
DxD: Reborn as Genshirou Saji

Sebastian Claude. A highly desirable assistant or secretary for the corporate elite. The top of his class at every point in his educational career had a resume that most workers would dream of, and expertise that none can match. Every employer who has worked with him has nothing but praise for his work ethic and performance... But he was heavily overworked and sleep-deprived... In order to get away from the stress of his constant work, he would turn to turn-your-brain-off stories, particularly those from Japan. "What I would give to work under a boss like Sona Sitri..." His favorite characters would always be the types that embodied his ideal employer. Competent. Beautiful. Intelligent. And compassionate enough to not have him work twelve hours shifts six times a week... In the life of this unfortunate corporate worker...he would soon be granted his wish... "Why the hell have I been reborn as Saji from DxD?!-" AN: -This fic won't be a multiverse fanfic. Just the universe of DxD. -Adult content in chapters will only appear later on once character relationships and dynamics are established. -This fic is something I made to keep my creativity running, my main priority rn is my other fanfic "Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers"

Feniurme · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 3: First Steps

"Tell me, Sona. just how did you find that boy? I find it hard to believe you found the inheritor of Vritra fulfilling pamphlet requests…"

Rias said as she crossed her legs. Droplets of moisture collided with her supple skin as her thighs meshed together with her actions.

Smoky breath released from her mouth as she spoke. Her sweat glistened and outlined her numerous curves.

Sitting alongside Sona in the Sitri heiress' personal sauna inside her residence in Kuoh.

The two high-class devils would often partake in the sauna together as a way to speak their minds to one another. Far from the expectations placed upon them with their social status and their relation as the younger siblings of the Satans.

"I'm telling you the truth, Rias. I encountered Genshirou Saji while responding to a pamphlet, and I recruited him as my pawn after determining him to be worth the investment. How could I have known the Prison Dragon rested in his soul instead of something like a twice critical?"


Sona spoke as she poured more water to increase the temperature of the sauna.

Getting somewhat peeved with the incessant questioning and suspicion of her childhood friend in regard to the new pawn piece she recruited into her peerage, Sona began to focus on her sauna routine.


Dipping her sauna whisk into a nearby bucket of warm water and resting her back into the marble seat she rested in, Sona lifted her long untouched legs as she began to rub the tied collection of twig leaves along the contours of her calf and thigh.


Sona sighed in delight as she felt the texture of the leaves rubs against her skin. Her body grew sensitive enough to fully enjoy the intricate arts of the sauna.

The moisture on her body ran down her leg. The droplets became coated with the vitamins and minerals provided by the whisk. The aroma being produced numbed her mind in relief, relaxing her weary body.

Sona had been quite tired of having to deal with the aftermath of Saji's sacred gear awakening.

A plume of magical energy being released into the night sky of Kuoh tensed relations immensely among the three factions inhabiting the quaint town.

'Though it was troublesome, I should thank Saji for his outburst. There's been a decrease in the amount of stray devil's appearing in Kuoh even though it's only been a week… I wonder what type of reward he would like?'

Sona began to ponder on how to properly compensate for the unintended effects her servant had made.

She was inundated with work, but the future problems she had to deal with were lessened considerably. Giving Sona more free time for her to indulge in her love of chess and baking.

'I remember sister Serafall saying something that most men would find rewarding. I believe she called it… costume play?'

As Sona began to ponder the tidbits of wisdom her clingy sister gave her long ago as a child, Rias chuckled lightly as she saw her friend enjoy the sauna as much as she did. Her bountiful bosom jiggled slightly as she did.

"Moaning in such ecstasy… can someone really find such pleasure by rubbing a few tree branches in the Sauna, Sona?"

Sensing the baffled expression on Rias, Sona replied to defend her favorite pastime.

"It takes a dose of refinement to enjoy such things, Rias. Something I'm sure you lack with all that manga and anime you consume while locked inside your room, Grayfia even regularly messages me to make sure you don't devolve into a mess… I believe the term for your condition is called… weeaboo?"

Hearing the term that struck deeply in the crimson-haired devil's soul, Rias immediately raised her voice in protest of the classification.

"I am not a weeaboo, Sona! I am simply appreciating Japanese culture! Is that so wrong?!"

The two friends then began to bicker back and forth. Forgetting the main focus of their conversation before eventually falling back into it.

"... My older sister and Sirzechs even asked me to write a report on Saji. All previously known holders of Vritra sacred gears seem to not match up with his situation… I can only hope it ends up becoming a good thing for him…"

Sona spoke in concern for the newest member of her peerage. She had decided to take responsibility for him and as well as providing a good life for his younger sisters.

Knowing that Saji was the only remaining pillar of support for his family, Sona could only hope that the manifestation of his sacred gear wouldn't be detrimental.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Sona. Believe in the capabilities of the Satans. I'm sure they will be able to handle anything should something occur…"

Rias spoke to comfort the worried Sona, something Sona appreciated greatly.

"Thank you Rias… and I apologize for taking away such a talent given your situation…"

Seeing her friend feel guilty for her personal circumstances, Rias waved away her concerns.

"Don't be like that Sona. I can't possibly ask to hinder your peerage's growth for my sake. I'm sure I'll be able to recruit someone just as impressive as the inheritor of Vritra… a dragon similar to your own perhaps? Hehe~"

Rias lightly laughed as she imagined herself and her friend both sharing dragons in their peerages. A wild idea given how rare they were after the great war.

"It would be funny. I suppose I'll wish you the best in that endeavor then."

Sona smiled as her carefree friend laughed despite the worries it weighed on her mind. She genuinely wished for Rias' happiness, even if she wasn't able to do much given her position as the Sitri clan's heiress.

(E/D: … So who's gonna tell the idiots.)



"As expected of Lady Sitri, her personal library is quite vast… a lot of books on magic and the supernatural world, with the occasional chess strategy book."

Saji walked the halls of Sona's manor in Kuoh. It had been a week since he had awakened his sacred gear 『Asura Shreshtha』

Manifesting the pair of black and violet gauntlets in his hands, Saji simply stared at them with amazement. He had never expected to be gifted with such a boon.

'I had honestly expected for my power level to cap at Malebolge Vritra Promotion, with some minor improvements given my boosted intelligence and capabilities compared to the original Saji… but with this… the possibilities for my growth are much more abundant now.'

Saji clasped his gauntlet-covered hands in excitement. The main thing drawing Saji back from growing at the same rate as Issei was the fact that his main sacred gear was a normal fragment of the dragon Vritra.

'No matter how much Saji improved, his efforts would be meaningless as his base sacred gear is the regular 『Absorption Line』... It's the reason why he only achieved a balance breaker after training immensely and having three other Vritra sacred gears implanted onto him.'

'Achieving a balance breaker when Issei and most other characters were attaining forms and powers beyond a regular balance breaker.'

But Saji now possessed the main fragment of Vritra's soul, came into contact with the sealed dragon, and a main highlight for him…

'I now have access to the reason the Prison dragon was so feared by Indra, one of the strongest beings of mythology in all of DxD… the endless army of asuras that threatened to halt the flow of the world.'

As Saji excitedly thought of the army at his disposal, unknown to him, his shadows began to spur in response to his call.

'There's a ton of development paths I can take depending on which interpretation of Vritra's legend was adapted as truth in this world… but the most important fact is that my sacred gear can now evolve into a longinus.'

The original Saji was unable to attain the status of having a longinus sacred gear because of the fact that his main sacred gear was 『Absoprtion Line』

No matter how long he trained or how many sacred gears he implanted in himself. One cannot possibly elevate a regular fragment of Vritra into a longinus.

'But I have Vritra's main fragment of their shattered soul… or should it be her now?'

Saji questioned the pronouns of the Dragon he was now partnered with, but quickly shifted it to the side. He now had to focus on his development.

Taking a few books from a couple of shelves, Saji began to make his way to a desk in order to begin learning the theories behind his path to power.

'First will have to be developing my sacred gear… in short… there's not much to do except improve my magical energy reserves to utilize it more.'

Saji's sacred gear functioned similarly to how the original Saji utilized it before realizing its true function. As a grappling hook.

Saji could manifest black serpent hook lines from the knuckles of his gauntlet and launch them at great speed.

The fangs of the serpent would then imbed themselves onto the target Saji chose, becoming a secure point of connection.

'Essentially a sacred gear that allows me to become spider-man… or maybe it's more accurate to say Deku's black-whip given I can manifest numerous lines?'

Whatever the more apt comparison for it, Saji was extremely satisfied with the ability of his sacred gear.

'It's nothing overpowered, but I didn't expect such a thing from Vritra in the first place. The prison dragon holds a multitude of abilities which are inferior to those of its peers.'

'An inferior lessening and stealing of power, compared to Albion. An inferior boosting and transferring, compared to Ddraig. Vritra is inferior to many of her fellow dragons…'

'But she cemented her place as a dragon king by utilizing the most out of what she had. Refining her technique to the utmost over the brute pure power approach of the dragon emperors.'

The original Saji had been classified as a technique-type fighter, and the current Saji too would follow a similar path.

His past life as Sebastian Claude was simply naturally drawn to such a path.

'My sacred gear will naturally improve as I work on my devil abilities and body. Outside of somehow finding a way to absorb Vritra's sacred gears into my own, I won't have to worry too much about developing my sacred gear.'

Saji thought as he placed down the books he got from Sona's library. Adding to the immense pile he had already stacked on the desk.

Books that ranged from a variety of topics such as general knowledge of the underworld, its culture, and etiquette, to the main focus of Saji, the principles to the invoking of devil magic.

'Efficient growth. That will be the best way for me to grow instead of banking on a perverted power-up like Issei. Refining my techniques and making the most use of the knowledge I have as a reincarnator.'

Flipping through the pages Saji began to read on the intricacies of devil magic that weren't shown to him as a reader and viewer of DxD. The general concepts explained were the same, but there were many more fine details that helped to reinforce the main concepts he knew.

'It's unfortunate, but it would seem that I inherited Saji's lackluster talent and affinity for magic… I'm not as bad as Issei. Being unable to even use teleportation magic circles, but it's nothing to write home about… but just because I'm below-average doesn't mean I can't utilize it…'

Saji's past memories as a secretary didn't make him despair with what little he was given in terms of natural talent as a devil. He had dealt with having to meet near-impossible standards and deadlines with extremely few resources.

So from Saji's point of view, his current capabilities were far from bringing him to wallow in futility.

'I'll first try to see if I can find or develop a magic spell that will allow me to fine-tune the smallest details of my body… with my natural abilities, it's best if I make the most efficient use of what I have at all times.'

Accrued costs. The pacing of purchases. The tempo of progress. Saji knew fully well with his years of experience in the corporate world just how detrimental messing such things could be. Having to clean up numerous near-bankrupt corporations due to directors and CEOs jumping the gun too quickly.

'Issei paced himself too quickly and cut numerous years off of his lifespan in exchange for continued growth… numerous figures on the level of the satans simply throw out magic without regard for the costs or the mileage… the differences I will gain will be minimal. But they will stack up over time. It is simply an investment.'

Scaleable growth. Such was the business philosophy Saji used to secure himself a reputable career as a corporate secretary.

'There's also another benefit I can gain from understanding my body to a high degree, and fine-tuning it… access to the power known as Touki…'

Touki. The external coating of oneself with their own life force. Allowing for the increase in all physical parameters to an absurd degree. The power that led the magicless devil Sairaorg Bael to go toe-to-toe with the Red Dragon Emperor who could double his power as if it were nothing.

'I need to understand all aspects of my body fully in order to learn it because, to be honest… I am not sure how to go about obtaining it in the first place…'

Saji knew that it was obtainable through sheer physical training, but blindly becoming a gym rat in hopes of obtaining it was too much of a gamble for Saji to willingly take.

'Senjutsu can't be learned by those outside of Youkais, so I can't jump from Senjutsu to Touki… I will have to take my time to understand the intricacies of this power… I have a feeling the author simply included this power system to rip off Dragon Ball and left it as is…'

Saji grumbled at the sheer number of things he had to keep track of in this world… but he wasn't daunted by it.

'I have time and resources on my side. As long as I don't mess up by changing the timeline too much either, I can generally plan around my actions for the future as well.'

'All that matters now is how many hours I put into this… and for a maniac like me that stuck with such an absurd job in my past life for so long…'

"This will be more than easy."

Burning midnight oil as he flipped through the pages of the books he carried incessantly. Saji began his first step on the road to power.



"The true inheritor to the prison dragon Vritra huh? How interesting for such a figure to appear. Don't you think so too? Serafall?"

Within the confines of a resplendent abode deep in the underworld, Sirzechs chatted idly about the appearance of an anomaly among the Vritra sacred gears with Serafall Leviathan.

The two satans had been working tirelessly to make sure the ripples of the recent event don't extend too far nor cause too much change.

"Interesting for you, not for me. Do you know how tiring it was to placate Indra and his mythology from waging a crusade? That guy, for all his boasting, is way too afraid of that dragon…"

Tiredly replying to Sirzech's amusement with what had happened, Serafall spoke as she laid her head on a nearby couch in the office they were both talking in.

Being the satan in charge of foreign affairs, she was the main figurehead that had to deal with the growing concerns and anxieties of the Hindu god Indra with the reappearance of their nemesis.

"Hahaha. You say that, but you were more than happy to comply with the request of your little sister. Defending the precious pawn of your beloved sibling's peerage… I'm jealous you had such a chance to show off…"

Sirzechs knew fully well that though Serafall complained about the work she was handling, the pleading of Sona was more than enough to power her through all the diplomacy and negotiations.

"Hehehe~ I know right?~ Sona is too capable, so I never have moments to show off as the older sibling, the face she made as if I were the only one she could depend on… IT WAS TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART! KYAA!~"

Serafall began to hug the sofa pillow she was resting on tightly. The sight of Sona in her memories brought her immense glee.

Sirzechs smiled as he saw his comrade sis-con reveling in the joys a little sister brought, hoping he would have the chance to do the same for Rias one day.

"But who would've thought that such a pawn would end up becoming recruited by Sona… it seems lady luck has blessed her peerage immensely."

Serafall was broken out of her reverie at the reminder that the source of the recent upheavals was due to the new member of her younger sister's peerage.

"Genshirou Saji. Incoming first-year high school student. Pawn of Sona's peerage… pure human as far as we can trace back through his bloodline, and no known contact with the supernatural till his recruitment by So…"

The satans began to review the facts she requested for Saji when she received the request from Sona to protect him from the Hindu gods.

She was naturally wary of anything that might pose a risk to her sister. Serafall wouldn't allow a single thing to pass her eye.

'He seems trustworthy… and Sona seems to trust him enough to recruit him when her peerage prior was all women… hmmm…'


Sirzechs simply looked upon Serafall with a soft smile. Though they were comrades for their love of their little sisters, Sirzechs had to admit that Serafall was overprotective of Sona, even by his standards.

"Let off on the suspicion Serafall. We requested to meet with the boy, did we not? Make your assumptions about him when we meet face-to-face. It's rude to talk behind someone's back after all."

He spoke as he took a sip of his tea which his wife Grayfia prepared for him before, Serafall sighed in admittance that she was taking it too far.

"I know… I just hope So didn't fall for a bad guy… if that greenhorn has any ill intentions for So…"

As Serafall imagined her sister falling prey to a lascivious and unforgivable person, her magic began to stir. Slowly freezing the office of Sirzechs.


But as Serafall began to unconsciously activate her magic, Sirzechs began to pale in the realization of the mistake Serafall had just committed.

'That rug she's freezing… didn't Grayfia mention that she took extra care to clean it yesterday?'

But before he could stop Serafall from digging her grave even deeper… his wife was already upon the sis-con.

"Lady Serafall… do you understand just how precious that rug your freezing is? And how much care I had put into maintaining its beauty?"


Serafall immediately turned her head to the cold voice of the silver-haired maid that look upon her like a vermin meant to be disciplined. Paling just as quickly as Sirzechs at the realization of the situation she was in.

"Grayfia I can expla-"

But try as Serafall might… her sentence had long been decided by the underworld's strongest queen.

"I don't believe you quite understand, Lady Serafall. Please allow this humble maid of the noble house Gremory to explain to you. THE APPRECIATION OF MASTER-CRAFTED LEATHER RUGS!"

Dragging Serafall away by her heel, the satan began to call out to Sirzechs in desperation to escape her fate.


Satan Pink called out to her comrade. That he might avert the disaster that awaited her… but Satan Red was silent.

"Satan Pink… Seralll… you know full well the futility of escaping Grayfia's lectures…"

Seeing the Crimson Satan powerless against his wife, Serafall cried out in agony.



The doors to Sirzechs office were closed with immense strength. The man sighed in relief that the cold air his wife exuded wasn't directed toward him this time.


Looking out of the window of his office which overlooked the numerous homes and buildings of the modern devil society, Sirzechs couldn't help but recognize the ambiance in the air.

"Change is coming soon… I just hope we will be able to weather through it this time…"

The Satan knew that something big was coming, and he hoped that Saji would assist him in navigating the world through the turbulence ahead. He was a man that simply wished for peaceful days to be given to the people he watched over.

Looking at the file he had received detailing every piece of gatherable information about the Sitri peerage's pawn, he smile a bit, knowing Saji might get along splendidly with the wary Serafall.

"Competent… working hard for the prosperity of their family above all else… and an immense love for their younger sister… perhaps Saji might be the first man Serafall allows to be near Sona…"

As he began to ponder on hypotheticals, he reached one he found rather amusing.

"Or maybe become the first to claim the ultimate female devil for herself? That would be quite the sight…"

Sirzechs began to amuse himself by pondering on the possible futures brought about by Saji's appearance… neglecting the paperwork he had to do as the head of the underworld's domestic affairs. Earning him a long painful lecture from his wife.



"Tomoe, you had your turn with Saji yesterday. Don't you think it's fair I have him this afternoon?"

"That's fair but it's better to get Saji's opinion on this, Tsubasa! How about it, Saji? Don't you wanna hang out with me again? We had such a blast yesterday, didn't we?"


In the hours of sunset. Inside the Sitri clan's mansion. There was currently a battle waging on.

"Don't try to guilt trip him Tomoe. Saji and I already promised to hang out today. You're being too selfish keeping him to yourself!"

Tsubasa confronted Tomoe who latched onto Saji without any hesitation. The blue-haired girl stared daggers at the carefree brunette.

"Don't you think you're being too strict Tsubasa? What if Saji really wanted to have fun with me again? Can't you guys simply reschedule?~"

Tomoe replied dismissively to the rigid rebuttal of Tsubasa. Deciding whether or not to call her personality fitting her position as a rook. But Tsubasa continued to press on.

"Because if I give up now, I just know you'll keep repeating this same scenario. I won't give you an inch Tomoe!"

Tsubasa walked up to Tomoe who was hiding behind Saji. Tomoe peeked out of his back to glare back at Tsubasa.

"Bring it on then, pretty-boy girl!"

Sona's knight and rook continued to confront one another as Saji helplessly stood betwixt the two beautiful women, contemplating on what food he should cook Kaho and Gengo when he got back home.

'Hmm… curry would be a nice change of pace… I stocked up on some Indian spices I randomly bought in the supermarket last time…'

It had now been two weeks since Saji's awakening of his sacred gear. Making steady progress with the development of his personal magic spell and abilities. But he also began another endeavor.

Training and improving alongside fellow members of the Sona Sitri peerage.

Saji knew he couldn't survive the events of DxD by himself, so he wished to improve the strength of the Sitri peerage as much as he could.

'They all don't have some deep backstory that could push them to powerup, nor do they possess some secretly overpowered hidden balance breaker or bloodline… so the most I can do is assist in helping them refine their skills.'

Saji thought as he concluded cooking curry for his sisters. Thinking on his plan of action as of late.

'Refining their techniques to be more flexible and potent… Sona is the type to use more strategic means in a battle rather than a direct confrontation, so it would be best to widen the useability of our group. She'll have much more ease in leading us that way…'

The Sitri peerage didn't possess the sheer talent and firepower of the Gremory peerage, but they relied heavily on the strategies put forth by their King Sona Sitri.

Strategies that were able to put the Gremory peerage on the ropes and assisted heavily in the events of Tri-hexa's appearance.

'The first mostly failed due to the anger power-up the Gremory peerage gained after Issei fell prey to Sona's machinations… and the contributions made in the evil dragon war only occur after the Sitri peerage gain their artificial sacred gears…'

'Looking at their performance in comparison to the protagonists, they seem quite lackluster, but they're quite competent when viewed against most of the underworld… though I plan on elevating their track record beyond a group of background fighters.'

Sparring against Tomoe's spirit swordsmanship and Tsubasa's unique CQC. These were two ways through which Saji was assisting in the improvement of his fellow peerage peers, and the sole driving factor as to why he was sandwiched between Tomoe and Tsubasa at this moment.

Sensing the improvements in their fighting ability, Tomoe and Tsubasa immediately began clamoring to spar against Saji. Wishing to improve their abilities as servants of Sona… but for personal motivations as well.

'Saji and I hang out in the arcades after our spars…playing with him is too much fun. I refuse to give up on this!'

Tomoe was motivated by the prospect of an after-work hangout with the boy that piqued her interest immensely. His personality and reactions endeared themselves immensely in the mind of the extroverted swordswoman.

As for Tsubasa…

'Saji looks quite good after some grappling in our spars… covered in dirt… and sweaty…'

She was driven by her personal fetish for men who could get down and messy.




The two shouted immensely. Their voices rang out across the room reached the ears of the remaining peerage members, much to Saji's embarrassment.

'Kaho… Gengo… I hope you two are doing well by yourselves…'

Escaping his embarrassing reality with the thought of his little sisters, Saji was able to ignore the absurdity of his situation as Tsubasa and Tomoe began to unintentionally press their breasts on him as they continued their confrontation.

'I want to escape… but these two have a firm grip on me for some reason…'

"Oh my~ It seems you're quite popular, aren't you Saji?~"

Commenting on the plight the black dragon king was currently experiencing, Reya Kusake began to lightly tease Saji.

"Reya… you think you can somehow stealthily free me?"

Saji pleaded with the peerage's bishop that specialized in espionage and discreet maneuvers. The two had gotten close as fellow perusers of Sona's library. Reya considers Saji a younger disciple of the vast halls of the Sitri manor's literature collection.

"I am adept at stealth Saji, but I'm not some sort of slime that can squeeze herself in and obtain anything out of any situation. Fu fu fu~"

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… guess so… thanks anyways Reya…"

The bishop simply nodded as she began to sit on the sofa to read a book she borrowed from the library.



Looking upon the situation with tired expressions, Momo and Tsubaki too wanted to grab Saji for themselves, but for more professional reasons.

"Tsubaki… do you think we can just grab Saji by force? There are about two stacks of paperwork left, and I really want his help to lessen the load…"

Momo spoke with tiredness in her voice when talking about her remaining workload. Knowing just how competent Saji was in organizing files, Momo began to eye up Saji like a predator near starvation.

"I believe we could… I just need to grab my naginata."

Tsubaki echoed the same sentiments as Momo. Tasting the effects of having a professional secretary by her side, the peerage queen could no longer imagine a work-life without Saji. She was willing to do whatever it took to keep him from going away


But before all hell could break loose in a bid to win Saji as a companion for the night, the door to the room opened widely in recognition of the aura that approach it.

Sona Sitri, donning the Kuoh academy uniform, arrived at the office her peerage was currently staying at.

Her eyes were serious, conveying the sense of urgency in what she was about to say clearly to her peerage members. All of whom stopped what they were doing and immediately stood at attention.

"A stray devil has appeared along the abandoned industrial complexes of Kuoh. Preliminary investigation by my familiar has shown the complete lack of any bystanders within ten minutes of its current location."

Sona began to speak eloquently about the mission of the familia for tonight. A small blue serpent familiar crawled across her should as she spoke with her arms crossed.

"Freshen up and ready yourselves in five minutes. Meet up at the entrance of the manor by then. We will teleport to a nearby location situated by the stray devil. Do I make myself clear?"

Calling out to her peerage. Saji and the others all deftly replied with loud and discipline voices.

"Understood clearly, Lady Sona!"

The resonance of her servants pleased Sona, who dismissed everyone to tend to their own preparations.

"Very good. Now don't dally. Anyone who is late will personally be rewarded by me…"

Sona spoke as she eyed Tomoe who was a repeat offender of the warning she gave. The spirit swordswoman immediately ran off to make sure she never suffered the wrath of Sona's spanks once again.


As Saji began to move alongside his comrades to make a few small preparations for himself, he was stopped by Sona who gently grabbed hold of his arm as he tried to exit.

Waiting until everyone else had left. Saji and Sona were now the only two remaining in the room. The interior is bathed in glimpses of twilight peeking through the manor's windows.

"Lady Sona? Is there something you want to ask of me?"

Saji asked in concern to Sona. Wondering if there had been any discrepancies in his performance.

Recognizing the look on his face, Sona immediately dissuaded Saji's initial fears.

"There's nothing wrong with you Saji… it's just…"

Sona tried to speak out what she wanted to say but she began to blush lightly as she found it difficult to simply declare her intent.


Saji continued to wait for the Sitri heiress to speak her mind. Eventually finding it in herself to speak, Sona declared her intent.

"Do you think… you could bring that cake you baked me last time and could I maybe… help you make it?"

Sona began to blush even redder as she finally ended her sentence.


Saji was silent for a few moments, but then realized the truth of the situation. Recalling the memories of his mind.

'Oh yeah… Lady Sona has a passion for baking cakes.'

Saji had given the Sitri peerage some leftover cakes he had made for Kaho and Gengo, and he faintly remembered Sona appearing to contemplate heavily with each spoonful of cake she took into her mouth.

'It's not like I have a problem with what Lady Sona is requesting of me but… doesn't she have an abysmal talent for baking?'

Saji began to remember the fact that the Sitru heiress was blessed with a horrible affinity for baking. Something she wasn't made aware of due to the efforts of her sister Serafall, who seemed to relish consuming the cakes of Sona that left most others traumatized.

'The danger if I accept is facing the wrath of Serafall. She would never forgive anyone who would hurt the feelings of her younger sister in regard to her secret hobby… I don't know if I would be able to stomach a cake made by Sona…'

Saji didn't wish to be impaled in ice because he couldn't stomach some cake but as the prospects began to lean towards Saji refusing… he looked upon Sona who was anxiously waiting for his response.


The devil tried her best to appear calm and collected, but she was struggling to hold back just how vulnerable she was for revealing this hidden part of her life.

Her eyes became slightly wet as her lips trembled on a minuscule scale.

Saji couldn't help but find himself drawn in by the beauty of Sona. The attraction brought about by seeing the ever-serious and competent devil look so fragile and sensitive was super effective on his mind.

'... I really am a sucker for Sona Sitri…'

Accepting the fact that was attracted to his master, Sajji put on a welcoming expression to reply to the eagerly waiting Sona.

"That's fine by me, Lady Sona! I would be more than happy to bake some cakes with you!"

Hearing Saji's welcoming reply, Sona immediately brightened up. Excited at the prospect of being able to cook the delicious cakes she fell in love with days prior.

"Really?! I won't be intruding on you, would I?"

Sona didn't want to impose on Saji too much. The peerage king knew how much her peerage had grown to rely on him. She didn't want him to overwork himself only two weeks into his reincarnation as a devil.

'I really want to bake with such a skilled baker like Saji… but I know just how much is on his plate…'

Knowing full well what it's like to be relied upon by others. She didn't wish to make her pawn uncomfortable with her so early on in their relationship.

But Saji simply dissuaded her fears.

"It really is alright, Lady Sona. We would be baking in my house, so if anything, this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to my family. I want my little sisters to meet our family's benefactor after all."


Sona was silent after seeing the smile Saji had shown her. The cover behind Saji's change in economic status was for being hired by the Shitori family under one of their unknown overseas businesses.

So to the world outside of the supernatural, Sona was Saji's employer rather than a master and her servant.

"The Saji family prides itself in its hospitality and the reciprocation of thanks! I gotta instill those virtues into my younger sisters in lieu of my parents and grandparents."

Saji continued speaking with a smile on his face. The mentioning of his passed parents and grandparents no longer seemed to trouble him. Focusing more on raising his sisters correctly. Something that earned him a lot of respect from Sona, who admired capable people driven by noble purposes.

"... I suppose it's time I meet the sisters you so fondly talked about… would it be fine if I come by around noon on the weekend then, Saji?"

Sona spoke with a kind voice as he looked upon Saji with a soft gaze. She hadn't done much to raise and train him yet, but she was proud to have someone like him in her peerage.

"That's fine with me, Lady Sona. I'm sure you'll get along with Kaho, Gengo is still at the age where she's in her own little world, HAHAHA!"

As Saji spoke about his family, Sona remembered their mission and asked if he had anything to prepare for.

Saji replied that he needed nothing in particular. Hearing his response, Sona made a proposition for him.

"Then… shall we walk together to the manor's entrance together? A king should be escorted should they not?"

Taken slightly aback that Sona was joking around with him, Sajji regained his bearings before replying back to his master. Keeping the pleasant atmosphere between them two going.

"It would be my honor to accompany you, Lady Sona."

Sona chuckled lightly as they both began to walk the storied halls of the Sitri manor. Set against hues of twilight as it faded into the cold blue of the night.

The devil and dragon made their way to fulfill their duties as the keepers and protectors of the small town of Kuoh from abnormalities of the supernatural.

(E/D: For those that didn't get the sarcasm moments in this chapter. I have one word for you… Failure…)






Thank you for reading this chapter!

I'll be writing Saji's first fight scene in the next chapters, alongside some more character interactions.

Been progressing steadily with the light novels of DxD.Hopefully, I will be able to write for this fanfic much more soon.

Hope you look forward to the next one, and may you all have a nice day!