
DxD: King of Dragons 2.0

This is a continuation everybody I'm new at WN. So I put the other half of this story in complete. And now, I can't post chapters on it

Khay_Cee_Padua · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 72: Beginning of Peace

Mordred was currently travelling with his whole group. Except Valerie, Erina, and Raikou of course. They were headed to Asgard and they quickly landed on the spot where the bifrost will take them to Asgard.

"Welcome my boy, it is good to see you." Odin gave Mordred a fatherly hug and he nodded at Ise who also gave him a meaningful nod.

"Odin… Don't have any funny ideas." Tiamat growled and the chief god immediately raised his arms.

"No funny business here." He laughed and Mordred put a hand on her shoulder. "Mom, don't worry, we're here for the meeting." Mordred assured her and she let it go, for now.

"Mordred-sama, please follow me." Brynhildr bowed at him and there was a valkyrie in training that was right beside her. She had bright, blue eyes and long, silver hair.

"Hello, Mordred-sama. I am Rossweisse, I am training under my senior Valkyrie, miss Brynhildr." Rossweisse got nervous, meeting Odin's personal student.

She thought that he would be rambunctious and rude like the Einherjar or the other gods of Asgard.

"Hello Rossweisse, you will learn a lot from Brynhildr. And you have a beautiful name." Mordred nodded at her and they continued walking to the venue.

Rossweisse was shocked and Odin grinned when he saw his student in action, it almost made him tear up.

'Kukuku! It seems that little Rossweisse will start thinking of Mordred. And he wasn't too forceful with his compliments as well! I have raised a budding master!' Odin was pleased.

After travelling to the venue of the meeting, Mordred was a bit surprised that he saw Gabriel there already waiting.

"Gabriel, it is nice to see you." Mordred smiled at her and the most beautiful woman of heaven was a good sight to see.

"Mordred, call me Gabby. We're friends right? You'll definitely be impartial as this meeting's arbiter." Gabriel smiled at him and Tiamat raised a brow.

'When did Mordred start talking with angels? Gabriel no less.' Tiamat thought that something was fishy, but she would investigate later. His acquaintances were incredibly skewed.

After their meeting with heaven that earned him his swords, she didn't see him talk to any member of heaven except Griselda. And that was a stretch, as Griselda is a part of the church, not heaven.

The only people that he introduced to her that were male was Sairaorg, Dulio, and the Sigurd institute boys.

"Alright Gabby, if you want. Call me Mo-kun." Mordred shrugged and Gabriel hugged him. Squishing her massive breasts on his face.

"Umu, Yahweh is a great creator indeed." He thought that her squishy chest that was like softer marshmallows were definitely nice.

"My baby is definitely a lost cause by now. I should have taught him better." Tiamat rued the day that she decided to only focus on his training in order to dominate the evil dragons faster.

After chatting for a while with Gabriel, Michael also arrived. "Hello, Mordred-kun. It's nice to see that you are doing well." He gave his sister a thumbs up inside of his mind as they seem to be getting along.

"Michael." Mordred nodded at him, he wasn't interested in Michael much.

Michael smiled wryly. 'At least Gabriel is closer to him.' Michael didn't really know his eccentricities.

"Asgard huh? A good place to have a nice chat at least." Azazel arrived as well and he eyed Gabriel.

Michael went in front of his line of sight and smiled at him. "Azazel, how long has it been?" Michael gave him a sweet smile.

"Michael, as protective as ever towards Gabriel. She would continue to be an airhead at that rate." Azazel sighed and he saw Mordred who was getting cozy with Gabriel.

'Damn… He doesn't know, does he?' Azazel prayed for Michael's mind when the day comes that Mordred enters puberty.

Male dragons get really violent and their strength even increases once they enter heat. Azazel doesn't even want to be in the same country as Mordred when he reaches sexual maturity.

'Kekeke~ this kid will unleash the beast when that time comes…' Azazel got amused as he thought of his kin and friends that would have a surprise.

"The only one missing is Serafall and Sirzechs." Odin nodded at them and they started to gather at the table where they'll be having peace talks.

Mordred was at the center of the table and Tiamat was behind him. Azazel and the Satans quickly accepted heaven's demand that Mordred would be the arbiter.

They've had reports that he negotiated with Amaterasu. And as a pupil of Odin, they thought that Mordred has been taught how to be a good politician at least.

"Sorry we're a bit late. As you know, Lucifaad and Lilith has been attacked. We've been busy~" Serafall appeared with Sirzechs and they started the meeting.

"We will now be entering peace talks between the deus trinity. Teacher Odin has also given me the responsibility of keeping this meeting cordial." Mordred announced and they started.

"Grigori might not know this, but the underworld and heaven has been talking for the past few months about an alliance." Michael revealed and Azazel was a bit surprised.

"Hoh? Heaven and the underworld huh?" Azazel didn't expect that. The devils and angels are the quintessential evil vs good.

"Yes, we have been trying to make concrete plans about having an alliance." Serafall nodded, though she didn't look at Mordred who made that much easier.

"Then won't Grigori be in a disadvantage about this alliance?" Azazel raised a brow, he got serious after he learned of their secret talks.

"That would not be a problem, the underworld and heaven's talks will have to be revised. Everything will start at square one, but what is a little time for peace?" Mordred assured Azazel.

"I see, then it would be a pleasure to start negotiations with heaven and the devils." Azazel shrugged, he had no problems if that was the case.

Azazel is an inventor at heart. And he doesn't really want another great war to break out. Especially not when it would look like he was the one who started it.

"Thank you brother, now let us commence with the specifics of it." Michael smiled at Azazel and they began the discussions about the treaty.

Mordred was quite surprised that they were quite amiable with each other. 'It seems that they really want this to succeed.' Mordred is pleased with them. There were pretty much no nonsensical arguments that old coots like.

"Hmmm?" Odin looked outside and everybody looked towards him. "Hah, an attack huh?" Mordred felt the runes of Asgard come under attack.

"Didn't you just take care of thousands of members of Nilrem? Do they really have this many among their ranks?" Odin raised a brow.

"I did, but it seems that these clowns are quite persistent." Mordred stood up and he looked at the leaders of the three biblical factions.

"Well, I guess I'll increase my workload just this once. Continue talking." Mordred took out his swords and he exited the bifrost.

"No way we'll just continue after that." Azazel snorted and he wants to see just how strong he was.

"Indeed, I am curious about young Mordred's strength." Michael agreed with his brother and the most interested one was Sirzechs and Serafall.

'Hmmm, how strong is he really?' Serafall licked her lips, thinking if she was right in her schemes.

'Rias has learned a lot from him, I wonder how strong is the master?' Sirzechs was intrigued and he wanted to see him using his swords in action.

"Damn, these guys will be minced meat. Master is annoyed as hell." Mo-chan noticed Mordred's mental state and he was in a good mood earlier. Until the attackers showed up and ruined the atmosphere.

"Mo-kun might look calm most of the time, but he has a nasty temper." Lavinia chuckled and they all nodded.

"Him? A nasty temper?" Serafall couldn't quite see that and he was really sweet. If you look past his face that doesn't change expression often that is.

"Mordred-nii doesn't get riled up much unless we are involved or something. But when he gets irate, he would surely get going nya." Shirone shared and they watched intently.

Mordred found himself in front of thousands of mages that were floating in the sky once again. With their symbol of a golden eye that indicated they were from Nilrem.

"Tch, filthy devils are behind this huh?" Mordred clicked his tongue and he was about to unleash his will against them.

But hundreds of humanoid monsters appeared. Both wielding light blades and swords made out of darkness.

Mordred raised a brow and he checked them out, they were pure constructs of magic. "Annihilation Maker?"

'It seems that there are Longinus in Khaos brigade as well. And they've prepared to use weapons against devils and angels.' Mordred snorted.

"There must be another reason why you're here? I don't know, but I will find out soon enough." One of Mordred's swords started glowing.

The enemy troops started to run at him in a straight line and he squinted his eyes. "Galatine." He raised it upwards and a beam of light fell onto him.

Clouds parted and the sun shone brightly in the sky as Galatine glowed brighter. "T-that's pretty much lethal against devils…" Sirzechs thought that armies of devils would turn to ash against Galatine's full powers.

"Now, burn like the garbage that you are." Mordred swung Galatine and it appeared to be a slow slash to the observers.

"What did he d-." Before Serafall could finish her question, a red semi-circle appeared in front of Mordred and it started to inflate.

The air went still and a pulse of heat was emitted with Mordred as the epicenter. Massive magic shields appeared right in front of the enemies.

Pure heat crashed right onto it as everything in the surroundings started to burn in holy fire. Everything that could ignite were already burning.

Forests burned into cinders and snow caps from the mountains melted. Resulting in catastrophic flash floods and landslides.

"Fuck me." Sirzechs imagined a division of devils being struck by that attack. "Mo-kun is quite ruthless huh?" Serafall commented as he released a wave of destruction with extreme prejudice.

The golems of Annihilation Maker who were in the vanguard started to melt. Their reactions were a bit late, but they quickly shielded themselves with magic.

It was an AOE attack that isn't really for strong foes, so they managed to block it with their combined shields and mana.

"Impressive, would you like me to use my mana as well?" Mordred revealed as he didn't really give mana to Galatine. He just used the sword's powers over the sun and fire.

Sirzechs looked like he bit a lemon. 'Damn, so that's what Galatine could do with a wielder that can bring out its full potential? Outrageous.'

'Ooh, that was hot. Figuratively and literally.' Serafall fidgeted around, looking at his silhouette. Wearing a blue cape that was flowing in the wind.

"That's our Mordred nya, he sure does know how to demotivate enemies." Kuroka nodded in pride.

"Well, that was a relatively weak attack coming from him. I guess he'll show them the stronger versions." Ise shrugged.

"Gawain would die in peace if he saw how master uses his sword." Mo-chan was jealous that Mordred was using his sword like that.

Clarent was with him, but it was of course different. And seeing her fellow knight's sword being used at its ultimate potential made her a bit envious.

"The light that illuminates the world brought life. Praise the sun!" Mordred supercharged Galatine until it started shaking and he swung it horizontally.

Flames erupted from his sword. A tsunami of golden fire travelled on the ground. Melting everything in its wake.

Annihilation Maker's soldiers were the first ones to be hit. The blazing flames from the sun knight's sword burned them.

Nilrem's mages casted water magic and a torrent of water appeared. The sea of flames and water crashed right at each other. A steam explosion exploding, rocking the whole mountain range around them.

Mordred raised a brow at their quick thinking. "It seems that you aren't as useless as Katarea's platoon." He saw the flames spread outward from the steam explosion. Saving them from a fiery end.

Gray mist then started to encroach the area, disguising itself at the cover of the steam. But Mordred saw through the magical mist immediately.

"Even Dimension Lost?" Mordred squinted his eyes and dozens of ultimate class devils appeared.

"He can't use that often, something as large as that is a finishing move." The leader of the devils sneered, confident that they could stop his other swords with their combined might.

A thousand high class devils also appeared, prepared for the ensuing battle against Asgard.

They would keep the Einherjar busy which doesn't have many high class combatants in the first place.

And the ultimate class devils would suppress the gods of Asgard. Nilrem will give them support, it was a well thought out plan.

Especially with Annihilation Maker and Dimension lost that will help them in separating the heavy hitters.

"Hmph, you are quite invested against this meeting?" Mordred smirked, it was a sizeable force indeed.

So he willed his mana hearts to life. The mountain range trembled at his mana and he used Magia Erebia to charge his limbs with spells.

His left arm crackled with lightning. His right was lit aflame by terrible fire that began melting the ground beneath him.

Wind raged on his left leg and frost started forming on his right. He looked like an elemental that was wielding multiple swords.

"What is that magic? Is he trying to replicate Zenith Tempest?" Azazel was intrigued and Dulio chuckled.

"Not quite, it lacks destructive force. But it is similar to a storm, watch." Dulio gestured for them to keep their eyes peeled and Mordred pointed his palms towards them.

A violent thunderclap cut through the air and chain lightning hit the high class devils in droves. It wasn't finished though, as a barrage of fireballs rained on them.

The fireballs exploded like bombs and craters were left on the ground aplenty. The high class devils from the attack force didn't even stand a chance.

"Foolishness, dragons are the apex beings of magic." Mordred ran at them while they were still sent reeling from his initial attack.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.