe houses

~ Few hours later

Safe House in another city.

"Aaaaaaa" Asia jumped out of the bed screaming. She was sweating heavily and was taking deep breaths. She turned to me and her eyes widened.

Asia opened her mouth but didn't know what to say

"Thank you.. I think" Asia bowed unsurely

"You are welcome," I say with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be a devil though. Or that a Devil planned my death just so he can revive me in his nun harem. My poor Sisters. They looked so broken and empty. Living such a life.. I would prefer death." Asia lowers her head as a few tears fell

Hmmm. She has changed. But I still don't know how much.

"What do you think? Now that you know the truth?" Let's see how she answers. Then I'll make my decision


"The world is a lot worse than I ever knew. Humans are really treated as livestock.

The Church is corrupted and most members cause more sins than some devils.

And the biggest human group that exists (Besides the Church). Are morons. They call themselves Heroes. When all they do is cause chaos for other races while sacrificing the wake members of their organization."

Good. This is going well

"Devils and Fallen do what they want. Gods as well. Anyone with power always causes strife for others. Doing whatever they want just because they can. In this world. It's everyone for themselves."

Yep. I want her. This Asia I can work with. I give a slight smile at that. Which she notices

"I think you didn't 'broaden my horizon' just for fun. You want something in return. What is it?" Asia says bravely. She has no offensive capabilities. She knows I can do whatever I want with her.

"I want you on my team. Not the peerage I'm in now" I raise my hand to stop her from talking. She wasn't a nun anymore. But she also was stupid enough to close the Gates of Heaven for when she died.

"I will form a new team. Factions and race mean nothing to me. All I want is loyalty" I say seriously

"What will be the goal of this 'group'?" Asia asked unsure where this conversation is going

"Freedom. I was a simple boy living in a church orphanage. The church took me and my friends. Experimented on us and then killed us all with poison gas. I was the only one that escaped. But I was dying. The Devils found me and reincarnated me into a devil. So instead of dying and joining my friends. I was turned into a slave. I will be free. And I will do whatever I want. I want to travel the world. See different places. Experience what life has to offer. But I can't do it alone. " I hope my sob story works on her

"What do you want from life Asia?" I ask gently. This will make or break the deal.

Asia looked down. Probobly thinking of her life up until now.

"All I ever wanted was to help people and spread God's teachings. God has been dead for hundreds of years. The Church helps but also harms people just as much. I don't want to be associated with a group like that.

Today I have experienced so many different things. The Food. The Arcade. The Shops. I want to keep doing that. How did you put it "Experience what life has to offer" I want THAT"

I couldn't stop the grin on my face. I raised my hand

"So what do you say Asia Argento? The nun that was trapped in a cage. Will you join me?"

She took my hand and shook it.

"I accept your offer." She made up her mind I hope you don't let me down.

"I won't let you down" And I truly mean it. She is one of mine now. On MY Team.

If anyone tries to screw with us. We will burn them alive. Diodora's dead if he even comes anywhere close to her.

## A/N

Like work for MC in return for protection (Kinda reminds me of Nico Robin and Crocodile IDK why)

Since MC is the only 'real' person she has met. He wants to use her. But at least he is upfront about it. Other always lied and cheated with fake smiles.