
DXD: LPA System

A child after losing everything awakens a system. “LPA? What's that?” [Literally Plot Armour, Host.] Can a child that is given a system take on revenge on those who have taken everything from him? Read and find out. ------------------ A few warnings, first of all my mc isn't a reincarnated person and doesn't have knowledge about the dxd plot, so don't expect him to do things that many other mc's do by knowing the plot, unless I plan for that event. No yuri No ntr No clone sex or things similar to that. The genre is harem but Mc won't go and collect all girls and each member of the main cast like Pokemon. There will be world travel so if you want a fic that is solely focused on dxd then this isn't what you're looking for.

1AxellexA1 · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Ch13: Free kill

As Kaiser opened his eyes, he felt refreshed but most importantly he found out that he was in a rather unfamiliar room.

It seemed that he had passed out from exhaustion after the draining training he went through And someone which he assumed to be Tobio, was kind enough to carry him to this room, letting him get some rest and sleep on a futon.

Taking the blanket off of himself, Kaiser got up and did a few light stretches to wash away any fatigue that was left in his body.

'Now that I think about it, I did an unprofessional job, falling asleep while I was supposed to be on guard in case something happened.'

'Well if the worst thing that could happen had indeed happened, I could have just killed myself to go back to the day before and take care of the problem.'

Walking out of the room after fixing his clothes and casting a spell he learned from Olivia to instantly clean himself, he got out of the room.

"Now where to go..." He muttered and used his mana sense to find a way instead of walking aimlessly and getting lost.

Finding his desired path, he navigated through the corridors till he reached the center of the manor.

Tobio was busy talking with Shuri and Akeno, making them giggle from time to time.

As he walked closer to them, Tobio noticed his presence and greeted him.

"Good morning, how you doing? Are you feeling better?" Tobio asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I did sleep well and I'm feeling good, was I supposed to be unwell?" Kaiser asked confused.

"Yeah? Because when I woke up I saw you laying on the ground and your body temperature was so high that I thought you were burning alive. Thankfully it seems that you are fine."

"It was related to a training that I was doing, I should have told you about that in advance. Sorry for the trouble." Kaiser said trying to be as sincere as he could.

"It's ok." Tobio said and brushed the matter off. "Also you should be thankful of Aunty, she was the one who took care of you while you were unconscious."

Kaiser turned to the fine ass milf *cough* let's try that again.

Kaiser looked at Shuri who was listening to their conversation and did a small bow while thanking her.

She giggled "There's no need for that, a friend of Tobio is our friend too. It was given that we will take care of you."

Meanwhile, Akeno was looking at Kaiser with curious eyes. Noticing her gaze Kaiser glanced at her and tilted his head to the side, making Akeno copy him and do the same thing.

He then tilted his head to the other side, Akeno followed after and did the same thing.

A small smile appeared on Kaiser's face as Akeno reminded him of his little sister Le Fay.

Meanwhile, Shuri and Tobio also had amused expressions on their faces.

Kaiser patted Akeno's head but abruptly he felt something weird and quickly looked at Tobio.

Noticing his serious expression and guessing what Kaiser was hinting at, he drew his sword out and got on guard.

"I'll take care of them you just focus on hiding and protecting Shuri and Akeno."

"Just don't die on me." Tobio then thought about something as if he remembered something "Forget it you probably wipe the floor with these guys."

Then without any further instruction, he led Akeno and Shuri to somewhere safe.

"Now what should I do with these guys? They are still not here yet which gives me some time to prepare, not like I would need it." Kaiser muttered to himself.

'Let's go with the Nameless sword for this one.' He then took out the sword that he received as a gift from Sebastian.

*A/N: I changed the sword's name from attributeless sword to nameless sword.*

The sword that previously had gained a red hue, had returned to its former white color.

In a minute or so Kaiser detected the intruders' location, it seemed that they were hiding, aiming for an ambush and an assassination attempt instead of an open fight.

Sighing to himself Kaiser disappeared from where he was standing without leaving any trail.

"Where did he go!?" one of the assassins hired by the Himejima clan whispered.

Just a second ago he was observing the young boy that had a white sword in his hand, as if waiting for them, only to disappear right in front of his eyes.

The assassin lowered his "Guess he saw us coming and ran away. A Cowardly move but smart thinking."

If the boy had left, that meant their job of killing the traitors had just gotten easier.

"Who said anything about running away?" A voice said in a calm and quiet tone.

The assassin's eyes widened but before he could react, his head was cut off cleanly.

"Alright, one down eight more to go." Kaiser muttered and once again vanished, only to appear behind another assassin and behead him in the same manner as the previous one.

"This can't get easier than thi-" Before he could complete what he was saying, he felt something akin to a dagger coming towards his direction.

Skillfully ducking the attack in a quick move he kicked his assailant's leg, making him lose balance and crash on the ground.

He then slit the assassin's throat, ending his pitiful life but before he could take a breather, he noticed more assassins coming his way.

'That's weird they shouldn't have been aware of my presence so how did they find me?' a thought crossed his mind as he looked at the dead body laying beside his feet 'Unless they have a way to detect the life of their members.'

"He's here! be careful he's skilled." One of the assassins said, alarming others of Kaiser's presence.

'Great now they all will gang up on me. More opponents to try what I learned I guess.'

Instead of giving the assassins the choice of attacking first, Kaiser went full-on offensive and dashed toward them, his blade already meeting the one that alarmed the others about him.

But unlike the previous ones, this guy was already aware of him, So he did his best and dodged the attack.

Unfortunately, he didn't take into account Kaiser's speed and while he had raised his weapon to protect himself, Kaiser's attack had already managed to land on him cutting his arm cleanly.

The man cried from pain and then was met with a kick to the chest sending him towards the other assassins that had caught up to them.

Seeing that a few of them had been grouped in the same place, Kaiser's eyes narrowed as he changed his pose as if instead of slashing and cutting his opponents, he wanted to pierce through them.

Taking a deep breath and remembering the flow and state he was during the training, he performed sun breathing's Seventh form, (Sunflower thrust) and pierced through them with a single strike.

The attack had managed to eliminate three more opponents, with the injured assassin being one of them.

'Four more left or not. These guys even called back up, what's more, is that they aren't even Disguising themselves to hide the fact they are from the Himejima clan. Sigh... No rest for wicked I guess.'

He could have easily killed them all by just using his handy cursed technique, but his goal was to test the things he had learned during the training with Yami and Yoirichi.

'Now that I think about it Yami told me he used Dark magic to clad his weapons in a layer of darkness and then used it, should I try the same thing?'

'Though I don't think it only works on weapons, maybe I can use it with cleave. No harm in trying it.'

Using Cleave as he always had, while also manipulating mana and using Dark magic thanks to the grimoire he got to infuse dark magic with Cleave, would have proved to be a hard task.

Or it was supposed to be if he didn't have a great teacher like Olivia to teach him the roots and routes of magic.

Sharp Black slashes were sent toward the members of the Himejima clan, cutting through them easily.

Normally Kaiser needed to use more mana than he intended to cut through all of them but thanks to the enhancement that Cleave got by Dark magic, it tore through his enemies easily.

At that moment, The grimoire that Kaiser had shone and opened itself, a text appearing on its first page.

[Dark Magic: Cleave barrage]

'About time that I got my first spell. Can't wait to show it to Yami.' Kaiser thought satisfied with his progress. The satisfaction didn't hold on too much as he heard moans and cries of people of the Himejima clan from pain.

Looking at the product of his attack, which was many random body parts piled on each other, quite a number of corpses, and a few Himejima members that were still alive barely with some of their limbs missing, he didn't feel any pity or guilt.

After all their roles could have been reversed if he was weaker than them. Uther had also taught him that how the world is a ruthless place, not like he hadn't experienced that himself in the first place.

"It seems I can't take a rest." Kaiser said loudly as he felt more people coming.

Upon arriving, the members of the Himejima clan were horrified to see what had happened to their clan members.

"Change of plans, forget about that traitor. We can hunt her later, for now, focus on this devil. He has taken too much from us, don't let him off the hook easily." One of them said which appeared to be their leader.

"Now now, I know what I've done to them is quite gruesome to look at, but you guys can't call me a devil when you also are going to do the same thing to a defenseless woman and her child."

"That is a different matter. She has strayed from the path our clan follows and is being brainwashed by a fallen angel. And her spawn also has that rotten blood in her veins. We're just helping her to reach salvation." Their leader said as if he they were going to help Shuri by killing her and her daughter.

Kaiser clicked his tongue disgusted by their morals 'It's not like I'm any different, but still to kill a child because of their parent's deeds, what a rotten Clan they are.'

"Now Devil, surrender and we will kill you painlessly. We have already surrounded you so you should know better that you have no chance against us."

"Done with your yapping? This is getting boring." Kaiser said dismissing the threat thrown at him with a nonchalant reaction.

"Kill him, but be careful to not break the formation, if he finds an opening he will flee, and we don't want that." The leader ordered.

As the battle went on and Kaiser killed their members with his sword, he got a bit tired as there was no end to them and they kept on coming at him, all while the people that surrounded him did not and kept their formation in shape.

It seemed the formation was some sort of array that enhanced their members' strength. It appeared that their goal was to tire him and strike him when his guard was lowered.

That's when an idea came to his mind.

"how's there no end to you guys? if this was under other circumstances I would have said you are compensating for something with numbers." kaiser said, trying to provoke his opponents.

"You'll regret saying that, you insolent brat." One of the assassins said, clearly enraged about his little brother being ridiculed, and rushed at Kaiser, breaking their formation that surrounded Kaiser.

Kaiser for the first time changed his monotonous expression and had a faint smirk on his face, feeling some sort of accomplishment for provoking his opponent this easily.

Kaiser threw the nameless sword at the person who had fallen to his provocation.

The man was confused at why Kaiser did that but he dodged it and smirked "Without your weapon you're dead." he yelled and used his dagger to rip Kaiser's head apart from his body.

Kaiser dodged the attack easily and swung his hand as if he was holding a sword.

The moment his hand almost reached his opponent, his sword appeared in his again from his inventory and he slashed the man in half horizontally.

"Spatial magic!?" a member of the Himejima clan said watching their member die at the hands of a young boy easily.

The leader furrowed his brows "He's beyond our power, we will retreat." He commanded.

"And who said you are free to go?"

"Enough blood is shed, and we have recognized that you are too dangerous to be sought after. You also are tired, so even if you put on the tough act and continue fighting us, you will die at the end when you are tired. The numbers are on our side after all. So let us go and we will never go after those two after this day." The leader said, trying to make a deal with Kaiser.

Kaiser put his hand together and started clapping "I would have fallen for that if I was naive, but we both know your words are far from the truth. Also, if I kill you now, there's no need to worry about you guys in the future." Kaiser said with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Knowing that the battle was inevitable the leader commanded "Magicians use all you've got, attack him without giving him any time to recover."

The members headed his orders and unleashed fire elemental projectiles at him.

'Why is this situation familiar? Oh, it's the same as what I did against Yami, with his using that spell of his and gutting me.'

As a person who experienced that attack firsthand, and has already been taught by Yami about how he used it, Kaiser tried to copy his master's Spell.

Cloaking his nameless sword with Dark magic, he focused on the memory of the time Yami used the attack on him, copying Yami to perfection.

"[Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash]"

A crescent black slash was then released and clashed against the rain of fire that was sent toward Kaiser.

The slash that Kaiser did kept on devouring all the attacks that clashed against it, only getting stronger as it continued to devour more attacks.

The attack successfully cut through the barrage of fire and killed all the people in its way.

"I need to restrain my power next time, Constructing all this is gonna cost them greatly." Kaiser said as he looked at the part of the manor that was destroyed by his attack.

"I better head to the other side and look for Tobio and his family, hopefully they are safe."


Hello there, how you guys doing? Been a long time since I've updated this fic so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

I'm not very experienced in writing fight scenes, so I hope I did a good job with this one and if you have any suggestions on how I can write them better, please do share them with me.

Anyway see you guys on the next chapter till then Bye Bye~

Word count: 2600