
DxD: Lightning Lord

RenamedOnesAgain · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

1 The Farmer Who Gained True Power

In the remote countryside of Japan, a boy could be seen singing as he toiled in the fields.

"Farmin' away, I don't know what to farm, Uh— I don't know... *sigh* I'll farm it anyway, in this beautiful world!"

The 11-year-old boy with blonde hair and striking red eyes is dressed in a simple white outfit. His attire is accented by a large robe with a stretched collar encircling his neck, complemented by bandages wrapped around his arms.



One of the old men complained as it was still very early in the morning.

"Hahahahahahaa, good morning old man!"

The boy's laughter rang out, a mischievous melody aimed at riling up the old villagers.

Enter Kaminari Mikoto, unwittingly reborn into an anime realm after a mysterious and tragic demise.

"The monotony of daily fieldwork wears on me," Kaminari mused, his pride in cultivating top-tier crops mingling with a hint of slight weariness.

"Thankfully, I dodged the anime world bullet," he breathed, relief evident in his voice, preferring the simplicity of ordinary life.

"Then again, being part of an ancient clan in an anime universe would be something," he added, a wistful smile playing at his lips before being summoned by one of his father's partners, signaling the end of another day's toil in the fields.


"You called, Father?" Kaminari knelt respectfully, though the strain on his knees was evident, a physical discomfort he endured to maintain his façade as the dutiful son.

Kaminari's adoptive father, Dario Hajime adjusted his kimono with a measured air, having just enjoyed time with his other wives.

"You needn't labor in the fields like a common farmer," Dario advised.

"Can't I at least assist?" Kaminari pushed, eager to contribute despite his youth.

"You're young. It's more prudent to establish connections with the Himejima family," Dario redirected, highlighting the strategic alliances over genuine friendships.

"The Himejimas? Why the sudden interest?" Kaminari inquired, careful not to offend by implying exclusivity.

Dario motioned for privacy as his wives exited, signaling a serious conversation ahead.

"Kaminari, there's something important you must know," Dario's tone turned grave.

"What is it?"

"You're adopted," Dario disclosed as if revealing a profound secret.

"I know," Kaminari responded calmly, already aware of their lack of biological ties.

"You're not surprised by it?" Dario prodded, expecting a different reaction.

"Not at all," Kaminari shook his head, harboring no resentment, grateful for the care Dario had provided since infancy.

He retained a faint image of his mother in this realm, a figure he still admired despite her abandonment.

"But I'm not your biological father, nor does blood relate to us," Dario clarified, acknowledging their unconventional family ties stemming from his infertility.

"And?" Kaminari arched an eyebrow, puzzled by the emphasis on biology.

"Are you suggesting our eleven-year bond means nothing?" Kaminari's mature response caught Dario off guard; he had braced for tears, not such introspective clarity.

"Family bonds are irreplaceable," Kaminari stated, his arms folded, trying to sound deep despite his amusement.

"You're right," Dario choked up, moved by Kaminari's wisdom, embracing his son tightly.

'Family, huh?' Kaminari suppressed a chuckle at his solemnity.

"Anyway, is that all?" Kaminari's tone remained flat, brushing off the emotional moment.

"Oh, right. Happy twelfth birthday, by the way," Dario wished him awkwardly.

"Thanks," Kaminari responded neutrally, the milestone not stirring much excitement—it simply marked another year survived.

"And these," Dario revealed a wooden box at the altar, "Are my gift to you."

Kaminari's excitement peaked. 'Is it something valuable, like an inheritance?'

"Let's see," Dario urged, beckoning Kaminari to discover the box's contents.

In the past, Kaminari had always been curious about what lay behind the altar, a forbidden area according to Dario.

"It houses the ancient treasures of the Hajime Clan," Dario stated with a calm demeanor.


With a flourish, Dario unveiled the contents of the wooden box—a sealed chalice, a gourd, clothing, and a stone Bo-staff.

"What are these?" Kaminari speculated, imagining deeds or wealth hidden within.

"They're our family's prized possessions."

"In what way?" Kaminari's curiosity deepened.

"Listen, Kaminari, our world isn't straightforward. It's a realm of gods and devils," Dario explained with a solemnity that bordered on the surreal.

"Really?" Kaminari replied sarcastically, unsure if Dario was teasing.

"Simple. As my heir, you need only consume what's inside this chalice," Dario continued, unveiling a potentially life-changing revelation.

"What's inside?" Kaminari's suspicion grew.

"A special elixir that grants god-like abilities," Dario revealed ominously.

"A god?" Kaminari's skepticism was palpable.

"Yes, the Lighting God Manifestation: Outer God's Extract," Dario stated, as Kaminari's hairs stood up.

"Hmm, that sounds sketchy," Kaminari's unease was evident in his tone.

"What's the catch?" Kaminari probed, sensing hidden consequences.

"The risk of madness," Dario admitted, acknowledging the peril that accompanied great power.

Dario withheld the fatal truth about the elixir, knowing Kaminari would vehemently refuse to drink it if he knew death was a potential consequence. The very elixir had claimed Dario's own father's life, casting a shadow of doubt over Kaminari's resolve to consume it.

"This is... alright?" Kaminari hesitated, the chalice emitting a putrid stench as he cautiously lifted the lid.

"Ugh—" The foul odor nearly made him retch upon a mere whiff of the noxious liquid.

'How long has this foul brew been festering?' Kaminari's mind raced with apprehension.

"You can set the chalice aside if you wish to avoid madness," Dario offered, his concern palpable.

"Hmm," Kaminari steeled himself against the nauseating smell, pinching his nose shut as he bravely swallowed the liquid.

'Should I take a mere sip? No, that would only extend the invitation for others to gamble with this power.' Kaminari saw it as a challenge to consume the entire concoction, dismissing the revolting odor by downing it in one go.

"!!!" Dario's shout cut through the air as Kaminari disregarded his warnings.

"KAMINARI!! THAT'S TOO MUCH!" Dario's panic echoed, vivid memories of his father's demise flashing before him—he had only taken a sip before succumbing.

As the elixir coursed through Kaminari's system, he began to lose consciousness, still gulping down the potent liquid.

"No..." Dario's prayers for Kaminari to merely go mad were whispered urgently, clinging to the hope that his son would survive this perilous gamble.


After draining the chalice of its contents, Kaminari stood in the room, feeling a slight waver in his balance.

"Kaminari?" Dario's concern grew as he observed Kaminari's reaction, uncertain of the elixir's effects beyond what he had read in records.

Meanwhile, Kaminari experienced an intense burning sensation throughout his body, prompting a series of bewildering thoughts.

'What's happening to me?' Kaminari wondered, clutching the now-cracked chalice.

'Is this some kind of drug?' He entertained the idea, recalling Dario's warnings of potential madness.

As the room warped around him and nausea set in, Kaminari sat on the ground, feeling an unexpected euphoria amidst the chaos.

"######## #### ##" Dario attempted to communicate, but Kaminari could only respond with nonsensical laughter.

"The drug is... really strong!" Kaminari's words slurred as he laughed uncontrollably.

"Hehe—" His amusement abruptly turned to terror as his body convulsed violently, dark blood foaming from his mouth and his skin tearing apart.

"What is happening?" Dario exclaimed in shock, unprepared for the gruesome side effects described in the records that he had read about.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Kaminari screamed as loud as he could as his body was starting to violently throb as if his guts and muscles were getting torn apart from the inside out.

"GUURRGG" His mouth started to foam up black blood, followed by his eyes, nose, and ears.

Not long after his skin was starting to tear itself apart.

"What is this!?" Dario hasn't heard about the gore side effect before from the records.


The room which was now had a puddle of blood, and Dario became afraid to approach Kaminari who was covered in his blood.


Hearing no response, Dario tried poking him with a stick as Kaminari's body started to emit electricity, reacting to the stick.


Before Dario could properly react the electricity that came from Kaminari's body traveled to the stick and ultimately into his body.

"Arghh!!" Dario felt paralyzed as he tried to fix his body using magic.

"How... Could this be?" He was aware of how strong it was, but the thing was that he couldn't sense anything from it...

Like the electricity Kaminari produced was a natural phenomenon, as it showed no signs of magic whatsoever.


"Hmmm..?" Kaminari rubbed his groggy eyes, only to see Dario who was still stunned by his unconscious taser.

"What are you doing?" He asked, unaware of what capabilities he currently wielded.

"Hnggrrr" Dario couldn't speak properly due to his current state.




'What?' He started to think that Dario was playing a prank on him, as he was almost gonna crack a laugh at his unusual actions.


-Chapter End-

(NOTE: This fanfic had been locked up in the corner for so long now. So it would be a waste to just let it, rot in the basement.

Just treat this Fanfic like a short story. IDK why I made it in the first place.)