
DXD : Kraken

MC reincarnated into the DxD world and has a Sacred Gear. MC's purpose is to protect his family and have a happy life. If you don't like MC catching pokemon then you should skip this fanfic. If you hate Rias and devil then you should skip this fanfic… This is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm not good at English… Thanks

SSasuketamin · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 4: The Truth

Seeing Ranko's steady gaze, Sasae could only sigh and speak.

"Nee-san, wait here for a moment. I took care of the other two bodies first." Sasae pointed at the corpses of two lost devils. Then, from his hip grew another tentacle.

Sasae went deep into the alley, behind him were two corpses being dragged by his tentacles.

Once deep enough, Sasae stopped and he shoved both tentacles into the stomachs of the two corpses before he began to absorb them.

In addition to the ability to summon tentacles, his Kagune also has the ability to absorb corpses or other living things… and as Kraken explains, this is the absorption of nutrients for Kagune. That would make Sasae's Sacred Gear and herself stronger, though Sasae didn't feel the change much.

Since awakening the Sacred Gear, Sasae has killed and absorbed several hundred stray Devils, fallen angels, Youkai and even humans. Although the number sounds like a lot, in reality his strength only increased to the level of Middle Class Devil.

After absorbing the two corpses, Sasae stepped outside to meet her older sister. Leaving two ragged clothes and a pool of blood.

"Let's go Nee-san, I'll explain everything along the way."

"Okay… Remember you have to explain everything to me." Ranko said while following behind his younger brother.


After the two of them left for a few minutes, a group of four appeared in that alley. This group includes Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Kiba.

The group of four kept looking around as if searching for something.

"Koneko, are you sure you've seen them here? " Rias asked while looking around.

"I'm sure… I've seen two stray devils in this alley." Koneko said.

"So where did they go? Only a few minutes have passed." Kiba wondered.

"Maybe they've already left." Akeno said.

Although it sounded very reasonable, Koneko nevertheless decided to use her sense of smell to search. She kept searching until she stopped, in front of her were two ragged and bloody clothes.

"…These are their clothes." Koneko said that causing the others to immediately frown at what was in front of them. There was blood and two ragged clothes. That means these two stray devils have been killed and what's even more important is who did this. They do not know that the new force that appeared in this town is friend or enemy.

"Kaicho, what should we do now?" Kiba asked.

"We need to investigate this…who is behind this." Rias said.

"It is also possible that this was caused by another stray devil." Akeno said.

"It is possible… However that is very unlikely, usually the stray devils will cooperate with each other. Or they won't fight each other to the death like this." Rias said, she then used her powers to clean up the scene. It would be troublesome if humans discovered everything the next morning.

The group then summons a teleport magic circle to teleport back to their mansion.


"Does the Devil really exist? ." Ranko said in surprise when he heard about what Sasae said. He had just told her about the Devil's existence and that the people he had killed were the stray Devils, which was a huge shock to Ranko. However, she found these new things very interesting.

"Not only Devils, many other races also exist. Examples are angels and fallen angels."

"Aren't those creatures mentioned in the bible?"

"Yes, that means gods also exist. For example, the gods of Japanese mythology." Sasa explained.

"So is your guarding against Rias and the others related to this?" Ranko asked.

"Yes, they are high class Devil and this town seems to be their territory. I'm wary of them because I don't know if they have bad intentions towards us or not. As long as they don't bother me, I'll just ignore them."

"So what race are you? Those tentacles can't possibly be human."

"Ah… They are called Sacred Gears. My Sacred Gear's name is Kagune." Then he looked down at the back of his right hand and said." Oi Kraken, appeared to meet my sister."


"Oi Kraken…"

" … "

" Fuck this lazy octopus. I will eat Takoyaki tomorrow. And I won't show you pictures of female octopuses anymore."

"What's so noisy Kido, it's my bedtime." Kraken complained. At the same time, from the back of Sasae's hand appeared an octopus tattoo and an eye that looked extremely monstrous.

"Nee-san, this is Kraken, the soul in my Sacred Gear. Even though this octopus is a weirdo and no friends, it's still my partner." Sasae said.

"You don't have any friends." Kraken objected.


"Bastard, I'm going to eat a lot of Takoyaki tomorrow." Sasae said angrily.

"No, I was just joking." Kraken said in a panicked voice.

Sasae and Kraken then began to explain to Ranko about the existence of the Sacred Gear. When Ranko heard about this, she immediately looked at Sasae with sparkling eyes. To her, great things are really cool. She did not expect her brother to possess a weapon created by a god. With the mindset of a brocon like Ranko, Sasae was always the best, and now that awesomeness is multiplied tenfold.

After explaining everything, Kraken said goodbye to Ranko and went back to his sleep.

"That's amazing, Sasae-kun. Who would believe that you own a weapon made by a god. " Ranko shouted excitedly that Sasae immediately covered her mouth with he hand.

"Nee-san, keep your voice low."

"Um, sorry." Ranko pouted.

"Aren't you scared Nee-san?." Sasae said, normally, other people would be afraid of these new things. However, Ranko was different, she immediately replied.

" Scared ? Why should I be afraid? I feel like my little brother is cool."

"Oh my gosh, I really want to push you down right now." Sasae said humorously. Then he continued to speak.

"However, you should also be careful Nee-san."

"Huh, why?"

" You also have a Sacred Gear sleeping deep inside of you." Sasa said.

"Huh… Really?." Ranko said, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad when she heard this. She understood that this meant that she would be entangled in a lot of trouble and battles later on. Although she used to be a member of a gang, the wars she experienced were completely different . The wars in the supernatural world are on a very different level.

"Even Nari is like that."

"Even Nari possesses such a weapon?." This time, Ranko really panicked, her whole family got involved in trouble. Except for her mother at least… At least that's what Ranko is thinking right now.

"Nee-san, are you scared?." Sasae asked.

Ranko was silent for a moment before she revealed a wide grin.

"If I'm in danger then surely Sasae-kun will protect me right?"

Sasae didn't reply quickly, he just leaned down and kissed Ranko's forehead making her blush.

"Of course, I will protect Nee-san and the others. Let's go home now, Nee-san." Then the two continued to walk home.

"What should we do with the Devils at school? Are you going to reveal yourself to them?"

"No… At least until I know about their nature. However, even if I reveal myself, I'll stay neutral with them… Also, if they want to talk to you privately, I'll have to come with you. They might try to use charms to seduce you."

Ranko nodded after hearing Sasae's instructions. Then she asked.

"Hey, from tomorrow Sasae-kun will train Nee-san okay? I want to awaken my Sacred Gear."

"Okay, from tomorrow I will train you."

"Then what about Nari? Should we tell her? "

" I think yes , but for later . Nari is a smart girl. I think she can totally handle anything."